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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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about innovation tbqfh.. like 10 years ago I was studying industrial design in Munich.. at some point we had some big BMW guys coming in for a project to design a premium electric car outer shell. Basically it was about the i8 they built some time later. It’s not like Musk came up with the idea, all the big ones knew electric was coming well back in the days, it just wasn’t the time to act on it. They knew. They literally said it’s not worth it yet (in 2008) and it would only become serious in 2012 at the earliest. Now Muskplebs are trying to spin it as if he had the big revelation or whatevs but hey: nope.

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about innovation tbqfh.. like 10 years ago I was studying industrial design in Munich.. at some point we had some big BMW guys coming in for a project to design a premium electric car outer shell. Basically it was about the i8 they built some time later. It’s not like Musk came up with the idea, all the big ones knew electric was coming well back in the days, it just wasn’t the time to act on it. They knew. They literally said it’s not worth it yet (in 2008) and it would only become serious in 2012 at the earliest. Now Muskplebs are trying to spin it as if he had the big revelation or whatevs but hey: nope.


Yeah, I have a million ideas too, I've invented all sorts of cool contraptions and software, but 99% of it I don't end up actually making.  I don't get to claim credit for these things and I don't get to take away any glory from people who actually go out and do them, even if they do them in a way that is less grand than my unimplemented ideas.  Elon's doing these things, BMW isn't.  No doubt BMW has enough resources to have tried to do this, but they didn't care enough to bother because it's "not worth it" as you said that they said, even though climate change is extremely important and one of the biggest existential threats to humanity, let's talk down on Tesla because BMW deemed it "not worth it" yet.  Well it is worth it because Tesla is now working out all the kinks that need to be worked out and dealing with unscrupulous business practices on the part of gas car companies and dealerships exerting pressure on politicians to prevent him from even being able to sell his product, and he's dealing with it and making it easier for people who want to get into the electric car space in the future.  


I hear a lot about unjustified Elon Musk hype, but most of it seems to be invented by these people who hate him.  Nobody's saying he invented electric cars or anything retarded like this, but he's the only one making them popular right now, that is what he did and it's worth recognition, BMW hasn't done shit except for their retarded boxy thing that you rarely see on the road.  I see Teslas at every single stop light every day.

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about innovation tbqfh.. like 10 years ago I was studying industrial design in Munich.. at some point we had some big BMW guys coming in for a project to design a premium electric car outer shell. Basically it was about the i8 they built some time later. It’s not like Musk came up with the idea, all the big ones knew electric was coming well back in the days, it just wasn’t the time to act on it. They knew. They literally said it’s not worth it yet (in 2008) and it would only become serious in 2012 at the earliest. Now Muskplebs are trying to spin it as if he had the big revelation or whatevs but hey: nope.


Yeah, I have a million ideas too, I've invented all sorts of cool contraptions and software, but 99% of it I don't end up actually making.  I don't get to claim credit for these things and I don't get to take away any glory from people who actually go out and do them, even if they do them in a way that is less grand than my unimplemented ideas.  Elon's doing these things, BMW isn't.  No doubt BMW has enough resources to have tried to do this, but they didn't care enough to bother because it's "not worth it" as you said that they said, even though climate change is extremely important and one of the biggest existential threats to humanity, let's talk down on Tesla because BMW deemed it "not worth it" yet.  Well it is worth it because Tesla is now working out all the kinks that need to be worked out and dealing with unscrupulous business practices on the part of gas car companies and dealerships exerting pressure on politicians to prevent him from even being able to sell his product, and he's dealing with it and making it easier for people who want to get into the electric car space in the future.  


I hear a lot about unjustified Elon Musk hype, but most of it seems to be invented by these people who hate him.  Nobody's saying he invented electric cars or anything retarded like this, but he's the only one making them popular right now, that is what he did and it's worth recognition, BMW hasn't done shit except for their retarded boxy thing that you rarely see on the road.  I see Teslas at every single stop light every day.



With these three business maxims at your hand's reach, it will make you understand big business practices better: cheat, be first, be smart.

Corporations are always on the lookout for new techs, ideas, concepts. By keeping the finger on the pulse of global R&D, corporations can anticipate and prepare. It's all about market shares and being ahead of the curve in the end. Startup or garage R&D initiatives are being bought and sealed to prevent the knowledge to be used by the competition. Sometimes, the techs are locked in vaults and in silent development until the time is right. So much about the BMW case.


Musk most probably wanted to be the first. However, global business is a closed community and you have to play by the rules. Musk developed immense social capital (the tech-messiah thing, the real-life tony stark yadayada) which would increase his influence million-fold if he is successful, effectively putting the established country clubs and freemasons at a disadvantage.


By removing Musk from the board to the CEO position, he was effectively put on a short leash and can even be ousted.

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Chairmen can be ousted from boards as well, you just need the votes.


You're also completely in the wrong about Tesla's motivation, they're not looking to get there first and keep the proceeds for themselves, quite the opposite:



Edited by caze
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Chairmen can be ousted from boards as well, you just need the votes.


Since he was demoted to CEO position, an action which also requires votes of the board, it is hardly unlikely he is enjoying majority support atm. In the future, however, things can change. If you mean to imply that he can get back on board by winning the majority over again, what would make him succeed at that? Otherwise I don't see how this is connected to what I was saying earlier.



You're also completely in the wrong about Tesla's motivation, they're not looking to get there first and keep the proceeds for themselves, quite the opposite:



Of course they were looking to get there first. That's hella important, and it took a lot of effort in a short time. Why do you think they made such an impact? Tesla caught major car manufacturers off guard! Toyota was on the right track, but they were still feeling it out. That Tesla decided to share the patents is an immensely controversial move and this was after the fact. But controversial it is only by the standards of the big ole guys. This is why country clubs and freemasons exist. Once you get enough money, you get enough power to do things your way and that could really make a bad example of the old guard, who cling onto their own capitalist sermon, because it serves them too damn well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just saw two tesla cars today in a period of ten minutes. They are lovely things. Worth the money though? No

I wonder when the prices for electric cars will drop. It's a niche thing right now but it shouldn't be.

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cars should be niche things. For people with disabilities or whatever.

I agree and anyone who disagrees is mentally disabled.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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