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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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^ that's gud


How about instead of wondering whether or not it's fascism (probably more along the lines of corporatism) you have to worry about, you citizens of the USA get out there and demand impeachment of a president-elect who is too busy to receive intel briefings but not too busy to tweet about the ratings of a TV show.


Timely seeing as now he's Butthurt by Merrill Streep*


* Butthurt by Merrill Streep would make a great name for a perfume or cologne actually


Fascism, oligarchy, kleptocracy, kektocracy, whatever, some of us are indeed demanding removal of Fucktard in Chief, my wife and I have been getting involved in at the local level and she's going to be traveling with a group to DC for the million women's march in a couple of days.  Media and politics on the whole have been trading in bullshit for decades, but the amplification and polarization we're seeing has turned the playing field upside down, and it's dangerous.  When tribalism and incendiary rhetoric start to trump objective facts/reality and basic human decency, we indeed have a problem.


Sorry that my soul can't rest when there's an unprecedentedly dishonest, ignorant and hateful person soon to ascend to the highest office in the land.

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kellyanne conway.. wtf.. what an asshole.  


She's a delusional sociopath with a job that calls for her to elaborate that trait. At least an asshole shits all over everything in a predictable, crude manner. Her and her peers lead a far more sinister existence.

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trump's gonna make his son-in-law white house adviser


great, so besides the conflict of interest considering he's trump's son-in-law, he's also supposedly just like trump








btw: something i thought was interesting. when fiat chrysler announced they'd invest $1billion in michigan and ohio plants (adding 2000 jobs) trump "kind of" implied the decision may have had something to do with his threat to give ford a 35% tax if they made their cars in mexico and sold them in the united states

now he didn't explicitly say this, he could've just been saying "hey, thanks for investing in plants here in america and creating more jobs"; but his loyal fans took it to mean that he had something to do with their (chrysler's) decision. 


the interesting part is that his followers have conveniently ignored the fact that chrysler stated they had been planning to do this for "a long time" (since 2015) and taken this as another example of how trump is "winning". they have a strange, almost maniacal trust in him that i cannot understand. it's like they'll doubt and question anything that doesn't come from trump or exemplify him

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this is pretty amazing and hilarious. i guess calling it obamacare worked



Legislation etc should probably be named by linguistics, because 'Obamacare' ran into the same sorts of problems that 'Darwinism' did. People see those labels and think of the person who posed it, not the actual merit of the thing. Edited by LimpyLoo
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this is pretty amazing and hilarious. i guess calling it obamacare worked



Legislation etc should probably be named by linguistics, because 'Obamacare' ran into the same sorts of problems that 'Darwinism' did. People see those labels and think of the person who posed it, not the actual merit of the thing.

Err the legislation is actually named the Affordable Care Act.

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lmao @ ACA thingo on fb


also the whole "this failure is because of liberals" argument is very amusing. IIRC most of the shitty parts of 'obamacare' were from republican meddling, or democrats being very cautious knowing republicans would meddle. yall could have just looked to australia or NZ or UK for ideas about how to manage public healthcare without communism taking over but nah that's some 1984 shit right there amirite? 


well, a lot of people did look to other countries and say "hey, why can't we do that?" and initially a lot of people thought "let's make a single payer system" and even when into the committee rooms etc trying to get that going and it got shit upon all over the place and so what we got was this watered down one or two steps in the right direction Affordable Healthcare Act.


there are rather large insurance companies who make a mint selling insurance to healthy people and dropping the sick from their coverage plans or so it was before the affordable care act... but we'll see what happens after they actual repeal it.. they're supposed to replace it but i figure they'll forget about that part. 


also, lot's of really stupid people freak out about anything the gov't pays for (even though it's our taxes) and they immediately call it "socialism" which is antithetical to capitalism which is the greatest system ever given to man by god or something like that.. and people don't really get that maybe we can have a little of the good parts of other ideas and still have capitalism.. 


also, most people don't understand that single payer source wouldn't be free healthcare and the gov't taking care of people.. they just don't get it.  the gov't just becomes the payer source.. that's it. we pay taxes.. one payer for all the halthcare industry to negotiate rates w/and that's it. 


here's a post i nabbed off reddit which seems to make sense:


here's how it works in canada and UK (until the brexit morons dismantle it): - - - the way it works under a single-payer system is that the government is everyone's insurance company, and everyone pays their insurance premiums as part of their regular annual taxes. The government insurer publishes rates which they're willing to pay for the various procedures, and physicians bill the government insurer the same way they bill private insurers.

At the medical end, if you work primarily in essential services, you'll almost exclusively be dealing with the government insurer. You don't have contracts with dozens of different firms, nor do you need to join an HMO and deal with that overhead, nor do you need to chase down individual patients and try to bill them for services. You just send your coding to the government, and they cough up what they owe you.

But you still own your own practice, you still set your own hours, and you're still free to work or not work as you choose, wherever you choose, to whatever extent you choose. From the doctor's perspective, the system works much the same way as it does in America, except that single-payer systems make the business end much, much easier and less financially risky, and greatly reduce your billing workload.

And if you find this arrangement unsatisfactory... you can work outside of the public single-payer system and bill patients whatever you like. The vast and overwhelming majority of doctors choose to stay in the public system, though.)


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Chuck Schumer is all over those confirmation hearings though.




He's also fighting hard for the ACA. Americans on here who are concerned with the way things are going should check out his twitter feed.

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walk-on music at the inauguration on the 20th tbh




I was thinking this. DK and Jello Biafra are sadly more relevant than ever though, perfect soundtrack for this grim absurdity actually.


Edited by joshuatx
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Ha, reminds me of this exclusive footage of the current Obamacare replacement plan:




that slimey turnaround where he accuses them of being immoral, when he suggested it in the first place, is so fucking dead on to rhetoric of late

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Regarding ACA versus Obamacare, here's a timeline:


- Critics deemed it "obamacare" as an insult

- ACA passed it, name started to stick and Obama, partly out of exhaustion, partly out of snark, started calling it Obamacare with the intention of staying focused while also annoying opponents

- People not actually paying attention start thinking they are separate measures

- ACA runs into issues (notably the website crashing) and the opponents now sarcastically call it Obamacare and "correct" anyone who calls it ACA on the basis that the president himself 'changed the name' (this is a trend of Trump supporters - they try to make anything, including stuff they claim to disagree with in the first place, a charge of hypocrisy of the left. For example I literally got in a discussion once with an Obama opponent who said that Obama was a bad president because he didn't pass liberal measures he promised...this was the same person who despises Obama and thinks he's bad because Obama is very 'left wing')



Edited by joshuatx
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