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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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Musk making a big deal out of this. so dumb.  auto plants in other parts of the country opening next week w/some social distancing etc. and tesla is ok to open around same time pending working things out w/local health authorities who are the ones who make the call.. not the state governor. 

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i love how this pathetic groveling is normal. i hope he added a private note how he'll do everything in his power to protect musk from any arrest or prosecution for any wrong-doing in his part to sweeten the deal

Edited by Nebraska
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TBH I find it a paradox that the CEO of an electric car company seems so fond of Trump, who is fundamentally pro-petrodollar and anti-environment.

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5 hours ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

yeah but he's a billionaire which kinda overrules all the other stuff

But based on a 100% accurate article auxien posted somewhere else he is actually poor bcs he has no access to his wealth and needs to borrow money from his friends to get by. What a noble man, just doing things for the greater good and not to enrich himself. He is one of us, guys!!! working on the production lines with everyone else!!! with us!!! promise me to never doubt ur vibe

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8 hours ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

yeah but he's a billionaire which kinda overrules all the other stuff

Too bad more billionaires couldn't be at least somewhat modest, like Gabe Newell. 

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On 5/13/2020 at 1:38 PM, Nebraska said:

i love how this pathetic groveling is normal. i hope he added a private note how he'll do everything in his power to protect musk from any arrest or prosecution for any wrong-doing in his part to sweeten the deal

I think the private note asked Musk if he prefers rimming or fellatio, and noted that he would be personally providing such services.

Funnily enough, I'm just rewatching Silicon Valley, and just finished the episode where some small town bent over for Hooli and got rid of all services (fire department, water, etc), and then the factory burnt down and it couldn't be saved because all the services were gone... I feel like there's some sort of lesson, or parable here. Nahhh

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12 hours ago, dingformung said:

But based on a 100% accurate article auxien posted somewhere else he is actually poor bcs he has no access to his wealth and needs to borrow money from his friends to get by. What a noble man, just doing things for the greater good and not to enrich himself. He is one of us, guys!!! working on the production lines with everyone else!!! with us!!! promise me to never doubt ur vibe

He has access to his money that's tied up in shares, but it's his choice to not sell them so that he can maintain controlling shares in his companies. 

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elongated muskrat is a worthless greedy bourgeois son of a south african mine landlord expropriating wealth from the destitute apartheid workers, not only does he deserve none of his wealth, he deserves widespread public shame and ridicule for crying on twitter about how hes not allowed to make his workers go back into his factories.  fuck him and fuck every capitalist, abolition of the bourgeois class is absolutely essential for the freeing of humanity from the chains of industrial society's hegemonic and violent control over labor towards their own ends.  you just know ellen fuckboi wants to control humanity from his mars palace using remote controlled AI drones

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i cant believe ive ever said anything good about him and i cant believe my past profound ignorance and shameful defense of the technobourgeoisie.  i just want a FOSS/FOSH GNU ComputerNode and i dont care if any more technological progress is ever made, as far as im concerned we should lock ourselves onto this fucking planet with no space travel because it puts pressure on the bourgeoisie to make sure tehey treat it well, no fucking underground lairs either


i hate them so bad

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Remember when Musk accused a worker complaining about working conditions at Tesla, so he bought out a journal publicist to make a news feed about the dude's job performance and doxxed him so his weird cult would harass the guy non-stop and take away his stock options?

And in another whistle-blower incident, Musk used the in-car navigation of an employee's personal Tesla to stalk and then try to SWAT him?

Remember that time Musk committed fraud against the state of California by claiming they could swap battery packs, resulting in literally hundreds of millions of dollars in tax credits as a result?

Remember when he took tens of millions of dollars of prepayment from NASA to SpaceX for a contract and parked it in fraudent bonds sold by SolarCity, and then used Tesla shares to bail out SolarCity from going bankrupt, while deceiving the market and creditors that SolarCity was weeks away from insolvency?

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