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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I wouldn't call it fake. Surreal, yes. Like reality TV taking over the government. But as far as I'm concerned I actually believes he wants the things he talks about. It's just that it's going to be the trump execution way.


Call it weird, but I don't see it any weirder than those Obama videos talking directly to the audience. Basically the same thing, except for the orange head. I don't see whats the big deal, tbh.

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I wouldn't call it fake. Surreal, yes. Like reality TV taking over the government. But as far as I'm concerned I actually believes he wants the things he talks about. It's just that it's going to be the trump execution way.


Call it weird, but I don't see it any weirder than those Obama videos talking directly to the audience. Basically the same thing, except for the orange head. I don't see whats the big deal, tbh.



i guess because trump hasn't had an actual press conference yet but many many tweets about stupid shit and these couple of youtube releases. and the parading of people in and out of that country club in new jersey like they're contestants on a reality show which is not something other presidents have done. so, it's different.. different style for sure. he's doing shit his way and keeping a tight control on the media access. there's no spokesperson yet so that's part of it i guess. 


i'm glad there's not a 'worst financial crisis in history' scenario like obama had when he took office.. can't imagine trump stepping into that. 

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Anyone recognise this studio? Why does Alex Jones have an 808, 303, 909 and other vintage Roland gear?



Fellow 'journalist' Paul Joseph Watson is a synth enthusiast.


'The Alex Jones Channel' once commented on a TB-303 demo on YouTube, and probably because PJW had forgotten to switch to his personal account.

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Anyone recognise this studio? Why does Alex Jones have an 808, 303, 909 and other vintage Roland gear?



Fellow 'journalist' Paul Joseph Watson is a synth enthusiast.


'The Alex Jones Channel' once commented on a TB-303 demo on YouTube, and probably because PJW had forgotten to switch to his personal account.



Now I want to hear his tracks, I just thought it was hilarious Alex Jones going into this studio to program some beats and 303 bass lines after work.

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It might be AJ himself who's into it

But my impression (and others' I've heard) is that it's PJW


My sources also say that dank-ass squidj is the kryptonite of the New World Order

And also it frees the fish people from their tanks

and makes 'em dress up like 90's ravers with pacifiers and take MDMA

(Still waiting for independent corroboration, though)

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Now I want to hear his tracks, I just thought it was hilarious Alex Jones going into this studio to program some beats and 303 bass lines after work.


i'm still crossing my fingers this is the case

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^ yeah I saw someone quote something to that effect on FB the other day

He may not destroy the country outright, but I don't foresee his impact to be anything but destructive either. Though he may not even keep half of his promises to the alt-Reich. Who the hell knows at this point

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^ yeah I saw someone quote something to that effect on FB the other day


He may not destroy the country outright, but I don't foresee his impact to be anything but destructive either. Though he may not even keep half of his promises to the alt-Reich. Who the hell knows at this point



all the people he's appointing are terrible. all of them will be working hard to push the privatization of education, further sapping power from EPA, chipping away at social security and medicare in attempts to privatize it or just get rid of it for future generations. 


reasonable people will have to band together to fight off the attacks. 

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You mean all those programs that permanently unemployed/under-employed rust belters are going to need more than anyone in the next decades? Oh my.

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You mean all those programs that permanently unemployed/under-employed rust belters are going to need more than anyone in the next decades? Oh my.



yep.. and i think one of the first things trump is going to do is change the rule on overtime that obama made.  so all those people making $47k or less will get stiffed. i read about it in a few places but i forget all the details. 

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