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16 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

biden is a serial sexual abuser and likely pedophile

most of the girls had entered puberty. if it's working down there why not use it? :spiteful:

but seriously, I stand behind biden (cause I'm too scared to stand in front of him, he might sniff my hair and stroke my waste and breathe in my ear, or softly kiss my neck when I least expect it)

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53 minutes ago, caze said:

most people who will vote for Biden won't have to hold their nose, and this allegation doesn't seem to be hurting his polling much. he's still got a comfortable lead over trump.

most people i know will hold their nose.. but i do live in oregon. 

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2 hours ago, Candiru said:

If you set a new standard like “believe all women” people are going to take advantage of that. See: Al Franken. He got sacrificed to avoid the appearance of hypocrisy. 

Franken wasn't "sacrificed" from what i remember, i think there ended up being like what 20 women coming forward about him being inappropriate. and i think he ended up stepping down voluntarily didn't he? can't remember the details but i've heard rumblings of him being talked about getting back into politics at some point anyway.

5 hours ago, caze said:

The DNC didn't want Biden either, he got very little practical, political and financial support, he won the primary because democratic voters preferred him to the other candidates.

yup. and the GOP didn't want Trump at all either. 


6 hours ago, Brisbot said:

They should have gone with Pete Butt-whatever. He was the best choice for them since he has a lot less.... baggage you could say, than Biden or Hillary for that matter.

he was okay. lots of the candidates were okay. there were too many fucking candidates, and this wrecked the entire situation....like it did with Trump's rise. will be very surprised if both parties don't put some rules in place regarding this going forward. was not surprised that the DNC is too fucking stupid to have done it after Trump but before 2020. 

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5 hours ago, auxien said:


he was okay. lots of the candidates were okay. there were too many fucking candidates, and this wrecked the entire situation....like it did with Trump's rise. will be very surprised if both parties don't put some rules in place regarding this going forward. was not surprised that the DNC is too fucking stupid to have done it after Trump but before 2020. 

Any rules limiting the amount of candidates could easily be abused depending on how its setup, so I'd rather that not happen, and IDK what kinda rule they could set in stone that could not be abused. I think it's just natural for there to be many candidates in the running. There maybe could be a way to whittle the playing field down more before the primary starts though.

 My main gripe with the dems is they keep choosing the worst establishment candidates. Biden may have name recognition similar to Hillary, but there are sooo many angles Trump can come at him from it's worrying. Much more than any other candidates I can think of who were in the running, and compound that with Biden having obvious mild memory issues, or whatever is off with him as he just seems slower than he did even a few years back.

I just can't see him winning on his own merits. The main advantage he has in this election is that he is not Trump, lol. I'm sure the anti-Trump turnout will be higher than it was 4 years back. Though, Trump may have more supporters than he did last election. 

So IDK this whole election is a wild card. It's hard to gauge just how much opinion has shifted. Bernie did better than last time, but not by all that much, as 4 years isn't a long time for things to change too much. I have the feeling it will be the same with Trump. Let's hope it is enough to turn the tide.

Edited by Brisbot
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7 hours ago, Brisbot said:

Any rules limiting the amount of candidates could easily be abused depending on how its setup, so I'd rather that not happen, and IDK what kinda rule they could set in stone that could not be abused. I think it's just natural for there to be many candidates in the running. There maybe could be a way to whittle the playing field down more before the primary starts though.

 My main gripe with the dems is they keep choosing the worst establishment candidates. Biden may have name recognition similar to Hillary, but there are sooo many angles Trump can come at him from it's worrying. Much more than any other candidates I can think of who were in the running, and compound that with Biden having obvious mild memory issues, or whatever is off with him as he just seems slower than he did even a few years back.

I just can't see him winning on his own merits. The main advantage he has in this election is that he is not Trump, lol. I'm sure the anti-Trump turnout will be higher than it was 4 years back. Though, Trump may have more supporters than he did last election. 

So IDK this whole election is a wild card. It's hard to gauge just how much opinion has shifted. Bernie did better than last time, but not by all that much, as 4 years isn't a long time for things to change too much. I have the feeling it will be the same with Trump. Let's hope it is enough to turn the tide.

it's not 'just natural' for there to be many candidates tho. the huge fields of R's in 2016 and D's in 2020 are extreme outliers and obv could be the norm going forward....but the results are not good. party doesn't have much control and the voters are generally uninterested, confused, and exceedingly ignorant. you end up with someone most people know is a terrible idea (Trump) or someone who is everyone's 4th pick but no one's 1st (Biden). this is almost a worst case scenario for the parties tbh, they've gotta be working out some complicated tiered ranking and filtering system sorta like the D's tried this time, but much more strict without seeming like they're puppeteering it, while still being malleable and actually yes letting some voters actually effect things and choose maybe someone the D elite don't back fully. not saying it's easy, but either that needs to happen or the R's and D's are gonna lose their grip on America (imo good/necessary long term, but maybe bad short term)

the thing is the Dems party elites might not have chosen Biden in a more regular situation. not sure who they would've coalesced around, but Biden is obviously at the end of his rope. he's not the shining star you want to represent the party/country and they know it, but that's where things went so there's not much they could do except run with it. 

you said it, he's not Trump. that's basically been Jill Biden's his case since day one. i think Dem turnout will be decent, and honestly think there's going to be a larger (but still obv small) chunk of Independents/Republicans voting for Biden over Trump. they all know Trump is a fucking shitshow, even his supporters...but his supporters like that about him.

Bernie running again was a big reason why the D primary was a trainwreck. he should've stayed out of it or ran 3rd party. you're very correct that things change slowly tho, i think that's very often forgotten. the Presidency, Supreme Court, and to a large extent Congress are all designed to run slowly, to force gradual incremental changes. to keep things dragging. this is not an accident and in many ways it's not a detriment. it's fucking frustrating and downright dangerous at times but it's obv worked pretty well overall for the last couple hundred years ?

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This accusation is going nowhere. I think the comparison with Al Franken is an interesting one.

To refresh peoples memories: 



After resigning from the Senate, Franken canceled appointments with close friends and ignored phone calls from others. "It got pretty dark, I became clinically depressed. I wasn't a hundred per cent cognitively. I needed medication", he said.[142]

Subsequent reporting in 2019 by New Yorker journalist Jane Mayer revealed inaccuracies in Tweeden's allegations. Seven former or current senators who called for Franken's resignation in 2017 told Mayer they now regret doing so. Patrick Leahy said calling for Franken’s resignation without having all the facts was "one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made" as a senator. New Mexico senator Tom Udall said, "I made a mistake. I started having second thoughts shortly after he stepped down. He had the right to be heard by an independent investigative body. I’ve heard from people around my state, and around the country, saying that they think he got railroaded. It doesn’t seem fair. I’m a lawyer. I really believe in due process." Former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said, “It’s terrible what happened to him. It was unfair. It took the legs out from under him. He was a very fine senator.”[142] Accusations that the forced resignation was unfair were described as a liability to Kirsten Gillibrand's presidential campaign in mid 2019.[143] Gillibrand was accused of doing the damage that the Republicans could not have, given Franken's effectiveness in the Senate. Susie Tompkins Buell, a prominent Democratic fundraiser said that the episode “stained [Gillibrand’s] reputation as a fair player. I do hear people refer to Kirsten Gillibrand as ‘opportunistic’ and shrewd at the expense of others to advance herself, and it seems to have been demonstrated in her rapid treatment of her colleague Al Franken. I heard her referred to as ‘She would eat her own,’ and she seems to have demonstrated that. I know [Gillibrand] thought she was doing the right thing, but I think she will be remembered by this rush to judgment. I have heard [that] some of her women colleagues regret joining her.”[144]

Looking back on the accusations and his subsequent resignation, Franken has said that he is deeply sorry that he made some women feel uncomfortable and that while he is still trying to understand what he did wrong, he feels that differentiating different kinds of behavior is important. "The idea that anybody who accuses someone of something is always right—that’s not the case. That isn’t reality”, he said.[142]

In September 2019, a ninth accuser told New York magazine that in 2006 Franken groped her buttock in a photo line at an event for Patty Murray. The unnamed woman, described as a "former staffer who served on Democratic campaigns and works at a large progressive organization", said she hadn't come forward because she feared it would be held against her in her career.[145] In response, Franken told New York, "Two years ago, I would have sworn that I’d never done anything to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but it’s clear that I must have been doing something. As I’ve said before, I feel terrible that anyone came away from an interaction with me feeling bad."[146]


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WASHINGTON — The office of former president Barack Obama privately blasted a congressional investigation into former vice president Joe Biden and his son, as well as alleged Ukrainian election interference, calling it an effort “to give credence to a Russian disinformation campaign,” according to a letter obtained by BuzzFeed News.


this should become pretty interesting once it's run through the right-wing conspiracy theory machine

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Funny how she goes from biden to his "surrogates " when asked about bidens response. So that means theres nothing wrong with his response, but that wasnt an option. Right. Who are these surrogates? The media?

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Biden sucks, but the alternative sucks much more. At least with Biden I won't subconsciously worry about economic collapse due to GOP bubble inflation. And Bill Clinton was a creep so hey par for the course!

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I don't even think Biden sucks. He'd have a completely inoffensive administration that would do things that would remind you of how normal and decent America could be at times. Or you could have 4 more years of Trump and the worse, irreversible damage it would cause. Let's look at the definition of "sucks" again and come back later for a fucking focus group. 

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8 minutes ago, Candiru said:

I don't even think Biden sucks. He'd have a completely inoffensive administration that would do things that would remind you of how normal and decent America could be at times. Or you could have 4 more years of Trump and the worse, irreversible damage it would cause. Let's look at the definition of "sucks" again and come back later for a fucking focus group. 

yay more cops shooting black people just for exercising.  so inoffensive and normal and decent

biden is a racist old right wing fuck

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12 minutes ago, Candiru said:

I don't even think Biden sucks. He'd have a completely inoffensive administration that would do things that would remind you of how normal and decent America could be at times. Or you could have 4 more years of Trump and the worse, irreversible damage it would cause. Let's look at the definition of "sucks" again and come back later for a fucking focus group. 

His politics isn't the reason he sucks. If it was I wouldn't advocate voting for him. Guy is a bit of a creep, but really still pales in comparison to Trump by any measure.

4 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

biden is a racist old right wing fuck

He ain't right wing, lol. He is about as centrist as it gets.

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6 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

hes a capitalist

all the candidates are though right?  some are just kinder gentler capitalists

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3 hours ago, Zeffolia said:

yay more cops shooting black people just for exercising.  so inoffensive and normal and decent

biden is a racist old right wing fuck

Nah, he likes molesting black people too, check it out!


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