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How does the World view China these days?


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45 minutes ago, ignatius said:

most unfappable thread.

lol it’s a thread i started so yeah, that tracks.

all the Zeff doesn’t help either (sorry Zeff)

here try this: spacer.png

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2 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

absolute liberalism.  "at 'autocratic' levels, the doctrine of liberation of the proletariat through seizure of the means of production and the elimination of class, money, and the state, is exactly the same as the oppression of movements wishing to do that, the mass murder of communists, genocide of undesirable races, and doctrine of eternal bourgeois domination"

what kind of enlightened centrist nonsense is that lol. 


stop looking at words and graphics, come back to reality

im talking about REAL HUMAN LIFES destroyed by ideologies

people in jail and murdered


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Gotta love it when people that defend the destruction of human rights somehow believe themselves to be leftist...

Youre pro authoritarianism mate.

The book cover of the ideology of your torturer doesnt matter once youre being tortured in jail.

Whether its Communist or Fascist doesnt change a single thing.

Words matters but action matters even more. All the beautiful communist ideology, the CPC front doesnt mean a thing once they start putting people in jail for thinking differently than them and opening concentration camps for religious minority to be broken and tortured.

No human rights, no legitimacy. Simple as that.

It's all bullshit and fake.

One day you will realize the extent of your naiveté. Ive been there, so i understand you actually, but one day you will realize and its gonna hurt. Your conscience will take the toll of your words.

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you'd love for China to be like India to uphold abstract liberal "human" and bourgeois economic rights.  the only human rights i care about are universal access to food, water, shelter, healthcare, education, etc.  none of this bullshit "political freedom to advocate privatization of vital resources"

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Mate i can critique capitalism all day without stopping lol

You know there is another place where you have shelter, food, healthcare, education without freedom.

Its called a jail.


Basically a state without any of the other human rights is open sky prison.

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4 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

Mate i can critique capitalism all day without stopping lol

You know there is another place where you have shelter, food, healthcare, education without freedom.

Its called a jail.


Basically a state without any of the other human rights is open sky prison.

Yeah, China is definitely an open sky prison.  Let's see how much freedom of speech, political speech, political activism, etc. you can have without food, water, shelter, healthcare, etc

I'm sure all the homeless of America and all of those in actual prisons with bars in America, much more than there are in China by the way despite China having significantly more people, are so happy they aren't partaking in the "open sky prison" that is supposedly China

Absolute lib brain lmao

1 minute ago, thefxbip said:

If you betray basic human rights and basic human dignity you betray everything.

Because it is the only thing that truly matters. All i have to say. I hope one day you realize this.

what betrayal of basic human rights and dignity am I partaking in?

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I can very well criticize all the faults of capitalism and the west without any problem. Including jail and homelessness. I have 0 problem with this. I can write and think about this without any problem at all. If you knew me you would know i am extremely critical of the west and capitalism.

The difference between me and you is that youre willfully blind to any faults the Chinese Utopia may have. You dont make the intellectual effort to even try to question it.

And in front of extreme demonstration of human rights violation you choose to close your eyes.

Because its easier.

Because if you do it means to fuck with your whole sense of belief and reality.

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5 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

lol mate its ok you dont understand, one day you will

think about what i said when you do

>I'm going to write multiple long posts telling you how little you understand X

>When you ask for X to be explained to you, I'm going to write vague posts explaining how I don't want to bother

ok lmao

i've never once said anything about china being a utopia, why are you making things up?

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This Evergrande debacle will be interesting to watch. There is something satisfying about investors holding management hostage in a hotel.

I don't advocate harming them but what made the '08 crisis particularly maddening in America was the completely impersonal nature of it. It's like a meme: "some asshole did math and now my retirement is gone".

The road from things like credit default swaps to getting laid off was so winding and opaque that it was hard to know where to focus anger. 

Anyway, time really is a flat circle. Every burgeoning, red-hot economy has to have the bust? Is this lawful regardless of culture/nation/etc.?

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11 hours ago, xxx said:

This Evergrande debacle will be interesting to watch. There is something satisfying about investors holding management hostage in a hotel.

I don't advocate harming them but what made the '08 crisis particularly maddening in America was the completely impersonal nature of it. It's like a meme: "some asshole did math and now my retirement is gone".

The road from things like credit default swaps to getting laid off was so winding and opaque that it was hard to know where to focus anger. 

Anyway, time really is a flat circle. Every burgeoning, red-hot economy has to have the bust? Is this lawful regardless of culture/nation/etc.?

of the handful of things about the obama administration that were really frustrating was him not setting the justice dept after the people who caused the crash for fraud or whatever else they perpetrated. 

previously, such scandals were met with justice dept investigations, people going to jail, fines paid, regulations enacted... so it's a real let down cool barry couldn't let the work happen... i guess.. corporate masters and all that.. 

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some good news from China



After reiterating his own country's climate pledges, Xi said that China would start making it easier for other countries to keep emissions in check: new support for renewable energy projects and an end to construction of coal plants.


The move makes sense for everyone involved. Renewable power is now the cheapest option nearly everywhere on the planet, and China manufactures much of the hardware needed for solar and wind power. It also follows similar decisions by Japan and South Korea. Combined, these decisions will likely put a hard cap on the number of coal plants built and significantly limit the future export market for coal.


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The People’s Bank of China says all cryptocurrency-related activities are illegal and vows crackdown...


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