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I like Katy Perry


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23 hours ago, Candiru said:

Unrelated but



This one's a good'n. Don't really care for anything else by her, though.

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she does country pop now or something? or did she just marry that country pop guy?

i'm surprised no one has dumped some lady gag gag in these pop diva threads. i wonder if afx offered to make a track out of squealing pig noises for anyone other than madonna?

edit: re fiona apple.. she has a bunch of good tracks imo.. some of the early ones especially.. i think she's got something new in the works. there was some twitter or IG hype about it.. or leaks or something. 

i remember in the 90s when she was at some award show high as fuck on E i think and gurning her face off smiling and trying to present an award. was quite hilarious. 

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On 8/6/2019 at 6:28 AM, hello spiral said:

I actually walked past a house she was moving into on the fringes of Regents Park a few years back. People were moving stuff in and it all had her name on it. Shoulda hung around for a selfie

I'm pretty sure she bought a house right next to the Manson murder house

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