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Richie Sombrero

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Everything posted by Richie Sombrero

  1. Godspeed. I've only started aquainting myself with a lot of the catalogue after the recent RA label of the month feature so this comes at a good time.
  2. LOL https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Maynard-James-Keenan-Signed-NRA-Rifle-And-Pistol-Target-Used-Tool-Fear-Inoculum/273993142386?hash=item3fcb439072:g:29sAAOSwZnRdbxRa
  3. It's better than Lateralus lads. Pretty confident it'll soon be seen as their best album.
  4. It's weird, it's really clicked with me mood wise. It's becoming my favourite of their albums. Lovely stuff. Doesn't feel heavy at all to me in terms of how I'm processing it despite fact it is of course.
  5. Yeah, great driving album. Finding it quite soothing and almost pastoral. I like the consistency of tone even if some dynamism has been sacrificed as a result.
  6. Quite good, hated 10,000 Days so this is better. Almost ambient, good background music.
  7. Huge congratulations reaching show 50, very lucky to have this vast reservoir of tunes so well compiled. Hope you keep going for foreseeable future. I've bought a lot of music because of the show, done a lot of mixes too and got me through a few rough patches along the way. Nothing comes close.
  8. Just bought the second batch of ae live albums. 6.42gb which I am now uploading to Google Play, whereafter I shall review the tags, make sure they are catalogued correctly. Then I will download them to my Honor phone (128gb memory) for offline listening. At this stage I will plug in my auxillary cable to my ford fiesta (2007) and listen to them sequentially on my 25 minute commute to the Psychiatric Hospital in which I currently work.
  9. Much more interested in this than I'd have been in a new album playback or something. Also people need to check their privilege demanding stuff and saying this is a disappointment BoC don't owe you anything yo.
  10. He follows me on twitter so is obviously doing something right.
  11. Do any of you madmen listen to this on vinyl much? I bought the box but listen pretty much exclusively to the flac.
  12. If there isn't a full vinyl reissue campaign they can all rot in hell.
  13. The Death of Yugoslavia from mid 90's is superb. Book is too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDADy9b2IBM
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