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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Well! Lol I was born in 89’ so I don’t remember listening to anything in 1990 lol. But the first two albums I remember... I got a Sony Walkman in 1995, for Christmas. And my two first albums were cassettes No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdoms and Skee-lo’s I Wish. Actually still love those albums to this day ?
  2. I'm not sure what the official numbers are, but by the time I left for work at noon it measured 43cm/17" on my deck (not a snow drift either, straight snow!). And it was still snowing until about 5 or 6pm? Apparently that's more than 1/3rd of Calgary's annual snowfall in like 24hrs.
  3. We got hammered with about 10” of snow over the last 14hrs with another 3-5” expected in the next 7hrs lol. Lots of people are snowed in and won’t make it to work and I expect volume to be quite high today. my first gong show at the new job ?
  4. huh! I didn't know that, never heard that even until now. Thank you!
  5. Bandcamp - not a fan of streaming at all but occasionally use bandcamp to stream to my stereo at home if I haven't had a chance to sync the albums recently purchased to my ipod.
  6. Has Gene Rodenberry’s estate sued them yet for the blatant rip-off of the Star Trek insignia? ??
  7. I miss our burger babe. Hope he's alive and well, and simply taking a break from the watmms.
  8. Doh ? I didn’t realize it automatically puts the channels tag in the corner when you embed YouTube vids lol
  9. 2b is already out? Lol ? I’m just figuring out midnight sun 1
  10. You’ve drank a shit ton of fucking kool-aid Zeff and seem incredibly detached from reality and historical evidence. Why not start a comrade pls thread instead of shittying up every thread with extremist views that the vast majority of grounded members disagree with since they hold their sanity and logic? ?
  11. Yeah that’s just terrible. Why bother releasing it in that state lol
  12. Don’t you mean, “Or, a pineapple...?” ; . , ( ) “”
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