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Everything posted by IDEM

  1. Broad claim: The alternative to work is insanity.
  2. Trump deliberately downplayed virus, Woodward book says
  3. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a HGATR?
  4. Most underrated RDJ album? I hadn't listened to this for years (or rather decades); it sort of existed in the shadow of SAWII, probably gave it a few spins in the nineties, and then sort of forgot about it, but when I dug it out two or three years ago, it immediately clicked in the most astonishing way, and I just couldn't stop listening to it, playing it for hours on repeat. Ever since, I've come back to it regularly and still can't quite get my head around how great it is. The whole thing really made my year, it was like suddenly discovering a fully accomplished, lost RDJ classic, even though it had been under my mose all the time, hiding in plain sight in my CD rack.
  5. Lol, I've actually read that before. Well, at least it's kinda (intentionally) funny.
  6. Under normal circumstances, this would be a beautiful picture.
  7. TWATMM aporoves! SFWP: I made myself a salami/ham/grilled cheese sandwich (I know, don't judge me) for lunch. Get it on my plate right out of the oven and start wolfing it down cus I'm really hungry. On the first or second bite, I pull a slice of scorching hot salami that, in my haste to feed myself, I havent't properly bitten through from under the scorching hot cheese with my teeth, and for a very long second it hangs there, burning my lower lip and my chin, while I'm paralyzed, not wanting to let go, because it's FOOD, you know, it's MY PREY, and then the pain jolts me back to life, and I make this surprised, wounded, complely animal-like sound, like GAAAHOWAAARGH and spit it out, and then I'm very embarassed even though no one is around to hear or see that shit. Civilisation is a thin veneer, my friends, a thin veneer indeed.
  8. Thx for the heads-up, pre-order clock set!
  9. It's a fucking circle, of course it's everywhere. ?️
  10. The fact that no one has replied to this with a meme almost makes me lose faith in WATMM.
  11. No, don't do it! (Said the little guy on the other shoulder.) What you wanna do is aim for that sweet spot when developers have figured out how to get the best out of the hardware, graphics are much better than at the beginning, and at the same time, price has already come down considerably. And when you finally buy it, you'll have a plethora of games to choose from. See you in 2023!
  12. Lol, I just rewatched that a couple of weeks ago after Fitzcarraldo was on TV, stellar docu!
  13. That must be a sign. Have you read his novel? It really is something else.
  14. "In every dream home a heartacheAnd every step I takeTakes me further from heavenIs there a heaven?I'd like to think soStandards of livingThey're rising dailyBut home oh sweet homeIt's only a sayingFrom bell push to faucetIn smart town apartmentThe cottage is prettyThe main house a palacePenthouse perfectionBut what goes onWhat to do thereBetter pray there."
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