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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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'WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald J. Trump spoke by telephone with Taiwan’s president on Friday, a striking break with nearly four decades of diplomatic practice that could precipitate a major rift with China even before Mr. Trump takes office.'



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Has anyone else encountered Trump supporters yelling "your side lost!", like it's a fucking football game?


So if they don't like political correctness and want someone to tell it like it is, can we just give them nothing but retard shame for the next 4 years? They can dish it out, let's see if they can take it.

Edited by Candiru
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Closest I've heard 1st hand is:

'How you feel now that Trump's president, faggot' - Construction worker, Midtown East, early-40s, ruggedly handsome

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Has anyone else encountered Trump supporters yelling "your side lost!", like it's a fucking football game?


So if they don't like political correctness and want someone to tell it like it is, can we just give them nothing but retard shame for the next 4 years? They can dish it out, let's see if they can take it.


 Yes, the retard shame of not voting for hillary clinton, makes one such a retard doesn't it candiru. When the media, every one of your friends, both sides of politics, business people, academics, the whole of the establishment was against the populist candidate and you still won. Such retard, such shame. heh. MAGA !!

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Has anyone else encountered Trump supporters yelling "your side lost!", like it's a fucking football game?


So if they don't like political correctness and want someone to tell it like it is, can we just give them nothing but retard shame for the next 4 years? They can dish it out, let's see if they can take it.

Yes, the retard shame of not voting for hillary clinton, makes one such a retard doesn't it candiru. When the media, every one of your friends, both sides of politics, business people, academics, the whole of the establishment was against the populist candidate and you still won. Such retard, such shame. heh. MAGA !!

When a large portion of his voter base relies on Obamacare and they vote against it, then yes, it makes them retarded. Any other valuable insights from down under?

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 lol. is that all you've got. Everyone knows that the US healthcare system was a disaster. Obamacare did not improve it one iota. It was written by the health insurance companies !! It wasn't some panacea meant to save the the people. It was a bid to lock the people in to policies that the government mandated that they have to buy from the corporations that wrote the legislation, that's fascism. Here are some issues with obamacare for you to look up.


- obamacare providers are dropping out of selling the policies because it's not a sustainable business model for them

- Many poeple have decided to pay the penalty for not taking obamacare because it's cheaper than having to pay for it

- the deductibles are so high that most people don't use their obamacare

- The premium increases on obamacare over the period since it's introduction have been skyrocketing.

- you couldn't keep your doctor (heh)

- and so much obama greatness more


 Come on now mate, search for a better one than obamacare to be smug about. i'm far more left wing than many on here, but i preferred trump, that should say something. The election was really globalism versus nationalism. Globalism has sought to deindustrialise the west, open it's borders, tear the working people of the west down to third world levels. Nationalism seeks to protect the citizen from the elite multinational banking cartel. Whether or not that actually works out, whether or not trump lets the people down, at least they're more awake to the difference now.

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QLD will be Australia's perpetual embarrassment. some of our most vocal/useless idiots hail from this wonderful state: our fine Immigration Minister, Pauline Hanson, and also this guy.

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 lol. is that all you've got. Everyone knows that the US healthcare system was a disaster. Obamacare did not improve it one iota. It was written by the health insurance companies !! It wasn't some panacea meant to save the the people. It was a bid to lock the people in to policies that the government mandated that they have to buy from the corporations that wrote the legislation, that's fascism. Here are some issues with obamacare for you to look up.


- obamacare providers are dropping out of selling the policies because it's not a sustainable business model for them

- Many poeple have decided to pay the penalty for not taking obamacare because it's cheaper than having to pay for it

- the deductibles are so high that most people don't use their obamacare

- The premium increases on obamacare over the period since it's introduction have been skyrocketing.

- you couldn't keep your doctor (heh)

- and so much obama greatness more


 Come on now mate, search for a better one than obamacare to be smug about. i'm far more left wing than many on here, but i preferred trump, that should say something. The election was really globalism versus nationalism. Globalism has sought to deindustrialise the west, open it's borders, tear the working people of the west down to third world levels. Nationalism seeks to protect the citizen from the elite multinational banking cartel. Whether or not that actually works out, whether or not trump lets the people down, at least they're more awake to the difference now.


You're assuming they'd have something to immediately replace it with. Of course they don't. And Paul Ryan wants to reduce the benefits of Medicare, which everyone has been paying into their whole working life, but wont see the benefits they're paying for unless they are grandfathered in. This is so the change in policy won't affect their dwindling voter base. Old people. Great job. 


And if you don't believe in climate change, you can vote yourself out of jobs in renewable energy, and gerrymandering helps people do it at a state level, like they just did in Ohio with House Bill 554. 


Trump sold people on the idea that they're raging against the machine by voting for a guy they know is full of shit. Congrats. 

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obamacare is such a watered down version of what was intended. a single payer system is the only thing that will save USA healthcare system.. medicare for everyone. 


obamacare didn't work because all the young healthy people mostly passed on it. there's a handful of millions who could've tipped the balance. most people who have healthcare get it form their private sector/government job.  a young self employed healthy person has no motivation tog et healthcare.  why bother? they can pay a couple hundred dollars a year fine instead of $3500 a year.. unless they get sick or break a leg etc.. 


obamacare would've worked better had everyone gotten on board. 


but it needs some real fixing. at first it was pretty good. i could afford it, the deductible was low, i had a lot of provider options. it got worse over time. higher deductibles, higher premiums, less choice of providers. so that's that. i went for the cheapest plan i could get.  i actually need insurance. 


prior to obamacare i could not get health insurance. i have pre-existing conditions. EVERY provider i applied to turned me down. period. 


but at this point it's too expensive, the deductible is $6500 and the premium was going up from $305 to $390.  that's $4680 a year for shitty coverage. fuck that. 


but somehow it was a step in the right direction.


but with these clowns coming into office.. they want to privatize everything under the sun.  so, i doubt medicare will be there for me when i'm 65.  social security is hanging int he balance too. they want to get rid of that entirely. give it an end date.  bare knuckle capitalism, late stage capitalism is what's coming. be rich or healthy of fuck you. 

Edited by ignatius
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16.000 posts ....


Can confirm, chenGOD made some decent posts

I had no idea....and thanks, I try not to be indecent.

So what's it like having seven gray dots chen?

Huh, so that's what those dots are for...I always wondered.

lol. is that all you've got. Everyone knows that the US healthcare system was a disaster. Obamacare did not improve it one iota. It was written by the health insurance companies !! It wasn't some panacea meant to save the the people. It was a bid to lock the people in to policies that the government mandated that they have to buy from the corporations that wrote the legislation, that's fascism. Here are some issues with obamacare for you to look up.


- obamacare providers are dropping out of selling the policies because it's not a sustainable business model for them

- Many poeple have decided to pay the penalty for not taking obamacare because it's cheaper than having to pay for it

- the deductibles are so high that most people don't use their obamacare

- The premium increases on obamacare over the period since it's introduction have been skyrocketing.

- you couldn't keep your doctor (heh)

- and so much obama greatness more


Come on now mate, search for a better one than obamacare to be smug about. i'm far more left wing than many on here, but i preferred trump, that should say something. The election was really globalism versus nationalism. Globalism has sought to deindustrialise the west, open it's borders, tear the working people of the west down to third world levels. Nationalism seeks to protect the citizen from the elite multinational banking cartel. Whether or not that actually works out, whether or not trump lets the people down, at least they're more awake to the difference now.

I don't know if that's such a strong anti-Obamacare position....we all know healthcare should be federally funded and universal. Obamacare was not perfect, even in its original form. But the watered down compromise (that was watered down because of resistance from the Republican party) is still far better than Trump's vision of "free market" healthcare, which will almost certainly increase health outcome inequalities as the best care is driven to those who can afford it in such a scenario.


The only thing that's amazing to me about Trump is how he managed to sell himself as a "man of the people". Well, what's that saying - "there's a sucker born every minute." It just kind of sucks that they voted for a person who almost certainly use government to make him, his family, and his cronies, much much richer.

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Has anyone else encountered Trump supporters yelling "your side lost!", like it's a fucking football game?


So if they don't like political correctness and want someone to tell it like it is, can we just give them nothing but retard shame for the next 4 years? They can dish it out, let's see if they can take it.


aye, anything vaguely liberal leaning now seems to get some dolt commenting "you lost liberals get over it!" - wasn't it exactly this smug, dismissive rhetoric from the left that people got upset about? anti-PC culture unless someone says something mean about themselves - granted I think there has been a failure to stop PC culture becoming very one-sided


that pendulum gonna keep swinging

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Has anyone else encountered Trump supporters yelling "your side lost!", like it's a fucking football game?


So if they don't like political correctness and want someone to tell it like it is, can we just give them nothing but retard shame for the next 4 years? They can dish it out, let's see if they can take it.

aye, anything vaguely liberal leaning now seems to get some dolt commenting "you lost liberals get over it!" - wasn't it exactly this smug, dismissive rhetoric from the left that people got upset about? anti-PC culture unless someone says something mean about themselves - granted I think there has been a failure to stop PC culture becoming very one-sided


that pendulum gonna keep swinging

I think perpetually treating people (e.g. alt-righters) like an adversarial tribe merely nudges them more and more towards acting like an adversarial tribe

And I don't think that's the solution

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drain the swamp am i right?  sure. 


richest cabinet in modern history


“This isn’t a criticism or a conspiracy . . . but it’s important to recognize that everyone’s perspective and policy and government is shaped by the kind of life you’ve lived,” said Nicholas Carnes, a political scientist at Duke University. “The research really says that when you put a bunch of millionaires in charge, you can expect public policy that helps millionaires at the expense of everybody else.”


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we should take bets on the exact moment people realise they've been fucked over. 30 days in? it will be kind of like watching ralph's heart break slowly in that simpsons episode where he has a crush on lisa. 



a lot of people realize it already but plenty are just saying things like "he's just getting the right person for the job.. to do a good job for us!"  etc.  it's high degree of cognitive dissonance. 


also, the sports aspect of it is what a lot have focused on. "my team won" and that's all they care about.. they're moving on already and will disengage from paying attention to politics and just expect things to get better.. then the place they work at will outsource or close or whatever and they'll tune in and figure out who to blame. 


meanwhile america will just keep happening. 

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