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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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23 hours ago, iococoi said:


apparently musk argued for calling paypal X and it's part of why he was forced out ... or something. 



Edited by ignatius
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On 7/24/2023 at 5:20 PM, Nebraska said:

before x: 


after x:


tl;dr: Twitter moved at the speed of molasses and suffered from bureaucracy but now X is run by a mercurial leader whose instinct is driven by the unique and undoubtedly weird experience of being the biggest voice on the platform. - Esther Crawford

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Everyone has the right to be shitty, this is america, it's in the constitution (3rd amendment). But we have the right to say that he sucks for it (one of the other amendments)

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Personally if I saw some soldier making puppy dog eyes at me looking in thru my window while I eat a big turkey dinner, I'd feel pretty shitty. But maybe thats because I have a HEART

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On 7/28/2023 at 1:09 AM, Nebraska said:

tl;dr: Twitter moved at the speed of molasses and suffered from bureaucracy but now X is run by a mercurial leader whose instinct is driven by the unique and undoubtedly weird experience of being the biggest voice on the platform. - Esther Crawford

Do tweets not have a character limit anymore?! This is genuinely one of the most boring things I've ever read and I only made it about 1/4 through.

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On 8/1/2023 at 8:34 AM, Summon Dot E X E said:

Nobody is more hated by the left than a black person who is not part of their cult.

Black people should all think the way you want them to, right, Nebraska? Let me guess, you're white?




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On 8/1/2023 at 9:02 AM, Summon Dot E X E said:


It's the First, but I agree with you. Free speech is crucial. Luckily, Elon has been allowing more of that on X.

are u for real or just playing?

free speech is liberal idealism

people advocating taking away healthcare rights from others do not deserve free speech

people advocating taking away rights from minorities do not deserve free speech

nazis do not deserve free speech

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  • 2 weeks later...

of course. 



The company formerly known as Twitter has been slowing the speed with which users could access links to the New York Times, Facebook and other news organizations and online competitors, a move that appeared targeted at companies that have drawn the ire of owner Elon Musk.

On Tuesday afternoon, hours after this story was first published, X began reversing the throttling on some of the sites, dropping the delay times back to zero. It was unknown if all the throttled websites had normal service restored.

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On 8/16/2023 at 6:51 AM, Summon Dot E X E said:

It seems wrong to limit access to information just because you disagree with it.

elon is a petty twat but i'm sure this and similar things happen w/other sites too. 

also, lols. sheesh. what a moron. 


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wild that the dude is rebranding twitter as X. what? replace the major global brand name with some new stupid bullshit? 

what possible marketing sense does that make?

who the fuck wants to use X?

seriously, WHAT?

i swear this dude just wanted to destroy twitter for shady reasons

and botch the roll out? (half of presence is still twitter and half is X)

just the latest in a series of massive "wtf" decisions that are consistent with someone trying to destroy twitter and not consistent with someone trying to make the platform successful

and LOL at just taking his old idea and renaming twitter as that. rather than build X, just buy twitter and name it that. 

someone get this guy a horse

coincidentally, this move permanently fucks twitter, so that even if he sells it, it's fucked from returning to its former state

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9 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

i swear this dude just wanted to destroy twitter for shady reasons

that's what I thought whenever this all started last year. the moves he was (and is still) making in the public lens made it seem as though he deliberately wanted to tank twitter. which doesn't really make much sense, since he had to get the banks involved to buy it in the first place. his stupid childish actions will ultimately cost him a shit load of money. and last time I checked, most people don't try and deliberately lose a lot of their $...

so what is the advantage to tank it? I don't know enough about financial cat and mouse games to make sense of it. it really does come across as an ego thing. baby Elon got mad during the months of will he / won't he buy it negotiations last year, wanted to screw the place up to stick it to the libs, or something like that. he may have been thinking to turn it into a maga stronghold, but then donnie boy un-friended him, so now he's left with a sinking ship.

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9 hours ago, zero said:
18 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

i swear this dude just wanted to destroy twitter for shady reasons

that's what I thought whenever this all started last year. the moves he was (and is still) making in the public lens made it seem as though he deliberately wanted to tank twitter. which doesn't really make much sense, since he had to get the banks involved to buy it in the first place. his stupid childish actions will ultimately cost him a shit load of money. and last time I checked, most people don't try and deliberately lose a lot of their $...

so what is the advantage to tank it? I don't know enough about financial cat and mouse games to make sense of it. it really does come across as an ego thing. baby Elon got mad during the months of will he / won't he buy it negotiations last year, wanted to screw the place up to stick it to the libs, or something like that. he may have been thinking to turn it into a maga stronghold, but then donnie boy un-friended him, so now he's left with a sinking ship.

he sure looks like a blackmail target, to me

add in mutual benefits like

  • tossing trends of his me too scandals
  • political leverage against the biden administration, which has demonstrated disfavor to musk, and which musk's companies rely on deeply for success.


remember how facebook rebranded and promised a multiverse at the same time as their very bad facebook papers scandal? they've now admitted that this is what they were doing and that it was successful at supplanting the disfavorable coverage. musk coincidentally did this billionaire troll move at the exact time that it became public that his companies repeatedly paid out large sums to silence accusers. one way to wipe that off twitter is to... buy twitter and smash it.


wouldn't be surprised if he's spending his time over there because tesla and spacex let it be known that they're good without him around all the time


honestly though, twitter was an information tool like none other before. it was really an incredible achievement of web development. a unique creative creation. what occurred with twitter never happened before it and may never happen again. it was the one amalgamator that the journalism of the world came together on. now the ecosystem has shifted and the audiences are dispersing to various other places. hopefully the federation thing works out and amounts to the same thing, again, eventually.

Edited by trying to be less rude
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