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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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As SEALs Fought For Their Lives, Trump’s Account Sent And Deleted A TV Tweet


The president was not in the Situation Room that evening. But his Twitter account, at least, was active.


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The media has been catching up to a lot of what he's been saying. Same thing with Louise Mensch as much as I disagree with her on some things.

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The media has been catching up to a lot of what he's been saying. Same thing with Louise Mensch as much as I disagree with her on some things.

On some things? Tell us what subjects you agree with louise mensch on so we can all laugh you off watmm forever

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The media has been catching up to a lot of what he's been saying. Same thing with Louise Mensch as much as I disagree with her on some things.

On some things? Tell us what subjects you agree with louise mensch on so we can all laugh you off watmm forever

She loves Brexit, which is weird. But she's been digging into the Russian connection pretty hard and it ends up checking out.

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Just another thing you do when you have nothing to hide, right? Screw answering questions about ignoring DHS data that contradicts their stupid travel ban. Having to talk about obstructing the FBI investigation into their Russian ties probably wouldn't be too fun either. So just ban those meddling kids.


Keep those leaks coming. 

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I feel there's a bit of hypocrisy in the press. Read this quote from that piece in the Guardian, for instance:

While prior administrations have occasionally held background briefings with smaller groups of reporters, it is highly unusual for the White House to cherry-pick which media outlets can participate in what would have otherwise been the press secretary’s televised daily briefing.

Apparently it is OK to have background meetings with smaller groups of reporters. Not sure who decides who's attended those acceptable meetings, but this one is not OK? Should reporters from the NYT have more rights than reporters from other outlets? There's cherry picking either way, i'd argue.

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More rights than Breitbart? For sure.

That's basically doing the same, but in an opposite direction. Cherry picking the other way.


I'm no breitbart fan (have not read a single piece of them, to be honest), but the reporting on huffpo is pisspoor currently. So I can completely understand why the administration would make this choice.


But this is not the issue. The issue is who decides which choice is good or bad. Because, as the quote from the Guardian shows, it is not unusual to have smaller sessions with only a selection of the press. So why is this actually different? Didnt Obama show Fox the exit in the past? Was that different?

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I think it's the rhetoric surrounding it that is more worrying. Declaring the press the enemy of the American people just seems like the first step in a pretty bad direction.



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I think it's the rhetoric surrounding it that is more worrying. Declaring the press the enemy of the American people just seems like the first step in a pretty bad direction.



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We're already quite a few steps past the first.

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I think america will emerge from this presidency a completely changed country, I think it has the potential to go either way at this stage.


I think i've said it before but I wish the old colbert report was around to at least make some of it funny

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I think america will emerge from this presidency a completely changed country, I think it has the potential to go either way at this stage.


I think i've said it before but I wish the old colbert report was around to at least make some of it funny

We have SNL still. Honestly Melissa McCarthy's take on Spicer made me laugh harder than I ever have since Tina Fey left the show around 2009.


There is plenty of rancor brewing at the grassroots level though, and I don't think it's just among leftists. We've already seen it at GOP town hall meetings. One lady screamed at Mitch McConnell at one of these meetings recently in Kentucky over the administration's attempt to sabotage health care. (that and most institutions necessary to sustain the overall health and well-being of a nation)

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More rights than Breitbart? For sure.

That's basically doing the same, but in an opposite direction. Cherry picking the other way.


I'm no breitbart fan (have not read a single piece of them, to be honest), but the reporting on huffpo is pisspoor currently. So I can completely understand why the administration would make this choice.


Huffington post was co-founded by andrew breitbart. They are two sides of the same coin.

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More rights than Breitbart? For sure.

That's basically doing the same, but in an opposite direction. Cherry picking the other way.


I'm no breitbart fan (have not read a single piece of them, to be honest), but the reporting on huffpo is pisspoor currently. So I can completely understand why the administration would make this choice.

Huffington post was co-founded by andrew breitbart. They are two sides of the same coin.
whoah :wtf: did not know this. what's the story with this? is andrew breitbart like a reverse arianna huffington in terms of how their political beliefs changed?

Yeah, Breibart was a fairly liberal guy (according to George Packer's profile of him) till he discovered Rush Limbaugh and Drudge and got out th' matrix.


“I marveled at how [Rush] could take a breaking news story and offer an entertaining and clear analysis that was like nothing I had ever seen on television.” The hidden structure of things was becoming clear. That same year, a friend from high school who was worried that Breitbart was adrift paid a visit to his apartment and told him, “I’ve seen your future and it’s the Internet.”


'He’d been living behind enemy lines ever since birth: the liberal fascism of the Hollywood elite, the left-wing bias of the mainstream media, the Nazi-fleeing German philosophers of his Tulane syllabi who had settled in L.A. and taken over higher education in order to destroy the coolest lifestyle in history and impose their Kurt Cobain–like depressive nihilistic Marxism. The left knew what the right ignored: New York, Hollywood, and college campuses mattered more than Washington. The political war was all about culture. A barely employed, autodidactic Gen-X convert with an ADD diagnosis and an Internet addiction was uniquely well armed to fight it. For the next eight years Breitbart worked with Arianna and Drudge.'

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The failing Democratic Party is about to hold a vote for DNC chair and EPA Man Scott Pruitt is moments away from issuing his planetary death sentence. Exciting times. 

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