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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Yovanovitsjss' testimony was pretty heartbreaking. The way she's been harassed out of her job is completely fucked. And as far as I'm concerned yet another reason to impeach that orange fruitcake. And Pompeo, btw.

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she was interesting to watch. trump really has been engaging in witness intimidation tactics all along. he made suggestions of investigations into cohen's father in law, not long after cohen flipped on trump. trump said the whistleblower is like a traitor or spy and should be dealt with accordingly, even though they followed whistleblower procedure. it looks like doj may be getting used for political prosecutions. in the investigation of mccabe, a grand jury mysteriously failed to return an indictment, which suggests prosecutors pushing an unusually weak case. in the world yovanovich is used to, corruption reigns and public servants are in danger. trump helped the saudis cover up the kashoggi killing. trump praises brutal authoritarians who kill opponents. jovanovich was hosting an event in honor of a ukrainian anti-corruption activist who was killed with acid when she received a call that she may need to leave her post in ukraine. standing in front of the house committee she looked like she was standing in front of a firing squad.


aside from the spectacle of witness intimidation that schiff highlighted, another of the big take-aways from the yavanovich hearing is what krishnamoorthi outlines in his cross examination, below. yovanovich was recalled from ukraine so there could be an interim with no ambassador in which trump sent in the three amigos - perry, sondland, and volker - to zelensky's inauguration. perry talked up his friend Michael Bleyzer to zelensky, and then Michael Bleyzer received a 50 year oil contract, that month. note that this is SEPARATE from the corrupt oil deals lev parnas and igor fruman were pursuing in ukraine during the same timeframe. combining those with the 2 investigations trump was leveraging aid in exchange for public announcements on, it was time to get the stalwart, upright, established diplomat out of there and the trump team decided to slander her for good measure.



thursday, fiona hill ought to be good. national security council senior director for eurasia and russia. she apparently went into combat with gop in her private deposition, calling out the harm being done by their bogus narratives. 

Edited by very honest
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the second week of public ukraine hearings:



Tuesday, Nov. 19

In the morning, Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert for the National Security Council, and Jennifer Williams, an aide to Vice President Mike Pence.
In the afternoon, Kurt D. Volker, the former United States special envoy to Ukraine, and Timothy Morrison, a Europe and Russia expert for the National Security Council.

Colonel Vindman and Mr. Morrison both listened in real time to a July phone call between Mr. Trump and Ukraine’s president that is at the center of the impeachment inquiry. During the call, Mr. Trump pressed his counterpart for investigations into his political rivals.

Wednesday, Nov. 20

In the morning, Gordon D. Sondland, the United States ambassador to the European Union.
In the afternoon, Laura K. Cooper, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian affairs, and David Hale, the under secretary of state for political affairs.

Mr. Sondland will most likely be the day’s most consequential witness. He had direct contact with Mr. Trump, and has already informed the committee that he told a top Ukrainian official that the country would probably have to give Mr. Trump a public pledge for investigations before it would receive frozen military aid. But he will be pressed to confirm another episode he is said to be involved in.

Thursday, Nov. 21

Fiona Hill, the National Security Council’s former senior director for Europe and Russia, testifies alongside David Holmes, official at US Embassy in Ukraine.

As the schedule stands, Ms. Hill will be the Democrats’ final public witness. From her perch inside the White House, she had a front-row seat to what she viewed as a “nightmare” situation in which private interests were put above the nation’s. She will also provide testimony that John R. Bolton, the president’s former national security adviser and her boss, was deeply alarmed, as well.

David Holmes overheard Sondland's phone call with Trump in which Trump asked Sondland if Zelensky would do the investigation.


vindman and hill will be good, others may be, too. 


here are the first week's lawfare no-bull edits:

ambassador taylor and dep asst sec state george kent

amb marie yovanovich

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remember way back when donnie blurted out this nonsense in trying to describe his thoughts on kids vaping and a potential ban on flavored vape cartridges:


"We can't have our kids be so affected," the president said in an interview in September. "She's got a son, we together, that is a beautiful young man and she feels very, very strongly about it," he added, referring to his wife, Melania and their teenager, Barron.


well, turns out the MAGA base really love their flavored JUUL, so vaping is now safe again:



However, after political advisers and vaping-industry lobbyists warned him of potential pushback from his supporters, Trump appears to have backed off from vaping restrictions, the New York Times reported.


so glad we got that settled. ok on to the next item on the list of trumpian absurdity...

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55 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

lol.. he won't. he'll just say this and then back out and play the victim. "they weren't being fair" or something. same as "i'll release my taxes after the audit is over" 

dude is so full of shit. 

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Oh yeah 100% he won't. That's why it's a perfect example of the Trump Theatre of the Absurd.

Speaking of, the impeachment hearings this morning were some wild shit. The Republicans were just all over the place.

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Currently looking at Sondlands testimony, I get the impression history is being written. He's outlining his actions and his communications (mails) with various officials. Lots of people were in the loop. And Giuliani is thrown under the bus as well.

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Trump could get hit with a bribery charge if proceedings go according to plan, but obviously that's just the tip of the iceberg. 

This whole presidency is nothing short of a complete shit show. His legacy will be a benchmark to future candidates as what not to do as POTUS...running the administration like the mafia, for example.

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yeah today's episode of donnie trump's "theatre of the absurd" is pretty good! I also get the feeling that Rudy is about to be starring down the headlights of an oncoming bus very soon. I'm guessing his legal defense will be that he is mentally unfit to stand trial, which is very well supported by just about any public appearance he's made in the past year.

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On 11/15/2019 at 10:39 PM, Rubin Farr said:



Whoa, never seen Hannity from that angle. Dude's a full on thumbhead now.

Leaving work early to avoid Trump traffic today. He's going to Apple campus for one of those Kim Jung-Un looking at things esque visits. 

Edited by joshuatxuk
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the best thing that can happen for america is trump gets impeached then drops dead live on stage at one of his rallies. 

and the entire trump organization gets investigated to oblivion and the whole family (except maybe tiffany) gets eaten by lions on a hunting safari... while being live streamed hunting endangered rhinos in some "own the libs" type of event. 


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lol...OMG donnie's freakin hilarious! bed bug? like WTF? 


"But I have to deal with crazy Nancy, she's crazy as a ... as a bed bug," Trump said during a nearly hourlong interview on Fox & Friends Friday morning. "She is nuts. What she's doing — and she's not talented. She's highly overrated. All she's doing is sitting. She's not doing anything for the people. And now it turns out that the whole impeachment thing is a scam."


Dems you crazy fucks! All you're doing is sitting! SCAM! FAKE NEWS! SCAM! YOU'RE ALL FUCKIN CRaayyZYYY!!!!!!

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