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more proof that the maga movement is mutating into something more extreme...there should be no denying the fact it is a full on hate group. anyone voting for trump is complicit in this racist / misogynist garbage. really sad that this shit is passed on to kids. normally, I'd say the leader of a group like this needs to be investigated by the FBI. but this is politics. and apparently it gets a pass when a so-called politician does it. sickening.


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On 11/12/2023 at 7:39 PM, ignatius said:

also crazy that so many people are unaware of this language he uses and why it's alarming/important.  it just sails right over them or triggers them in a warm and fuzzy way to make them like him more. they want to be angry at something and he gives that to them. 

It's more cynical, I think. He uses that language because he knows it energizes his base. He's doing exactly what he needs to do to get those people to turn up and vote for him in the election. His biggest issue might be potential trump voters not voting.

I really think he's more shrewd than people give him credit for. Shrewd in the most cynical sense of the word.

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1 hour ago, Satans Little Helper said:

I really think he's more shrewd than people give him credit for. Shrewd in the most cynical sense of the word.

he knows what he's doing, for sure. it's pure carny smarts. he's a sociopathic narcissist that has been manipulating people to his advantage for decades. he uses the same schtick over and over again. incredibly, there are people that can't see this. or they see it and don't care, because many of them are the same way as him, albeit to a lesser degree. the number of people I've heard defending him because "he's a businessman" is insane. him being president is a massive con. probably the biggest con in modern history. 

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1 hour ago, zero said:

he knows what he's doing, for sure. it's pure carny smarts. he's a sociopathic narcissist that has been manipulating people to his advantage for decades. he uses the same schtick over and over again. incredibly, there are people that can't see this. or they see it and don't care, because many of them are the same way as him, albeit to a lesser degree. the number of people I've heard defending him because "he's a businessman" is insane. him being president is a massive con. probably the biggest con in modern history. 

I think it’s better to watch out for the us vs them rhetoric. Thats close to half of the people who vote you’re talking about.

People voting for him probably think government/ the establishment/ politicians are a massive con. Trump is the lesser evil. You’d be better off asking how big of a con they think all the other stuff is compared to Trump. They have less trust in government/the establishment/ politicians. At least Trump talks like they do.

The next video gives a good explanation of why people support populists like him


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4 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

People voting for him probably think government/ the establishment/ politicians are a massive con. Trump is the lesser evil. You’d be better off asking how big of a con they think all the other stuff is compared to Trump. They have less trust in government/the establishment/ politicians. At least Trump talks like they do.

IMO we're past this point. maybe in 2016 the anti-govt stance could be sold as part of the trump train... but he's in downward spiral, authoritarian/wannabe dictator mode now, possibly fucked legally with not a lot of fucks to give. he is spewing hate in his typical tongue-in-cheek manner, using all these gullible people's votes in an attempt to validate his totally corrupt position. there should be no justification given anymore for defending him, or for anyone who says they'll vote for him, as I see it. him and his ilk represent the worst of humanity. their "govt is bad" reasons are delusional bullshit, compared to what the guy they support talks about.

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49 minutes ago, zero said:

IMO we're past this point. maybe in 2016 the anti-govt stance could be sold as part of the trump train... but he's in downward spiral, authoritarian/wannabe dictator mode now, possibly fucked legally with not a lot of fucks to give. he is spewing hate in his typical tongue-in-cheek manner, using all these gullible people's votes in an attempt to validate his totally corrupt position. there should be no justification given anymore for defending him, or for anyone who says they'll vote for him, as I see it. him and his ilk represent the worst of humanity. their "govt is bad" reasons are delusional bullshit, compared to what the guy they support talks about.

if trump gets elected in 2024 he's going spend so much time on revenge it'll be nuts.. and all the MAGA meat heads out there will be a pick up truck gestapo.  also, the heritage foundation's plans for dismantling everything will get rolled out immediately.   same shit as last time but worse because there will be no living w/these people. fresh rage all around, the nazi's and fascists will be emboldened.. federal departments gutted. i would expect at least one MAGA idiot will attempt some kind of political assassination of a house member or a judge or a governor or some person who went after trump. 

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I'm only spitballing here, but if he gets the nomination then runs and loses again, OMG it's gonna be 10x worse than the big lie.  All these jagoffs will have been primed on the big lie for four years now.

IMO, the best way it can end for the sake of our democracy and overall peacefulness is in a slow-motion, protracted fashion.  Without any more major events to hang their hats on, all these crazies will hopefully eventually lose interest and crawl back into their metaphorical caves (if the money-grabbing media ecosystem lets them).

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8 minutes ago, EdamAnchorman said:

I'm only spitballing here, but if he gets the nomination then runs and loses again, OMG it's gonna be 10x worse than the big lie.  All these jagoffs will have been primed on the big lie for four years now.

IMO, the best way it can end for the sake of our democracy and overall peacefulness is in a slow-motion, protracted fashion.  Without any more major events to hang their hats on, all these crazies will hopefully eventually lose interest and crawl back into their metaphorical caves (if the money-grabbing media ecosystem lets them).

the best way it can end is if he has a stroke live on stage at one of this rallies and doesn't die but becomes disabled with paralysis etc.. this would be fitting since he makes fun of people suffering with that exact scenario and would be truly devastating for his thin skin man baby narcissist ego. 

other than that his wife or daughter could stab him to death and that'd also be fine. 

if he is found guilty somehow in one of these trials and goes to jail or is put on house arrest or something that'd also be fine but is less likely than the other scenarios i've mentioned. 

losing to biden or whoever.. a second time would be fine. the big lie people would go bananas and maybe the federal gov't would actually step up and have to put down a few of these people with use of violence. it'd be a dark dark time but if the troops have to step in and put down some ya'll-qeada militia types it would be a good lesson. but could also snowball in to some kind of festering cold sore of a rebellion that persists for years and includes white nationalist terrorists blowing up post offices or whatever. 

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Americans for Prosperity, or AFP, says it believes nearly three-quarters of Republican voters are ready to move on from Trump. That's despite the former president leading among Republicans by a wide margin in national and key primary-state polls.


Koch-backed AFP officially going with Haley at the moment. doubt she’s got a shot at Trump truly, but this could make things interesting.

among all in the GOP, she’s probably the best of them. i’ve heard a few things with her where she at moments seemed like a normal, reasonable human.

8 hours ago, Squee said:





These 10 HOT PICS of BIDEN will have you questioning if he’s a SECRET PYRO!

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35 minutes ago, auxien said:

among all in the GOP, she’s probably the best of them. i’ve heard a few things with her where she at moments seemed like a normal, reasonable human.

agree. she's not without faults. but at least she seems to be trying to not just spew out outlandish shit in order to cater to the crazies.

the problem I had with her before is she was still very much under trump's spell. her reluctance to break with him came across as weak - just like the rest of the GOP. now it seems like she's taking baby steps to distance herself from him. at some point soon she will have to ramp this up, if she wants to gain more traction, and possibly convert some of the red hat militia.

but yeah...orange guy's brainwashing techniques are holding firm. just so fckin insane millions of people in this country want him back again.  

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22 minutes ago, zero said:

the problem I had with her before is she was still very much under trump's spell. her reluctance to break with him came across as weak - just like the rest of the GOP. now it seems like she's taking baby steps to distance herself from him. at some point soon she will have to ramp this up, if she wants to gain more traction, and possibly convert some of the red hat militia.

exactly right…she’s still doing some of the pandering of course, all the politicians do, GOP is often a bit more obvious about it these days but still, interesting movement in the playing field. something like this could go far to sinking the other contenders relatively quickly.

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On 11/20/2023 at 1:57 PM, Satans Little Helper said:

I think it’s better to watch out for the us vs them rhetoric. Thats close to half of the people who vote you’re talking about.

People voting for him probably think government/ the establishment/ politicians are a massive con. Trump is the lesser evil. You’d be better off asking how big of a con they think all the other stuff is compared to Trump. They have less trust in government/the establishment/ politicians. At least Trump talks like they do.

The next video gives a good explanation of why people support populists like him




Edited by ignatius
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straightforward, sober view of what's at stake if trump is on the ballot in november 2024:


it's going to be a weird year. the speaker of the house is an election subverter, and a strategy pursued by fascist trumpists in 2020 was to try to get the election results thrown to the house for a vote - this is something that can happen in some cases.


i hate to say it but there are some ugly futures on the table


imo people need to wise up about how biden literally saved this country. dude's the man.  

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the guy interviewed in this article really nails it in regard to the psychology behind why all these uber die hard Christians keep supporting the orange chump:




I also think that during Obama’s presidency, you see a significant move in the culture. I mean, even just on the issue of same-sex marriage, for example, Obama runs for president in 2008 opposed to same-sex marriage, and by the time he leaves office, he is in favor of it and the Supreme Court rules to legalize same-sex marriage nationally. All of that is happening in the space of, like, less than a decade, and you’re seeing major cultural movement toward the left. And a lot of evangelical Christians during this period of time are really beginning to sound the alarm.

^ this. sad to say, but it is easy to see how having a black president really set the stage for this massive backlash against progressive culture in this country. white evangelical Christians are IMO the biggest threat toward the country getting "back to normal." their infiltration in the R party is extremely problematic. Trump is gonna try and start some modern era version of the Crusades if he gets back into office. and to him, it's just all shits and giggles...when is CIA gonna enact operation orange...donnie boy chokes to death on a piece of burnt overcooked steak??? 

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23 hours ago, zero said:

donnie boy chokes to death on a piece of burnt overcooked steak??? 

They were so close with Dubya; he started the job, they just had to hold a hand to his throat.

Disclaimer:  dear Secret Service, I am only kidding, please don't come snatch me.

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jonathan karl is a journalist who was embedded in the trump white house for years. he's a great journalist and i love his sense of humor which he doesn't indulge in, but which sneaks into his observations, as you can tell that he was able to enjoy the comedy of the human madness that was at play. 

he did a book on the early trump years, then a book that covered the end of the administration, and now he is doing a media tour for his new one, which sounds like it is a warning about what would happen with a 2nd trump administration. he has reported extensively on the dynamics of what was called "team normal" in the white house - the people in the trump administration who were trying to protect the country from trump's wildest efforts. karl's message is that team normal would be gone. this was something trump learned: be careful about people who will get in your way. by the end of his administration, trump had learned to decapitate leadership in the pentagon and appoint sketchballs in their 20s to positions of insane power because they're dumb and loyal. 

here's karl with bill kristol, who is a paragon of conservative insight. 


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2 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

this was something trump learned: be careful about people who will get in your way. by the end of his administration, trump had learned to decapitate leadership in the pentagon and appoint sketchballs in their 20s to positions of insane power because they're dumb and loyal. 

so true. since T was a newbie to the whole presidential thing back in 2016, he went along with the suggestions that must have been put forward to him by the legacy R's. this led to him getting "his" generals, etc., which were really his babysitters... now we see the R's have moved almost all the old GOP guard out the way, and the influencers in the party are all borderline psychos, like Goetz, Mike Johnson, horseface, or just plain ol dumbasses like that idiot con man Santos or beetlejuice girl. these will be the people flocking to score a seat at the table this time round, and holy shit, it is like some bizzarro world con artist Voltron team forming with an angry orange head plopped on top...I read that Jan. 6th tattoo horn guy Jacob whatever is running for some political seat in Arizona. knowing trump, that dude will probably end up getting some seat in his inner circle...it's all nuts. 

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23 hours ago, zero said:

now we see the R's have moved almost all the old GOP guard out the way, and the influencers in the party are all borderline psychos, like Goetz, Mike Johnson, horseface, or just plain ol dumbasses

get ready for attorney general sidney powell, cia director kash patel, secretary of defense michael flynn, and fbi director jim jordan  

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On 12/9/2023 at 7:48 AM, trying to be less rude said:

jonathan karl is a journalist who was embedded in the trump white house for years. he's a great journalist and i love his sense of humor which he doesn't indulge in, but which sneaks into his observations, as you can tell that he was able to enjoy the comedy of the human madness that was at play. 

he did a book on the early trump years, then a book that covered the end of the administration, and now he is doing a media tour for his new one, which sounds like it is a warning about what would happen with a 2nd trump administration. he has reported extensively on the dynamics of what was called "team normal" in the white house - the people in the trump administration who were trying to protect the country from trump's wildest efforts. karl's message is that team normal would be gone. this was something trump learned: be careful about people who will get in your way. by the end of his administration, trump had learned to decapitate leadership in the pentagon and appoint sketchballs in their 20s to positions of insane power because they're dumb and loyal. 

here's karl with bill kristol, who is a paragon of conservative insight. 


this was scary. thanks for posting

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Tucker Carlson's new subscription-based streaming video service right wing grift featuring interviews and commentary went live on Monday, priced at $9 per month, as the former Fox News host looks to capitalize on his popularity among conservative viewers.



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