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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. hacking your mind is pretty great series. if you're outside the USA you might need a VPN. use that free one built in that free browser.. what's it called? Opera? https://www.pbs.org/video/weapons-of-influence-gpuj68/
  2. chords? major? that's CEG right? i think i read that once. i'm a hack though and also can barely read so could be a left over memory from something something.
  3. not far off.. not aiming to body shame anyone but i find this shit fascinating
  4. the entire metropolitan area is sold out of AC/Furnace filters, hepa filters, air purifiers. COVID is bad enough but at least i could breath outside and ride my bike.. it's like we're living in a big BBQ smoker. not to mention the totally hell scape brutality caused by the fires south of portland and in southern oregon. entire towns gone.
  5. the weather here in portland and the entire willamette valley is starting to lean towards helpful. but the smoke is just being pushed around in circles in a big way. 3 times the local weather people have changed forecasts one what day the smoke might start to move out. supposed to rain over the next few days and the smoke will get pushed out some but then it gets turned around and makes a loop. 2020 never stops winning! we've only today come out of the "hazardous" rating for air quality... i think now we're just at "unhealthy". we're still getting smoke pushed up to oregon from california. it's going to be with us until the fires are totally out which probably won't be until we get legit winter rains/snow.
  6. btw.. this looks challenging.
  7. the cops have told all these idiots to go home. reminding them it's illegal to stop any vehicle at gun point. also, the national guard was brought in to fight fires and also run check points at neighborhoods to prevent people from going in before it safe.. and to prevent people from looting etc.
  8. autechre made me cry long before it was cool.
  9. i would just do this 1) - All autechre releases on the same line listed horizontally.
  10. i've taped over the seams to a couple doors in the house. one that leads to the garage. it's helping keep the smokey draft out of the house since the door to the garage is not a tight seal. but now i need to get something out of the garage and i don't want to disturb the tape and have to retape it.
  11. new doc on netflix "The Social Dilemma" is worth a watch. good mix of "this will lead to demise of our country" and "we can fix this..." definitely an insider type doc as all the people featured are one time google/facebook/twitter employees etc. "disinformation for profit is the business model"
  12. this went to the top of my list yesterday. whole house hepa air filtration https://www.heatandcool.com/clean-comfort-whole-house-560-cfm-hepa-air-purifier.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3fD8vJzp6wIVrB-tBh23PQ16EAQYBSABEgLLO_D_BwE
  13. can you meet me at the border maybe? bring a canoe and some snow shoes. sneak me in.
  14. this is one of the other releases i got from the ding n dents label. it's a grower. really digging it. https://dingndents.bandcamp.com/album/one-atove
  15. I’d like this guitar pedal as a capitalist boot licker. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. caught the 2nd half of this today. . really interesting. basically, the last time the earth had this much CO2 in the atmosphere sea level was 60 ft higher. the ice caps and ice sheets etc are just catching up to the warmer atmosphere and will eventually find equilibrium and se levels will once again be 60ft higher or so.. depending on how much warmer it gets. there's lot's of evidence given in the show to support that. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/video/polar-extremes/
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