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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. dr lopez

    Brexit :(

    yes i know... although the last time they didn't want to become spanish was during the franco era or something. makes sense. and it's true gibraltar has been a british colonial, imperial, military non-state for something like 300 years which longer than the US has been a country so they do have some claim. still a bit odd... kind of like how ceuta and melilla should be part of morocco...
  2. dr lopez

    Brexit :(

    except for the fact that it’s basically in Spain
  3. Cydonia is definitely canon, last one on island and still pretty robust design, singles etc. bicycles and tricycles is where it gets pretty low. Okie dokie is great but different. Rest of the shit until moon building sucks
  4. do it 4 u is about 100x better than anything on this album
  5. dr lopez

    Brexit :(

    scottish whisky... isn't that just called scotch
  6. yeah i havent hated it... there's always some dumbfuck shit but it's decent
  7. naw george is actually pretty great. a rich dweeb from cali who tripped over his dick into 4 billion dollars sure, but he also had some cool ideas and ambition, which lead to some amazing things like ILM, Photoshop, Pixar (at least at first) etc. At times his ambition was greater than his talent or work ethic, ie- the prequels. they suck and are stupid but you do get a sense he had a vision, just not the follow-through. the sequels have made that abundantly clear. Even if you do let a weird nerdy director have full control (rian johnson) it will suck. plus he called disney "white slavers" which rules when he's crammed probably the most racist stereotypes into modern films and basically gotten away with it. based.
  8. yeah. i wont listen on priciple
  9. yeah i didn't hate this or anything, it had some fun stuff but i don't think i'll return to it. i liked dgohns better
  10. absolute masterclass in hi hats from the greatest rock drummer ever
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