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Boards, Aphex, Autechre


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why not do the course on watmm history? there's so much cool material here, very relevant to the british literature and culture


chortle chortle : )


and if they score less than 99% then pack the kids on an old wooden boat and cast them off to sea for 5 months to some Godforsaken speck of rock and then give them a good lashing when they get there


make them pay hundredfold in true olde world British style for their crime!


ahhh the good old days...

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I'd probably take Boards off the talk - They're definitely more about 70/80s Americana than anything British, maybe something Ghost Box-y if you want the same sort of feel but more 'british'y. Autechre I can only really think the Anti EP would be of any use British Culture-wise (about them circumventing the Criminal Justice Act) and as for Aphex I can only really think of this video that's representative of the culture:




Bonus stuff of some use (albeit probably older than the students you'll be talking to):


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I'd probably take Boards off the talk - They're definitely more about 70/80s Americana than anything British

Fair point. I can link up the likely Albert Hoffman reference of 'Happy Cycling' to Aldous Huxley's Doors of Perception (which we will read earlier in the course), though - get some nice provocative but responsible drug talk going. I am kind of curious what kinds of interpretations the students come up with for 'Telephasic Workshop' (language acquisition and socialization?) and 'Aqaurius' (discovering nature and cataloging it in one's mind?). Both of these could link up nicely with the creature's experience in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.


It's going to be the last week of classes, though, and they are all seniors, so they all might be too tuned out to care at that point. Gonna be fun as hell for me, though. 


Autechre I can only really think the Anti EP would be of any use British Culture-wise (about them circumventing the Criminal Justice Act) and as for Aphex I can only really think of this video that's representative of the culture:



Our school has a computer programming curriculum, but I've talked to the teachers and they unfortunately do nothing music-wise. My secret hope is that one computer-programming-minded student enjoys the ae section and meets some electro nerds in college and makes markov chain sequences for them in max. Some say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. ae also talk about Manchester and some British culture stuff in that RA interview.

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it could be a fun idea to show them the beatles film a hard day's night

Show them music videos by Chris Cunningham and open up a whole new set of parameters for their impressionable minds.



An animation professor in college played the Come To Daddy vid for the class, Giles was a great professor though, we also watched a bunch of other animated shorts with questionable content but good animation.

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I had a music teacher impose us his stupid music taste on us as part of the curriculum and I tell you it's nowhere near whatever scenario you've made up in your head


The reason why I hated prog rock for years..

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I had a music teacher impose us his stupid music taste on us as part of the curriculum and I tell you it's nowhere near whatever scenario you've made up in your head


The reason why I hated prog rock for years..


Prog not dat bad tho


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Did u hear the dude from Prodigy offed 'imself last night or whatever? Sadly I feel nothing about it. 


Anyway, although I do think it's all about how you present the materials (ffs my stats professor has made that class a fucking joy to behold), don't let the facepalmers get ya down. If I had a teacher come in to a class and provide an overview of Warp materials I'd probably think it was a pretty ace class. . . 


Although I'm half-joking, I think the Cunningham videos would make an actual impact. . . it was actually one of my doorways in to Aphex. You should play the Rubber Johnny vid (now I'm 100% joking unless u want to get fired). . .

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Never try to think you can get mongloids into your music. 


I once played Windowlicker video to three mates who were into metal/punk (so I thought I had a slight chance) two genres of music that I could at least see perhaps I wasn't entirely wasting my time. I was told by one of them, with the others just sat in agreement


If you think this is entertaining then I feel sorry for you


That was the last time I ever bothered, its just a deflating, mildly depressing waste of time.

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Maybe instead have a lesson on genres of music that originated in the UK, with IDM being one small bullet point in the presentation, instead of focusing on AE/BOC/AFX 



This sounds like a better idea. Or even focus on music coming out of the UK from the 1970's - 1990's, which could be a fun discussion. You could spend a class on each decade and discuss for example the rock/punk/post-punk/new wave/electronic music scenes.

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A man that looks like a sprouting potato giving a lecture on Warp artists from the 90s? count me in!!!!!!!!!

Funny you should say that - my lecture game be

    peelin' more skins than Idaho potatoes

    Niggas know.

    The lyrical molestin' is takin' place

    fuckin' wit IDM it ain't safe!

    Make ya skin chafe

    Rashes on the masses

    Bumps and bruises

    Blunts and Land Cruisaz'

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I'd serve them "The Life of Brian" tbh. Or the holy grail. If you want British culture. Britsh culture is monty python, the beatles plus a bit of sex pistols. def needs some punk in there.


coming from a non-brit, so ill shut up now ;)


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