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dr lopez

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by dr lopez

  1. pretty disappointing tbh, far too clever by half on this one even though i did "get into it" after a while
  2. what if we kidnap him and force his loved ones to set up a bandcamp and release digitals as ransom
  3. last episode fucking sucked. and also not retarded enough to come back around and be good again. needs to be even hammier
  4. of the 4 front runners 1 is completely senile 1 is a corporate mckinsey shill "smart guy" who went to oxford and harvard and has a divine belief he's owed power because of that 1 is a "policy wonk" who is actually extremely limp when anyone questions her or disapproves. also pretended to be a genocided and oppressed race for years. basically the smart guy in disguise. 1 has been passing progressive, pro-working class legislature in every scale of government for 40 years and has been unwavering in his support for the downtrodden and disadvantaged and highly critical of the billionaire robber barons of the current world. how is this a choice for anyone at all
  5. not a great cover. moving on... I wasn't aware any of this needed remastering but im curious how they will sound. it will certainly be a nostalgia trip! haven't listened to knuddelmaus in years but its a damn mid aughties classic
  6. new aleksi is new aleksi. Sounds good to me although none of it jumped out to me as better than paradox
  7. Los is some serious 3/4 idm. *adds to list that only includes OOBE*
  8. extremely frustrating artist in this respect!!! elitist and wrong
  9. looks like it's actually getting a vinyl release as well under the psychotic_window title https://bjarki-official.bandcamp.com/album/psychotic-window
  10. he got vaporized hey does anyone remember the lindy west woke robot from solo? that everyone in the movie openly hates. lmao
  11. yeah we know it was diego luna but damn was that character an absolute nothing burger
  12. yes the chilly reactions by Star Wars mega nerds and the msm obviously mean that it’s good. coincidence that I also think it’s good
  13. yeah the face argument is a weird one. especially if you've seen boba fett, and then you saw this was called the mandolorian i feel like going into it you would expect no faces
  14. damn i feel old if people aren't getting that copypasta
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