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older people and centrists really do no like the idea of socialism, or at least the word itself (not trying to argue about Bernie's actual stances and so forth). that alone might be enough to keep them away (remember, this is all Trump and the R side and probably some other Dems are going to say about Sanders for the 6 months straight if he gets the nom).

also dunno how Bernie thinks he can keep on with that Biden's backed by millionaires and billionaires bullshit when he's got his own skeletons hiding concerning exactly that: 



and of course him essentially admitting he'll take Bloomberg's money if he has to. 



On 2/28/2020 at 1:22 AM, Zeffolia said:

What a disgusting candidate


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Maybe there should be an upper age limit for voting as well as the lower one.

I'm sorry sir, you can't vote as you're less than a decade from dying or going dement.

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1 hour ago, auxien said:

some will, but there's definitely a portion of the voters who will be in fact turned OFF if Bernie's the nominee. maybe the people he drives out to vote outweighs those who protest by not voting/voting 3rd party? can't say yet but this is a bigger factor than most of the internet realizes i'm pretty sure

that's always the case. now that i am looking at sanders through the lens of arriving at the convention with the most delegates, he looks like a president, and not a bad one.


it's an easy argument to make. just like the dems want bernie bros to be cool and get behind the dem nominee... the dems need to chill out and just get behind bernie. i think they can do it.

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flava flav hit bernie with a cease and desist because he doesn't want his image or likeness used when chuck d performs at a rally supporting sanders. according to chuck d, this is because flava doesn't know who bernie sanders is. i wonder how many people fall in a similar category- as i also see a lot of negative attitudes towards sanders because of his "bernie bros" or supposed wealth (owning 3 homes) rather than his actual policies




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3 hours ago, auxien said:

maybe so? don't remember. doesn't really matter.

i mean it does matter if you keep spitting anti bernie shit in this thread and we correct you and then you say it doesn't matter lol cmon man. 

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bernie is taking ca, tx, other tuesday states, and the nomination

Let's hope. I've been let down before, lol. I'm not convinced Bernie will win but of course I will support the guy until it's over.


5 hours ago, Candiru said:

Or maybe Biden wants Warren to stay in the race because she peels some votes away from Bernie. 

Well if anything this race will show politicians true colors by the end of it.

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23 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

i mean it does matter if you keep spitting anti bernie shit in this thread and we correct you and then you say it doesn't matter lol cmon man. 

no doctor, it doesn’t matter. because Bernie knew the rules, and if i’m not mistaken he actually had a hand in making the rules in fact, before he started playing the game. that’s why i wrote that argument off. 

and of course even by popular vote Bernie still lost by ~3 million fucking people. 12% of voters. Hilary kicked Bernie’s ass in 2016. that’s all there is to it. 

3 hours ago, very honest said:

that's always the case. 

true true. but the socialism thing could be a bigger wedge that really fucks shit up among the Dem voters.

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32 minutes ago, auxien said:

no doctor, it doesn’t matter. because Bernie knew the rules, and if i’m not mistaken he actually had a hand in making the rules in fact, before he started playing the game. that’s why i wrote that argument off. 

and of course even by popular vote Bernie still lost by ~3 million fucking people. 12% of voters. Hilary kicked Bernie’s ass in 2016. that’s all there is to it. 

true true. but the socialism thing could be a bigger wedge that really fucks shit up among the Dem voters.

why do you hate bernard so much? seriously why do you want these capitalists? are you rich or something protecting your interests?

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35 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

so sad warren is a betrayer


I think we've always misunderstood Warren. She was a Republican once upon a time after all. She used to be my favorite politician but she has had gaffe after gaffe every since she decided not to endorse Bernie in 2016. I'm at a point with her where I feel like I don't know what she actually thinks due to the way she plays politics.

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warren is great. she's the one who saw the 08 crash coming and called it. then she built the cfpb. then she took the seat of one of the gop senators who blocked her appointment as cfpb head.

Edited by very honest
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1 hour ago, Brisbot said:

I think we've always misunderstood Warren. She was a Republican once upon a time after all. She used to be my favorite politician but she has had gaffe after gaffe every since she decided not to endorse Bernie in 2016. I'm at a point with her where I feel like I don't know what she actually thinks due to the way she plays politics.

she may be progressive at heart, but she employs a very moderate conservative political strategy. if pete pulls out, i can't see what's keeping her in the race- besides being advised to stay in by her strategist because they can afford to keep going, it's also a waste of funds and embarrassing to her legacy. when she drops out- i see her supporting biden

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1 hour ago, Zeffolia said:

why do you hate bernard so much? seriously why do you want these capitalists? are you rich or something protecting your interests?

just pointing out facts, i've said about a dozen times now i'm not against Bernie generally. Berniebro blind faith cultism is sad and pathetic to see tho 

i'm definitely, certainly, surely not anything approaching rich nor ever will be.

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30 minutes ago, very honest said:


he never really had much chance anyway. a lot of people towards the middle of the aisle, even some of those who identify as Dem, wouldn't have been okay with an openly gay married man. maybe in 8 years or next decade.

also Pete's leaving helps out everyone but Bernie, basically. so, ya know, let's see where that leaves things going into Tuesday.

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10 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

she may be progressive at heart, but she employs a very moderate conservative political strategy. if pete pulls out, i can't see what's keeping her in the race- besides being advised to stay in by her strategist because they can afford to keep going, it's also a waste of funds and embarrassing to her legacy. when she drops out- i see her supporting biden


warren placed above biden in IA and NH, but below him in SC and NV. it will be interesting to see how they do on super tuesday. 

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just read this regarding the Biden vs Bernie thing re: voter turnout i was discussing last page with Nebraska i think... there's a lot of caveats to what they're laying out but that's definitely showing some amount of facts to support what i was saying.



What’s more, 8 percent said they would back Biden but not Sanders, while 3 percent said the reverse.


Biden also did better than Sanders among respondents in almost every partisan category in our sample, from strong Democrats to strong Republicans. One of the groups among which he did better than Sanders, “weak” Republicans, could be particularly consequential, given that converting some of the other side’s backers is often key to winning against an incumbent.


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21 minutes ago, auxien said:

he never really had much chance anyway. a lot of people towards the middle of the aisle, even some of those who identify as Dem, wouldn't have been okay with an openly gay married man. maybe in 8 years or next decade.

also Pete's leaving helps out everyone but Bernie, basically. so, ya know, let's see where that leaves things going into Tuesday.

thats because dems aren't a real party, they're all just part of the democratic-republican party and are reactionaries preventing the worker's revolution from uniting the majority of the population through class consciousness

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29 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

thats because dems aren't a real party, they're all just part of the democratic-republican party and are reactionaries preventing the worker's revolution from uniting the majority of the population through class consciousness

that's sort of everyone though. divisions created for a reason. the people who manipulate things aren't stupid. they may not all be conspiring all the time. there's a structure that existing forces work to keep intact or only change to their benefit. it's been a 50 year trend of moving wealth to the top while cutting/privatizing public services. 

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1 hour ago, very honest said:

warren is great. she's the one who saw the 08 crash coming and called it. then she built the cfpb. then she took the seat of one of the gop senators who blocked her appointment as cfpb head.

That has nothing to do with my recent distaste for Warren. She was probably my favorite politician in 2014-2015 but I've lost faith in her the past 3 years. I like clarity and knowing what a politician stands for.  Bernie has been saying the same thing for over 40 years. Warren used to have a clear ideology but the past few years I increasingly don't understand what she stands for anymore and even don't know where she lies on the Establishment - Progressive scale as she has been straddling the fence the past 4 years. And the issue with straddling the fence is that you don't know if she is faking progressiveness, or faking the centrism. But uh... there is probably a good reason CNN/MSNBC kind of likes her now when they did not in 2016.

I think playing politics and pandering too much to the crowd in front of you backfires in this day and age since people can fact check you in 5 seconds, and has access to everything you've ever done, good or bad. So politicians that mean what they say and say what they mean are automatically 100 times more attractive as a candidate. Used to think this of Warren, but now not so much. I hope she proves me wrong, I'd rather like her than dislike her, but at this point I'm waiting for her to surprise me with someone positive.

And the autism burger is unwarranted just because I don't understand your number 1 politician anymore, Auxien.

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43 minutes ago, marf said:

Petes pulling out? I had a feeling he was top

sad but true. then when warren drops out she endorses biden and we have a repeat of 2016. 

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1 hour ago, marf said:

Petes pulling out? I had a feeling he was top

It's strategy to beat Bernie. One of the big ones had to drop out if they want to prevent him from doing very well on super Tuesday. The real test for Bernie is here. I think though that a Biden/Butt ticket could probably beat Bernie as he stands. I hope I'm wrong.

I also think it would be about on par with a Bernie/Warren ticket. But these days I just don't see Warren being Bernie's VP (or vice versa, I think Biden or Pete would be more likely to be her VP than Bernie)

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