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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cern

  1. Anyone here who nailed the SUNDER WAD? Fuckin beast of a WAD.. Worlds best DOOM Player Zero Master Is tearing it appart!
  2. Aphex showed it best on Phonatacid:
  3. I don't like that woman with the screaming kid.. gets me annoyed. Can't watch Hollywood movies about Boxing and MMA at all because everything is fake! There is no point at watching someone compete in a brutal MMA Competition to win but all is fake!
  4. can not understand what he is talking about.. Is it better workflow making drums now on Live 12?
  5. It is nice he following his passion and whatever he decides to do
  6. Love it so simple and clean setup! could need a little bit bigger space or just 2 stands for the monitors. What sound card is that? Oh love the MF Doom posters
  7. Noob question but is it possible to play PS2 Games on something else than just PS2 and PC?
  8. Lol I forgot to type the name of the movie itself.. Yes I ment Sinister! That one was very creepy in a good way. He is struggling with stuff in his life and he start to get little bit obsessed over some snuff films and you know something is going on around him. It is a very brilliant way to do a horror movie I think! Hereditary was so good also but little bit more sad tho
  9. Yeah that sounds more feminine ofc.. Can u name some movies? Google said Ari Gold is a fictional character btw
  10. Yeah totally, but what makes it female? Thanks alot I will watch Midsommar for sure!
  11. I haven't watch any horror movies in years until now, Latest before that was "Heradetery" or something like that! You guys have more recommendations? Honestly SINISTER is the most scary movie I ever seen with a really creepy feeling and atmosphere going on all the time and doesn't rely on cheap jump scares! If you know any movie like this than hit me up!
  12. cern


    I don't need a Season 4 but a grande finale Ultimate Twin Peaks Movie would be amazing! But Im afraid time is running out.. Everyone start to get too old now! Log-Lady died 2017
  13. Im in a heavy Noodle period atm! Eated a so god damn tasty Yaki Soba yesterday that I had to order 1 more plate right after I was finishing my first. Today I made my own Chili Noodles with little bit fresh green onion, coriander and cucumber decoration. This is made with Wheat Floor Noodles and are super tasty and spicy! Warning!
  14. cern


    Can not stop think about Twin Peaks. I watched the whole serie 2 months ago then I watched Twin Perfects 4 hour explanation video on Youtube and it just blow my mind like almost nothing else. Total genius! The genius himself in action
  15. I did an hour long mix that is not so Ambient but very dubby kind of glitch electronica mix. I did remaster it for getting a more crunchy Lofi feel to it. Enjoy!
  16. Alan Wake, is just one of all Post Apocalyptic Zombie Games right? Got the Retro Flag Controller for Switch and it feels alot better! Little bit heavy in the beginning and the Joystick little bit softer but 0 Drift and very comfortable!
  17. Agree with that part of "where are you going with this?" Example: Track 9. Green Blue Amnesia Magic Haze ( D 7 ) It is very bassy and chill but it stops like 4.25-4.30 then starts again this time with just a tiny bit more going on.. Then it just stops right away at 6.25 like okey? I think it would be much better to just end the track at 4.25, or add more stuff going on maybe a beat? and let it fade in with the first part smoothly.. Not just stop it like that! I don't know but just what Im thinking..
  18. If the he could play the guitar like Hendrix on the Sgt Peppers clip it would probably be a dope collaboration with Squarepusher. Like futuristic and psychedelic funk jungle electronica
  19. The thing with Jordan.P is that he is a loud attention guy with a ADHD-Brain who must showing himself and talk about knowledge 24/7 That is his therapy.. He even gets mental breakdowns live
  20. hope he wins so he can put it up on his second toilet
  21. Yeah this album is pretty dope! I think one of the top 5 this year
  22. I put Actress In the same folder as Andy Stott and Lorn. It is electronic bass music pure and simple.. Nothing ground breaking but pretty nice to play on a dark lonely night.
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