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I'm planning to become 100% microplastic in the next decade, making me non-biodegradable and thus immortal.

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2 hours ago, zkom said:

I'm planning to become 100% microplastic in the next decade, making me non-biodegradable and thus immortal.

sooner or later you'll be able to piss fishing line. 

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the flooding here in nsw has seen so much rubbish, pollution entering the river systems & the beaches are fucked. nobody is surfing or swimming as the ocean is toxic muddy foam, w dead creatures & junk washing up. it is an ecological disaster. have been trying to clean up some of the detritus & bin it for landfill but it seems insurmountable ))::


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4 minutes ago, prdctvsm said:

the flooding here in nsw has seen so much rubbish, pollution entering the river systems & the beaches are fucked. nobody is surfing or swimming as the ocean is toxic muddy foam, w dead creatures & junk washing up. it is an ecological disaster. have been trying to clean up some of the detritus & bin it for landfill but it seems insurmountable ))::


going to take a lot of organizing to deal w/it. here in portland there's a couple groups that organize volunteers and do trash cleanups all over town. they got support from some company dump truck style truck and get bags etc.. also i think they got some funding from the city. it's a non-profit type thing. really small organization. basically they put the call out for volunteers on social media and build a network that way. after a while they started getting lot's of buzz and got local news coverage etc.. and they always post before and after pics of areas they clean up.  

i'm sure there will be something like eventually over there. seems a natural type thing to occur.. but yeah.. even in normal times it seems a huge thing to confront.. let alone when there's a disaster like flooding. here it's mostly from the homeless camps and illegal dumping etc. the city and state do clean up some of that but it's like whac-a-mole and they don't have enough people to do it all. 


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  • 3 months later...

Tyre dust: the ‘stealth pollutant’ that’s becoming a huge threat to ocean life




Over its lifetime, the average tyre will lose around 4 kg of microplastics, leading to a global annual total of 6.1 million tonne



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On 7/21/2022 at 10:38 AM, Wunderbar said:

micro thing becoming macro problems. Such is life

It's like when the bugs under my skin started talking!!!! ? funny world.

11 hours ago, iococoi said:

My uncle is works for a big vehicle company (working on sustainable engines and fuel don't worry) and he told me about this and it had never occured to me.

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  • 2 months later...

its all getting so tiring

i see no solution except workers seizing the means of production, building green mass transit, communal resources for everything, the list goes on.  the only solution is socialism and communism and yet people still argue against it.  i cant even be asked to argue with anyone still defending capitalism.  you are fascists.  there is no arguing or debating this

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19 minutes ago, zlemflolia said:

its all getting so tiring

i see no solution except workers seizing the means of production, building green mass transit, communal resources for everything, the list goes on.  the only solution is socialism and communism and yet people still argue against it.  i cant even be asked to argue with anyone still defending capitalism.  you are fascists.  there is no arguing or debating this

had a discussion the other day w/a dude who sees cars as the ultimate form of freedom and see public transportation as the government trying to be everyone's daddy. he contradicted himself many times and i think it's one of those things where if the narrative changes to convince people it's ok to not drive your car everywhere every day and that taking the bus or light rail doesn't make you gay then he'll change his mind but for now he's fixed in the "they will never take our freedom" camp.. even though i pointed out that that freedom is only freedom to sit in traffic and pay for gas/roads/insurance etc when ideally hoping on a train to anywhere and not even having to look at a train schedule because it comes so frequently would be way more 'free'. 

anyway... here in the states it's an uphill climb just to get people to even consider an option to the current way of living. and sure, there's pockets of resistance or people just doing it their way.. a better way.. a healthier way for themselves and the planet but they're the exception not the rule. 

waking mainstream americans up to the idea of what a community actually is is going to take sledgehammers... or a big disaster where we all rely on each other. 

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1 hour ago, Wunderbar said:

IF someone pays for a boat Im willinng to sacrifice myself and eat all the plastic in the ocean.

you can eat the plastic directly from the shore. no boat required. 

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