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1 hour ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

i just think it's weird to get pissed at people for feeling that way. trump beat hilary, he could easily beat biden for the same reasons. bernie has the 'outsider' appeal that trump cruises by on. and yeah biden is a fake leftist, I'M SAYING IT

outsider appeal wouldn’t necessarily work on the Dem side. it sure didn’t work for Bernie in the 2016 or 2020 primaries. it might in the general, sure, but if the voters don’t turn out for an ‘outsider’ in the primary then there’s not a huge chance they will in the general...never know til it happens, if course. Bernie couldn’t get it done tho.

i don’t think Biden has ever claimed to be a leftist, he’s certainly not tried to present himself as anything but a moderate with some slight leftish appeal (because basically every fucking politician will try and appeal to every kind of voter that they can)

4 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

When did he do anything that didn't make him look like a stereotypical conservative? He isn't even faking it.

he’s not a conservative, he’s a moderate Democrat.

Edited by auxien
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the problem with you shitposting 90% of the time is i can't tell when you're being serious. which means i ultimately just discard essentially everything you say. so stuff like this

27 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

Yes, which is very conservative in the US.

is just.... i don't know if you're actually trying to discuss, actually think the statement matters at all, or just posting because you want attention. i'm assuming it's the last one.

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32 minutes ago, auxien said:

the problem with you shitposting 90% of the time is i can't tell when you're being serious. which means i ultimately just discard essentially everything you say. so stuff like this

is just.... i don't know if you're actually trying to discuss, actually think the statement matters at all, or just posting because you want attention. i'm assuming it's the last one.

i assumed he was trying to say the US moderates would be pretty conservative in a more european context. not what he was saying though. but the only way it would make any sense. any sense at all. i repeat: any sense.



also, darr, that percentage is meaningless without any context. like where are all others in congress in that scale? compared to the rest, that % might be pretty f-ing progressive! (i thought you were a physics phd or something? you should know its pretty meaningless to post these numbers without any real context)

ehm, so yeh, shitpost away y'all

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2 hours ago, goDel said:

@Mesh Gear Fox don't think that's why people get pissed.

as far as i can tell, people get pissed when people say they go third party or don't vote now that sanders is out. that looks more like a result of resentment than anything else. if you're supportive of sanders' his policies, the closest thing to getting those done in 2020 is by supporting biden. like it or not.

My thought is a lot of the "I won't vote" or "3rd party" sentiments being tossed around online right now are gut reactions to the realization Sanders is out. He's been out for awhile now of course, but the stinging reality of him saying "Campaign's over" is upsetting to anyone who was still holding out hope he could pull off a miracle. I think (hope) that once this wears off, most everyone who supported him will switch to Biden. The alternative of having 4 more years of the meglomaniacal wannabe dictator in office is far worse than having Joe the senile 1970's dinosaur at the helm. Yes the choice sucks, but no way in hell should anyone with an ounce of sanity be voting for Trump.

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9 minutes ago, goDel said:

i assumed he was trying to say the US moderates would be pretty conservative in a more european context. not what he was saying though. but the only way it would make any sense. any sense at all. i repeat: any sense.



also, darr, that percentage is meaningless without any context. like where are all others in congress in that scale? compared to the rest, that % might be pretty f-ing progressive! (i thought you were a physics phd or something? you should know its pretty meaningless to post these numbers without any real context)

ehm, so yeh, shitpost away y'all

I'm a marine biologist and I think of politicians in a global context. Obama's foreign policy was definitely not left leaning and even though I appreciate that he meant the end of Bush and maybe pushed some lukewarm social reforms, it was all in all pretty conservative politics and I don't expect much more from Biden.

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the outrage about bernie supporters not voting for biden is weird to me, this is how voting works typically. in 2008 Hillary supporters did not vote for Obama and even voted for mccain. In 2016 people who voted for Obama ended up voting for trump. most fucking people stay home lol. everyone is so snotty about people not voting for a particular candidate as though the entire political theater isn’t an asinine television spectacle that no one gives a shit about. the electorate is apathetic and the democrats are rolling out the exact same strategy they did in 2016 (the American people “want” the party to be more conservative, the establishment must appeal to the right more, but “Obama” this time) in light of the chances of a second wave of the corona virus and the fact that most Americans don’t give 1 single shit about biden I think it’s a coin toss at this point. preemptively blaming bernie bros is ignoring some absolutely essential problems with the party itself. 

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31 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

I'm a marine biologist and I think of politicians in a global context. Obama's foreign policy was definitely not left leaning and even though I appreciate that he meant the end of Bush and maybe pushed some lukewarm social reforms, it was all in all pretty conservative politics and I don't expect much more from Biden.

euh...what is a left leaning foreign policy? less drones?

i don't think the left/right thing works well in the context fo foreign policies. also note how the hawks detested obama's lead from behind foreign politics. relatively speaking obama def wasnt hawkish in his foreign policies. despite all the drones he'd been sending out. ironically.

"I'm a marine biologist and I think of politicians in a global context."

that's really not an excuse to just post some nonsense percentages without context. your scientific background should have told you that. interpreting data in marine biology is similar to data in (global) politics. it's all the same math.

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27 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

the outrage about bernie supporters not voting for biden is weird to me, this is how voting works typically. in 2008 Hillary supporters did not vote for Obama and even voted for mccain. In 2016 people who voted for Obama ended up voting for trump. most fucking people stay home lol. everyone is so snotty about people not voting for a particular candidate as though the entire political theater isn’t an asinine television spectacle that no one gives a shit about. the electorate is apathetic and the democrats are rolling out the exact same strategy they did in 2016 (the American people “want” the party to be more conservative, the establishment must appeal to the right more, but “Obama” this time) in light of the chances of a second wave of the corona virus and the fact that most Americans don’t give 1 single shit about biden I think it’s a coin toss at this point. preemptively blaming bernie bros is ignoring some absolutely essential problems with the party itself. 

The Simpsons being astute as ever (got from The Simpson's ...

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16 minutes ago, zero said:

My thought is a lot of the "I won't vote" or "3rd party" sentiments being tossed around online right now are gut reactions to the realization Sanders is out. He's been out for awhile now of course, but the stinging reality of him saying "Campaign's over" is upsetting to anyone who was still holding out hope he could pull off a miracle. I think (hope) that once this wears off, most everyone who supported him will switch to Biden. The alternative of having 4 more years of the meglomaniacal wannabe dictator in office is far worse than having Joe the senile 1970's dinosaur at the helm. Yes the choice sucks, but no way in hell should anyone with an ounce of sanity be voting for Trump.

I mean yeah, I will probably pinch my nose and vote for him but I'm just so fucking grossed out, pissed, baffled, and disillusioned Biden's going into November. Sanders aside this is the mofo who is going against Trump over Warren, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Castro, Booker, Williamson, Harris, Yang Inslee, Beto, etc. 

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32 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

 preemptively blaming bernie bros is ignoring some absolutely essential problems with the party itself. 

the most vocal critics of bernie bros on twitter are the same ones who deleted their #metoo hashtags when Tara Reade went public with her story

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5 minutes ago, joshuatxuk said:

the most vocal critics of bernie bros on twitter are the same ones who deleted their #metoo hashtags when Tara Reade went public with her story

the hypocrisy is totally shameless. in the world of politics, from official to arm chair, people love to shout their opinions in righteous language until they are forced to keep silent when it makes them look bad

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20 minutes ago, goDel said:

euh...what is a left leaning foreign policy? less drones?

i don't think the left/right thing works well in the context fo foreign policies. also note how the hawks detested obama's lead from behind foreign politics. relatively speaking obama def wasnt hawkish in his foreign policies. despite all the drones he'd been sending out. ironically.

"I'm a marine biologist and I think of politicians in a global context."

that's really not an excuse to just post some nonsense percentages without context. your scientific background should have told you that. interpreting data in marine biology is similar to data in (global) politics. it's all the same math.

Ending imperialism, pivoting from corporate and geopolitical obligations in Africa and the Middle East, and actually dismantling the perverted overspending and corruption of the military-industrial complex. We live in the most far right-wing militarist era of American history, exceeding that of Reagan. The post-war military rollbacks of Truman, Ford/Carter, and Clinton look would be considered leftist now. 

It goes beyond drones, most people don't truly grasp we are spending more in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan than we did under Obama and remarkably with fewer troops on the ground. The few troops there are ensuring pipelines and oil convoys stay operational. The hundreds of thousands of personnel deployed in the Gulf are literally there on behalf of Saudi Arabia with absolutely minimal collateral on their end. The Pentagon and Trump don't even try to posture any operations as being part of the War on Terror and the lack of any clear moral or strategic mission has become normalized since "the pullouts" of 2011. When Turkey invaded Kurdish held Northern Syria this year Trump literally said the Kurds "were no angels, let them play in sand" openly fucking over the allies who were not just key to defeating ISIS but also carrying the burden or imprisoning them. 

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1 minute ago, Alcofribas said:

the hypocrisy is totally shameless. in the world of politics, from official to arm chair, people love to shout their opinions in righteous language until they are forced to keep silent when it makes them look bad

I think it goes beyond that too, it's amazing how hyperbolic these little niche echo chambers are and how much wonks and wannabe wonks literally make careers and identities out of political maneuvering without a shred of actual substantive policy ideas or sincere ideology. It's like sports journalism or gamer celebrities in tone. Some on the left call "west wing" liberalism, this detached and arbitrary attitude toward politics.

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3 minutes ago, joshuatxuk said:

I think it goes beyond that too, it's amazing how hyperbolic these little niche echo chambers are and how much wonks and wannabe wonks literally make careers and identities out of political maneuvering without a shred of actual substantive policy ideas or sincere ideology. It's like sports journalism or gamer celebrities in tone. Some on the left call "west wing" liberalism, this detached and arbitrary attitude toward politics.

yeah 100%! everything online has become a kind of grift, everyone trying to assert themselves and make it big. politics is used as a vehicle for this by a lot of people who see an opportunity for themselves to go viral and monetize their persona. punditry is emptier than ever imo

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18 minutes ago, joshuatxuk said:

I mean yeah, I will probably pinch my nose and vote for him but I'm just so fucking grossed out, pissed, baffled, and disillusioned Biden's going into November. Sanders aside this is the mofo who is going against Trump over Warren, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Castro, Booker, Williamson, Harris, Yang Inslee, Beto, etc. 

Baffling, I know. Of all the potential dem candidates, we end up with what feels like a stale, leftover piece of white bread that has been sitting in the same place on the shelf since 1975.

I think the dems should go the celebrity route next time. Find a bankable movie star who everyone knows and likes. Donald's a prime example that you can be completely ignorant when it comes to politics and still get elected. 

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5 hours ago, Mesh Gear Fox said:

i just think it's weird to get pissed at people for feeling that way. trump beat hilary, he could easily beat biden for the same reasons. bernie has the 'outsider' appeal that trump cruises by on. and yeah biden is a fake leftist, I'M SAYING IT

biden is not a fake leftist.  hes not even a pretend leftist.  hes a conservative republican.

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14 minutes ago, zero said:

Baffling, I know. Of all the potential dem candidates, we end up with what feels like a stale, leftover piece of white bread that has been sitting in the same place on the shelf since 1975.

I think the dems should go the celebrity route next time. Find a bankable movie star who everyone knows and likes. Donald's a prime example that you can be completely ignorant when it comes to politics and still get elected. 

i think the dems should give up and make room for the commies

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2 hours ago, goDel said:

also, darr, that percentage is meaningless without any context. like where are all others in congress in that scale? compared to the rest, that % might be pretty f-ing progressive!

it is. in 2008, last time Biden was in Congress, that was definitely in the center/center-left of the spread of Dems for the ACU score he's citing. darreich's proving my point.

1 hour ago, MIXL2 said:

lock thread pls

would rather just kick out literally everyone who doesn't live in America tbh. 

Edited by auxien
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