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Concepts/things that should have word representation in English.


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On 10/29/2019 at 10:54 PM, perunamuussi said:

Kalsarikännit: (Finnish) Staying at home and getting drunk in your underwear.

Lol, yeah, I read that somewhere recently. Big up Finland!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a really inspired morning recently where I thought of several useful words that don't yet have representation, but then I convinced myself I should not waste so much time on the computer.  And so those language deficiencies remain.

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2 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

I had a really inspired morning recently where I thought of several useful words that don't yet have representation, but then I convinced myself I should not waste so much time on the computer.  And so those language deficiencies remain.

bro post em

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I was going to add a word for that thing where you enter a room to retrieve/do something, but upon entering the room completely forget what that thing was.  This is a daily occurrence for me and a lot of people I'm sure.  But I looked it up, and apparently it's referred to as both "location updating effect" and "doorway effect", both extremely awkward phrases for it imo.  Someone suggested "destinesia" which I think is far more elegant.

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That feeling where you're in (or observing) a densely populated area and struck by the fact that each person you see is also experiencing that moment through their own lens, which contains a lifetime of memories, dreams, anxieties, love, loss etc.  That profound "we're in this together" universal empathy feeling.  Is there a word for that?  I experienced it while delirious at the airport/flying over city lights.  Conversely, there should be a word for that profound sense of alienation when you're in a densely populated area and get the sense that your own experience couldn't be further removed from the people around you.  I experienced that one today while doing everything I could to avoid shopping cart collisions at Costco.  I nominate emphory (also emphorial state) for the first, and antiphory (antiphorial state) for the second.

Also, that weird ticklish sensation your guts experience when swooshing through the air on a swing/rollercoaster.  I'm calling it swingasm.

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16 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

That feeling where you're in (or observing) a densely populated area and struck by the fact that each person you see is also experiencing that moment through their own lens, which contains a lifetime of memories, dreams, anxieties, love, loss etc.  That profound "we're in this together" universal empathy feeling.  Is there a word for that?  I experienced it while delirious at the airport/flying over city lights.  Conversely, there should be a word for that profound sense of alienation when you're in a densely populated area and get the sense that your own experience couldn't be further removed from the people around you.  I experienced that one today while doing everything I could to avoid shopping cart collisions at Costco.  I nominate emphory (also emphorial state) for the first, and antiphory (antiphorial state) for the second.

Also, that weird ticklish sensation your guts experience when swooshing through the air on a swing/rollercoaster.  I'm calling it swingasm.

The first word you’re looking for is sonder

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On 11/9/2019 at 5:00 PM, darreichungsform said:

Toschedsalat, which describes a mixture of meat and mayonnaise.

Ya get me

Wtf with all this Trump gaping malarkey you sick cunts lol. Pizza is ruined when it goes all dry in your gob, even though you’ve got water due to unwanted flashes of a gaping Drumpf prolapse & all that ent(r)ails.

A *Trumpette? An intern, preferably a volunteer, orally blows air up through his prolapsed ass sock so that muffled jazz trumpet sound wahs through that weird blow-hole mouth. “Just like band practice, sweet-pea”.

*Putin already owns said footage.


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  • 3 months later...
On 10/28/2019 at 8:10 PM, Zephyr_Nova said:

Oftentimes I find myself looking for words that simply don't exist in order to complete whatever train of thought/verbal exchange I'm having.  This is a thread for compiling those.  Bonus points for suggested word to represent the thing, and/or an example of some such word in another language.

2. A word indicating when you are okay with an outcome because, despite it being unfortunate on the surface, it is ultimately for the best.  Ex: "I could _____ the fact that blah blah blah, because blah blah blah."  "Accept" and "justify" are both on the right track, but don't quiet capture the idea in full.  I nominate: acquimate (same family tree as "acquiesce").

2. Reconciled to, resigned to 
I was resigned to the fact that there would never be another nice tits thread.

Three words in a different language that are very cool and should have similar words in English:

1. From Japanese I present “komorebi”,which means sunlight filtering through tree leaves.

2. From Korean I present “gibun”, which roughly translated means “feeling” or “mood”, but neither of those words quite capture the essence of gibun.

3. From German, the best name for a sports team ever, “Schadenfreude”, which of course means “to take pleasure or joy in the failings or humiliation of another”.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

There should be a word for when someone commits an act of kindness that has the unintended consequence of hurting its recipient(s).  I'm going to go with "committing an act of goodill"; an example of goodillness.

For instance, my friend was "thawing" some ground beef in the microwave for me to use with my ramen yesterday.  Unbeknownst to me, "thawing' in this case meant leaving the microwave on high until I arrived to open it more than 5 minutes later.  Any skin to come into contact with this bowl would burn immediately, which luckily for me was only my index finger in this case.  Instant agony, blistered within seconds.  Getting that bowl out of the microwave and back to my cabin proved to be a bit of a challenge.  The ramen was greatly improved however.  Worth it.

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There's an idiomatic verb from the depths of the Swedish north called "he", pronounced almost precisely like the English hey. Its origin is the same as the English heave, and it's a catch-all for everything that involves the manual moving of an object, a highly context-sensitive replacement for put, give, lay, throw, place etc. You naturally understand that you throw someone a ball and not a newborn baby, but it's mostly used in the manipulation of daily household objects. Do you lightly throw a pillow in the sofa or put a newspaper on the table? Just "he" it. As an abhorrer of semantics and proponent for streamlining language, I've always admired this word. It is either unknown in the rest of the country or at best associated with Snus-spitting ice road truckers. I never get to use it but would like to, and would like to see an international English equivalent. France has a similar word in "mettre".

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's the term for when you inhale/exhale but trough your mouth instead trough the nose? 

Like, when you inhale from a joint? 

In Portuguese we use the verb puxar which means to pull... 

When you accidentally press a joint too hard so that it gets too tight and you have to pull with a lot of strength when you inhale from it... Strongly pull from it? 

Edited by Tim_J
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