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Lada Laika

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Lada Laika

  1. I guess there are settings that change whether you’re seeing the “mature” cutscenes or not? Which to my knowledge only means they cut to a black screen when Arthas stabs his dad instead the original silhouettes, but uhhh... I dunno whatever it’s a Warcraft game, I care more about playability than decades old cinematics lol.
  2. I keep seeing NTS3 (my favorite) at my local record store and keep hesitating. Maybe next paycheck I’ll finally go for it.
  3. It sounded great a couple weeks ago, but maybe that’ll change soon.
  4. Blizzard has fucked up plenty but owning their custom games is literally just them finally catching up to the industry, so I find any backlash hilarious. Re: remake vs. reskin, the reason Starcraft literally just got a graphics update is because of the pro scene. The mechanics have been in place for two decades and any slight alteration would fundamentally fuck with the pro metagame. I have no idea if there is or was a similar scene for WC3 but I would imagine that’s why gameplay changes would be minimal.
  5. Global emergency party, you mean. Let’s get shriggity shrekked
  6. People said the same thing about StarCraft Remastered but I loved it, it looked and played great. If it's not too different though I might just have to dig up my old WC3 discs and see if they're still compatible with my OS...
  7. Reforged or original? I was watching a stream of the former, looked real nice.
  8. My life was better before I read that article. 2020 keeps delivering.
  9. Decided to replay the Mass Effect trilogy. On the third one now and goddamn I miss the first one. Should’ve stayed an RPG instead of becoming a shooter with endless linear dialogue “trees.” Still worth it for the Citadel and Leviathan DLC I suppose. I love that universe.
  10. Looking forward to this. Wasn’t feeling his DJ set earlier this year but the last album had some good tunes.
  11. First episode of Picard was... good?? I’m actually excited for the rest of it now.
  12. This album is quite good, so much so that it encourages a Sanders/Warren alliance just as the prophecy wills.
  13. I am well aware that I will never get back those high school hours listening to post-rock ever again, but every decision I’ve ever made has led me to this moment, writing this reply, so you bet your ass I’m working on a time machine so I can go back and teach myself to stop posting on forums.
  14. The thing I don’t get about the Sanders v. Warren thing is that all I’ve ever wanted is for them to run together. Why are we fighting. We all want the same thing. That thing? John Carpenter’s The Thing.
  15. That’s what all my exes call me
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