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^i like this guy, i've met a couple dudes like him over the years. 

i think he's partly/mostly correct, but i would argue (without little-to-no basis in fact, mind you) that he's underestimating the reasons that the Russian intelligence operations are choosing to bolster Bernie/Trump. the foreign policy stuff is certainly a large part of that calculus, but i assume that they're also trying to sow division in any way shape or form here in the States. Trump and Bernie are the two most 'extreme' viable candidates, for domestic issues as well as foreign policy issues, so no matter the outcome of either's foreign policy decisions (which are almost always going to be partly-to-heavily tempered by military concerns, mind you, despite either one's stated goals). and ultimately a less stable America domestically is likely a good thing for Russia.

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Part of it is that Russia wants to sell their oil and gas to the Europeans but the US sanctions European companies for trade with Russia. The reason is this dirty environmentally irresponsible fracking gas the US wants to force their allies to buy. Maybe the Russians would prefer if the Americans wouldn't interfere in their trade with Europe. I guess a progressive US president would probably make it more likely that some of the sanctions, especially those that aren't applied to Russia directly but to US allies, will be lessened which would help Russia. Keyword: Nord Stream 2

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On 2/11/2020 at 7:53 PM, goDel said:

On a tangent, I'm becoming a fan of this guy here. A "looks like and sounds like white trash, but got a mind of his own"-guy. He used to be a journalist covering international affairs, btw. In case you were wondering. He's no slouch. ?

I think he's wearing the hillbilly style in a kind of hipster way, smells like middle class to me, not "white trash" (pretty evil term if u ask me). I binged a fair share of his videos after you recommended him. Not a stupid guy but somehow he discusses political topics in a kind of naive/American way. Not as insightful as I hoped it to be

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He’s not wrong, but he takes a long time to get to his rather shallow and obvious points.

I suspect the trick is he’s play-acting a hillbilly in the hope that this will attract hillbilly viewers so he can persuade them to vote for someone besides Trump.

Since hillbillies aren’t stupid, this plan will fail.

Edited by rhmilo
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1 minute ago, thumbass said:

All the candidates are shit imo, sorry lads but I think Trump has his second term in the bag

I think it's pretty normal that presidents get a second term. It's more the rule than the exception. Still, I think that when it comes to Trump, laws of nature are reversed. I can very well imagine that another candidate wins. The fact alone that the unpopular Hilary Clinton could win the popular vote against Trump shows that a more popular candidate can easily win against Trump. I just hope that the DNC has some integrity

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the dude in that video on the last page is an anarchist and ex-military guy, here's another good vid of his, not sure if it has been posted



His real name is Justin King. He’s what’s called an adversarial journalist. He’s also an ex-private military contractor. He comes from a military family, born in Japan. He’s spent time in jail as a result of some of his military “work.”

  • He’s an activist and an anarchist. He’s left-leaning (I think) but as opposed to many left-leaning activists of the Democratic Socialist ilk who are agitating for more government involvement and caretaking, he’s looking for less. He’s more of a survivalist.
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On 2/21/2020 at 10:28 PM, Candiru said:

to rebuild the middle class, and give the working class more opportunities. Without saying socialism

Workplace democracy. That’s how he (or anyone with “socialist” points in their platform) should be branding it. 

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8 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Workplace democracy. That’s how he (or anyone with “socialist” points in their platform) should be branding it. 

That is quite literally how he's putting it:


  • Double union membership within Bernie’s first term.
  • Establish federal protections against the firing of workers for any reason other than “just cause.”
  • Provide unions the ability to organize through a majority sign up process and enact “first contract” provisions to ensure companies cannot prevent a union from forming by denying a first contract.
  • Deny federal contracts to companies that pay poverty wages, outsource jobs overseas, engage in union busting, deny good benefits, and pay CEOs outrageous compensation packages
  • Eliminate “Right to Work for Less” laws and guarantees the right to unionize for workers historically excluded from labor protections, like farm workers and domestic workers.
And he is verging on the beginnings of democratic socialism:
Share Corporate Wealth with Workers. Under this plan, corporations with at least $100 million in annual revenue, corporations with at least $100 million in balance sheet total, and all publicly traded companies will be required to provide at least 2 percent of stock to their workers every year until the company is at least 20 percent owned by employees. This will be done through the issuing of new shares and the establishment of Democratic Employee Ownership Funds.
Democratize Corporate Boards. Under this plan, 45 percent of the board of directors in any large corporation with at least $100 million in annual revenue, corporations with at least $100 million in balance sheet total, and all publicly traded companies will be directly elected by the firm’s workers – similar to what happens under “employee co-determination” in Germany, which long has had one of the most productive and successful economies in the world.


Require Federal “Stakeholder” Charters for Large Companies. Under this plan, U.S. corporations with more than $100 million in annual revenue, corporations with at least $100 million in balance sheet total, and all publicly traded companies must obtain a federal charter from a newly established Bureau of Corporate Governance at the Department of Commerce. This new federal charter will require corporate boards to consider the interests of all of the stakeholders in a company – including workers, customers, shareholders, and the communities in which the corporation operates.


In that link he's literally laying out multiple ways to begin the process of giving the workers control of the means of production.  He's definitely a democratic socialist.

Edited by Zeffolia
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Yeah all that is great, but that’s not branding. The idea that people have in their head when they hear the words “Bernie Sanders” is “socialism”, not “workplace democracy”. 

Also, give it a rest with the whole “seizing the means of production” schtick. It’s almost (not quite) as tiring as the “men are oppressed in America” ideas you fling about from time to time. 

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35 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Yeah all that is great, but that’s not branding. The idea that people have in their head when they hear the words “Bernie Sanders” is “socialism”, not “workplace democracy”. 

Also, give it a rest with the whole “seizing the means of production” schtick. It’s almost (not quite) as tiring as the “men are oppressed in America” ideas you fling about from time to time. 

the topic is socialism and you want to avoid talking about worker control of the means of production? not sure how that works

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10 hours ago, Candiru said:

He’s not a hillbilly. He’s probably middle management for a company that sells farm equipment. 

Or a New York hipster working for an ad agency.

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4 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

the topic is socialism and you want to avoid talking about worker control of the means of production? not sure how that works

The topic is democratic socialism you utter bellend. Also, the vast majority of workers I've ever met should be nowhere near controlling the means of production.

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4 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

and of course men are oppressed, everyone not in the 1%, nationally and globally, are oppressed by the state and capitalists

Good lord. so if you're in the top 1% of the rest of the world, you're oppressed? Here's the deal - beyond some basic human rights, you're not owed anything. Not having a swimming pool doesn't make you oppressed. Breathing shitty air doesn't make you oppressed.

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