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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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and also, fuck this thread. this thread is a real collection of pathetic bullshit. everyday the same couple of people keeping their continual edge-wank up by posting links to the next big incriminating thing that is totally going to fuck up trump blah blah blah and retarded drumpf shit, and what really gets me is that half of the people in this thread are comfortably posting from europe, or worse, australia, which has decided to consider itself the 51st state without anyone knowing, apparently. i get that all you guys really want to do is eat up the slop like the little piggies you are, but posting the most ineffectual crap for 3 straight years? this shit is lame

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the next big incriminating thing that is totally going to fuck up trump blah blah blah and retarded drumpf shit ... i get that all you guys really want to do is eat up the slop like the little piggies you are

You most certainly have a point... but haven't 90% of discussions on WATMM always been some variety of slop-lapping? And the average outside WATMM is even worse.


But yeah... that story last week w/ the Indigenous Peoples March bugged me.

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the real joke of the_donald is small cohort of genuine Americans in there amongst all the Russians and other non-American agitators. like, the people who are dumb enough to actually believe all that shit.


it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion

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the real joke of the_donald is small cohort of genuine Americans in there amongst all the Russians and other non-American agitators. like, the people who are dumb enough to actually believe all that shit.


it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion




yep.  cyberpunk gothwave ghostwave urban warrior ninja hacker times.  it'll be curious when/if all this evolves or diffuses or people become aware of it or not. i doubt the impetus is there to educate people about the way it works because all sides want to more or less do the same kind of manipulation. 


i watched a ted talk of this sort of futurist tehcnology guru shaman type of dude (my characterization) who is a well respected as one of these early pioneers of our information world and silicon valley blah blah.. and his closing statement was something like "2 people who want to connect on the internet shouldn't be mediated by a 3rd super rich person who wants to manipulate them". 


here it is.. it's kind of fabulously weird in that silicon valley way but through his techno hippie world view he actually seems passionate about this and makes a good point or two. fucken silicon valley though.. wtf. 


"We cannot have a society in which, if two people wish to communicate, the only way that can happen is if it's financed by a third person who wishes to manipulate them."




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the real joke of the_donald is small cohort of genuine Americans in there amongst all the Russians and other non-American agitators. like, the people who are dumb enough to actually believe all that shit.


it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion




yep.  cyberpunk gothwave ghostwave urban warrior ninja hacker times.  it'll be curious when/if all this evolves or diffuses or people become aware of it or not. i doubt the impetus is there to educate people about the way it works because all sides want to more or less do the same kind of manipulation. 



information vetting is a really difficult skill. epistemology itself is an unsolved problem. we can and will improve, though. it's become a theater of war.

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only red-blooded Americans can talk about the state of America, in spite of the effects of its actions on the rest of the world. got it.

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"We cannot have a society in which, if two people wish to communicate, the only way that can happen is if it's financed by a third person who wishes to manipulate them."




Thx for posting. Interesting talk and I think he makes a couple of good points. Although I have to admit I don't think I agree with his solution being the solution. Meaning that a different business model, like subscription fees, would counter the so-called behavior modification issues he refers to. The reason is 4chan. That 4chan model shows, I believe, that it's not just the business model providing the negative feedback loops. It's also part of human nature. Without Facebook and Google, I believe we'd still have these same issues. Perhaps in a different magnitude. But if 4chan was just as popular as Facebook, but without the advertisement business model, you'd still have these negative feedback loops, imo. Google and Facebook use our social addiction to generate more clicks. But thinking away that click-generating money model, doesn't alleviate us from our human nature.


Jaron also basically admits being an idealist in that he believes in this beautiful perfect world where everyone is connected without the behavior modification issues. But I'm fairly sceptical about his idealism. And would go further and argue that this negative feedback loop is an inherent issue of a global social network. Regardless of any 'business model'. As he mentions himself that negative information works faster than positive. Trust is easy to lose and difficult to build. So it only takes one troll in the entire social network to create a potentially global impact. Like a butterfly-effect.


A different business model won't solve this. That's human nature. And it doesnt take much reflection that I'm just as much part of the problem. I recognize the addictive nature of being hooked up to this network. And I do have some recognition of this Macchivellian asshole that is part of me. That's in all of us. In various degrees. ;) And you can't solve that by going from a click-based businees model to a subscription based model. It could be an improvement though. In the sense that walls are created which can control these negative feedback loops. But you lose a sense of complete freedom as well, imo. Because I tend to see these subscription models as walled gardens with some inherent control functions to moderate what happens in there.


So yeah, I don't have a solution or anything. It's just that I believe that blaming or changing the business model of the internet is like blaming or changing the business model of farms for cows farting CO2. I'm all for happy cows and making meat more expensive. And it might be helpful even. But I don't expect a huge impact from a different business model. Cows fart. If we'd stop eating cows there would be less of them. And similarly, if we'd stop our social addiction, there'd be less impact of this global network (or behavior modification). Being a digital vegetarian might help. But given the number of people I see on a daily basis almost continuously staring at their phones, we might have a long way to go.


Sorry for the rant and all. Please don't be triggered. Plus some other disclaimers...

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the real joke of the_donald is small cohort of genuine Americans in there amongst all the Russians and other non-American agitators. like, the people who are dumb enough to actually believe all that shit.


it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion




yep.  cyberpunk gothwave ghostwave urban warrior ninja hacker times.  it'll be curious when/if all this evolves or diffuses or people become aware of it or not. i doubt the impetus is there to educate people about the way it works because all sides want to more or less do the same kind of manipulation. 


i watched a ted talk of this sort of futurist tehcnology guru shaman type of dude (my characterization) who is a well respected as one of these early pioneers of our information world and silicon valley blah blah.. and his closing statement was something like "2 people who want to connect on the internet shouldn't be mediated by a 3rd super rich person who wants to manipulate them". 


here it is.. it's kind of fabulously weird in that silicon valley way but through his techno hippie world view he actually seems passionate about this and makes a good point or two. fucken silicon valley though.. wtf. 


"We cannot have a society in which, if two people wish to communicate, the only way that can happen is if it's financed by a third person who wishes to manipulate them."






That was a really good video.  What's very unfortunate is that for software engineers one of the easiest ways to get high paying jobs is to work for these behavioral modification companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook).  Google wants you to click more ads so they get fees, Amazon wants you to buy more stuff so they get fees, Facebook wants you to click more ads so they get more fees.


And these are among the highest paying software companies that are attainable for the average person who isn't capable of risking it all on some startup or making it into elite trading firms or something.  Most of the other similarly paying companies in software are just doing other forms of behavioral modification too or creepy personal data analysis for other reasons.  There are no good reasons to do it except maybe medical ones.  Anyone have any suggestions on where to work that isn't making all of its money through AI-assisted behavioral modification?


To take the guy's metaphor from this video further, we are creating a Skinner box for the majority of the population and handing over the levers and reward selectors to an AI created initially by data scientists that now somewhat runs itself and is autonomously redundant and self-healing.  I'm speaking literally here, it's kind of creepy.

Edited by Zeffolia
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the real joke of the_donald is small cohort of genuine Americans in there amongst all the Russians and other non-American agitators. like, the people who are dumb enough to actually believe all that shit.


it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion




yep.  cyberpunk gothwave ghostwave urban warrior ninja hacker times.  it'll be curious when/if all this evolves or diffuses or people become aware of it or not. i doubt the impetus is there to educate people about the way it works because all sides want to more or less do the same kind of manipulation. 


i watched a ted talk of this sort of futurist tehcnology guru shaman type of dude (my characterization) who is a well respected as one of these early pioneers of our information world and silicon valley blah blah.. and his closing statement was something like "2 people who want to connect on the internet shouldn't be mediated by a 3rd super rich person who wants to manipulate them". 


here it is.. it's kind of fabulously weird in that silicon valley way but through his techno hippie world view he actually seems passionate about this and makes a good point or two. fucken silicon valley though.. wtf. 


"We cannot have a society in which, if two people wish to communicate, the only way that can happen is if it's financed by a third person who wishes to manipulate them."






That was a really good video.  What's very unfortunate is that for software engineers one of the easiest ways to get high paying jobs is to work for these behavioral modification companies (Google, Amazon, Facebook).  Google wants you to click more ads so they get fees, Amazon wants you to buy more stuff so they get fees, Facebook wants you to click more ads so they get more fees.


Anyone have any suggestions on where to work that isn't making all of its money through AI-assisted behavioral modification?






PornHub. ?


i have a friend who works for an internet security firm that processes payments and stuff. the biggest part of their business is the adult industry. 


it's all a bit like that monologue in Good Will Hunting, isn't it.



finding an "ethical job" is challenging for a lot of people i think.. and a lot of people probably only think about it on some level.  But, there's probably less "fun" code/computer/datavault type work everywhere... it just depends on how bored you're willing to be. there's trade offs. I have a friend who's worked for a few different big companies.. HP, IBM, Intel etc.. doing various things. currently he makes 6 figures and mostly telecommutes. i don't even know what his job is but i think it's help desk/datavault stuff for IBM or something. he gets lot's of vacation days and can work from anywhere. a couple years ago he went on a road trip all over the US and just planned to be in places that had fast internet. he would wake up at whatever time he had to log in to work.. do his job for 8 hours then go see stuff. he did this for about month w/o taking any time off work. stayed we for a week. just set him up on the kitchen table.  pretty good gig for him i think. 


anyway.. i don't have an answer. i think people just find the job they can live with.  i imagine working for any of these places is a strange experience for someone who's had a typical 9-5 corporate gig. it may be worth it to check out what it's like and see how it all works. maybe the culture isn't so bad maybe it's terrible and you find out what you don't want to do with your time and skills. 


or move to russia and be a hacker.  i can only guess the USA has it's own cyber people tracking and hacking and stuff. that doc about the virus that blew up the iranian centrifuges is really interesting if you've not seen it i reccomend it. 


stuxnet.. Zero Days


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the real joke of the_donald is small cohort of genuine Americans in there amongst all the Russians and other non-American agitators. like, the people who are dumb enough to actually believe all that shit.


it really is an amazing part of our time that young americans are obliviously hanging out in disinfo dens where posters are paid by authoritarian regimes to assault democracy by way of the weakness that is public opinion






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Came here for a crappy copypasta from my twitter feed. And forget what it was about. Probably not interesting whatsoever. So please ignore.


O yeah. Roger stone saying stupid stuff over at Fox. How did he know whats in those written statements...

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Is Peet's coffee bad? I don't have complaints about the bucks coffee. I used to work at Peet's and all the management is gay. You had to be gay to be promoted in the company. I don't know how it is now. This was when it was still west coast chain. I do like Peet's coffee. Id love a great 7 dollar a bag whole bean shout out on a good coffee.

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Is Peet's coffee bad? I don't have complaints about the bucks coffee. I used to work at Peet's and all the management is gay. You had to be gay to be promoted in the company. I don't know how it is now. This was when it was still west coast chain. I do like Peet's coffee. Id love a great 7 dollar a bag whole bean shout out on a good coffee.



i find starbuck's to be burnt as fuck. over roasted bitter and acidic and unenjoyable. from the drip coffee to their espresso.. it's shit. they burn the fuck out of their beans.  they're black icead tea is pretty good though. 


there's way better coffee but i live in a part of the world that is spoiled for such things.  still.. i will only drink starbuck's if i'm in an airport or in the midst of a terrible caffeine withdrawal headache or something. 


pete's is fine. i thought seattle's best and pete's were the same/merged but i haven't kept up on these things.. 

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