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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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if you follow "swift on security" on twitter - there was a recent spat because she/he/whoever.. made a joke about putin and wiki leaks that WL took seriously went to town all offended. it's weird and funny and dumb. swiftonsecurity can be really great but sometimes has 'too many tweets' syndrome. 






also this


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hilarious... Ben Carson turned down a cabinet post because  "... has no government experience..."



Edited by ignatius
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if you follow "swift on security" on twitter - there was a recent spat because she/he/whoever.. made a joke about putin and wiki leaks that WL took seriously went to town all offended. it's weird and funny and dumb. swiftonsecurity can be really great but sometimes has 'too many tweets' syndrome.








also this



Good Shit

I've actually been pretty impressed by Twitter today

A lot of highly-intelligent people pointing their energy in good directions

It can be a great info depository if you use it right



So I don't know if you followed up on the WL stuff I posted, but the TL;DR of the case being made is that Assange is dead or detained or thereabouts


And that Wikileaks is no longer actually Wikileaks


Now, like I said, on its face that is a pretty wild claim

But I dunno, can someone who knows about this sorta stuff tell me if I'm just being dumb?

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he's one of the greatest comedians of all time and a very smart and humble man. He's edgy though.


yeah.. i think he's great.  edgy.  i always liked his "we're just hanging out shooting the shit and i'm being hilarious" delivery.  


oh.. and this - they have a few months to fill 4000 positions so shouldn't worry right? 



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he's one of the greatest comedians of all time and a very smart and humble man. He's edgy though.



yeah.. i think he's great.  edgy.  i always liked his "we're just hanging out shooting the shit and i'm being hilarious" delivery.  


oh.. and this - they have a few months to fill 4000 positions so shouldn't worry right? 



Lol if true. Which I'm not questioning btw.

Wasnt Guiliani leading the transition? Or is he busy doing interviews and other gigs?


Perhaps its another onorthodox strat of the trump team. Why bother appointing 4000 new positions in one heartbeat, if you can do it more gradually. Just let the current people keep on going until there's an alternative. Wouldnt be a silly idea, imo. Although people would obvs interpret it as a form of neglect, carelessness or just incompetence. As I just did ;D

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Considering how messy and disorganized their campaign machinery was (they basically just organized rallies and the media gave Trump free air time), it is no wonder their transition team is a mess. I thought Trump only surrounded himself with the absolutely best people. Seems like the best incompetents. What delicious clusterfucks to come.

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Funny how our elections are like a perpetual pendulum swing.


The swing seems to be getting more and more extreme, though. If nothing changes in national rhetoric I honestly think Kanye West's candidacy becomes the next punchline for US politics.

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Considering how messy and disorganized their campaign machinery was (they basically just organized rallies and the media gave Trump free air time), it is no wonder their transition team is a mess. I thought Trump only surrounded himself with the absolutely best people. Seems like the best incompetents. What delicious clusterfucks to come.


it was a winning strat though. also, i'd rather argue the organisation was - again - unorthodox. different what anyone would expect. whether or not it was disorganized is completely subjective. my guess is, it was mostly intentional. and if that indeed was the case, i wouldn't call it disorganized.


the argument would be similar to saying venetian snares makes disorganized chaos beats. many would agree, although in reality there's a lot of intent behind it. and many on this forum would argue otherwise, i'm assuming.


i think there's a lot of irony in current events. as it's to a large extent the exact opposite of what happened when obama was elected. thinking about those tea partiers protesting and the gop going into full obstruction mode. some would argue this is a false equivalence. and to a certain extent that might indeed be the case. but not nearly to the extent as some would like to believe, imo. there are simply too many similarities: people being butt-hurt about the outcome of the election and crying it's the end of the world. meanwhile, trump hasn't even dropped a fart in the white house...

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yeah.. follow up on it.. there's a top post that's "ELI5" (explain like i'm five) that lays it out pretty

Link plz


I am totally out of the loop with this stuff. The 2016 election really warped my already conflicted feelings / cautious support for wikileaks etc


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yeah.. follow up on it.. there's a top post that's "ELI5" (explain like i'm five) that lays it out pretty

Link plz


I am totally out of the loop with this stuff. The 2016 election really warped my already conflicted feelings / cautious support for wikileaks etc


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk



this post is pretty good at laying it out (there's been updates about WL since that post though and the situation may have changed - see link in LimpyLoo's post)




there's several threads about the topic. this is the one i read some of.. 





An ELI5 answer, as none seems to have been made:

When I am going to give you a file, I can tell you in advance "when you get this file, here is some maths you can do that will prove without doubt it's the same file I intended you to get".

Further, there are ways of sending messages that mathematically prove that all of the messages come from the same person: they are literally impossible practically near impossible to fake.

Wikileaks have done this consistently in the past. It's meant that files being released have been mathematically, cryptographically certain to be the original files they had prepared for release. They have regularly digitally signed things as proof that Wikileaks is not compromised and is still operating with cryptographic certainty.

It's worth noting that when we talk about "Wikileaks", in reality we are talking about Julian Assange. He runs the show. When that twitter account says "here's a mathematical proof of what's coming", we know that this is a file Julian is handling himself. When Wikileaks signs something we know it is Julian that has signed it.

This is a precaution. It means if anything should happen to him - and why shouldn't it? He is after all the subject of some rather intense surveillance and a lot of people would prefer him dead - then, well, people can't then pass off another file or another communique pretending this was what he had intended to release.

There are numerous timelines of events knocking around "proving" this means Assange is either in the hands of the CIA or is dead, but what this conversation in crypto is concerned with is the fact the maths around these files don't work any more.

That means the files that have been released are not the files that were planned for release. They have been altered or are completely different.

OK, there are possible technical explanations for that, but Wikileaks hasn't done the "look, we're still here, it's really us" thing for a month either. And they've never fucked up like this before, either.

I'm not sure about the theories going on about police raids at the Ecuadorian embassy, the prisoner transport plane (in some versions, a CIA renditions aircraft), that flew from London to North Carolina a few days after Kerry arrived in London and Assange was cut off, the various reading between the lines of Swedish prosecutors and Ecuadorian diplomats dancing in hallways or any of those things.

Here is what everybody can mathematically be certain of:

  1. The files are not the ones that were planned for release by Wikileaks.
  2. There is no cryptographically secure evidence knocking around for over a month that Wikileaks is still in Julian Assange's control

It's up to you to decide for yourself what to believe or how to react to this. The maths are the maths. Everything else is speculation.

EDIT: You're right, it's theoretically possible to create two files with matching SHAs with different contents, but practically it's going to be hard in a "NSA can't do it in under a decade" kind of realm, and it hasn't even been attempted in this case, hence the conversation.


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Amusing Hillary Clinton parody @medium:



Hey America! Remember me?

You know, Crooked Hillary? Lucifer’s BFF? Benghazi with the good hair?

Well, you did it. You got rid of me. You don’t have to look at my pained smile or listen to my nagging voice anymore.

Congrats, everyone!

You put up with sixteen months of me lecturing you about dumb bullshit like, you know, policy ideas, and not being super fucking racist all the time. You watched three times on national TV as I had the nerve to make a man — a rich man — look foolish. Some of you even campaigned for me. Can you imagine? I made you campaign for me, instead of carrying the entire fucking country on my back in kitten heels.

You know, back in 1965, I ran for class president of my high school and lost to a boy who told me, “you are really stupid if you think a girl can be elected president.” Well, I put in fifty years of tireless, grueling work, and now, at long last, that little boy has been vindicated.

Beautiful! It would bring a tear to my eye if I hadn’t taken a pill in the 90s that made me incapable of crying.

Nov 8, 2016: The day we all put aside our differences, defied the odds, and trumped that bitch.

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