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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

proxy war


2 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

orchestrated by the same neocons that did Iraq, Afghanistan, etc


2 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

They're trying to box Russia in

... from invading neighbor countries? 



you're reveling in not knowing what the fuck and indulging in fantasies that are spoon fed to you. some people know how to figure out what's real. this totally unnecessary war is the work of none other than putin


that was a lot of tired horse shit you just treated us with



2 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

Also, the Ukrainian military violated their terms of service with Starlink. It was not meant to be used for offensive capabilities (like drones blowing up a ship 🤡)

you think this is a clown party? they're repelling an invading army. that's defense. 


2 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

How can psyop victims wake up?

i'm glad you're asking this question. allow me to answer. resolve discrepancies. compare different reporting. don't ostrich your head from the "MSM". have the balls to read the A fucking P. that's the Associated Press, in case you haven't heard of it.


understand that info paths migrated and the nascent environment is being jacked from a million angles that didn't exist before. don't be an easy mark. read the news from actual journalism. 4 chan is not the good stuff.

Edited by trying to be less rude
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5 hours ago, Summon Dot E X E said:

I wonder how many people cheerleading for Ukraine in this totally unnecessary proxy war of attrition realize that it was orchestrated by the same neocons that did Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. 


I missed the bit where Igor Girkin snuck into Iraq and Afghanistan with his band of merry russian fascists and started shooting up Romanis?

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8 hours ago, Nebraska said:

His neuralink shit is a rip off of stuff in Iain Banks' sci fi - an author Musk adores though if Banks were still alive he'd certainly think him an immense wanker. There's more than enough Muskian characters in both his sci-fi and "normal" novels. Amazing to think that Musk read those books and saw the villains as role models

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  • 2 weeks later...

CNN had a story summarizing an excerpt of Walter Isaacson’s Elon Musk that claimed Musk had shut down SpaceX’s satellite network, Starlink, to prevent a “Ukrainian sneak attack” on the Russian navy. The Washington Post followed it up, publishing the excerpt where Isaacson claimed Musk had essentially shut down a military offensive on a personal whim.

This reporting did not pass the smell test to me, and I said so at the time; I wondered about the sourcing. One of the things that anyone covering Elon Musk for long enough has to reckon with is that he loves to tell hilarious lies.


good writeup from The Verge about the Isaacson book and how you should definitely be taking any 'news' out of it as potentially propaganda/just plain wrong. i'm sure there's plenty of truths in it ofc but maybe viewed skeptically if things like 'facts' and 'accuracy' are of any interest to you.

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Now I understand why the Muskmeister named it x. It’s because he and others on the x are still being x’ed out by the deep state and society in general. Free Elon! Which incidentally will be the name of the tropical island where Musk will found the first true free country; Freelon (it sounds like vrij land in Afrikaans) and there found the society that will eventually colonise mars (to be named Freelon World). Xoxoxo (the o symbolises mars(Freelon world)). 

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