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Guest brianellis

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Audioblysk : use groups instead of individual tracks, narrow your set-up to 8 stems instead of your current 20 ? Apc40 is a different beast than the monome though. On the above vid, I use mlr, which is a live loop masher/re-arranger with nothing pre-sequenced. Incredibly flexible, requires training to get the right timing (Live is ways safer / more forgiving) to perform. I believe there are some monome-emulators for the Apc40 though, I'd recommend you give mlr (or other monome app) a try before selling your Apc40 !


'beans : I've borrowed a Launchpad from a friend, the integration to Numerology is fantastic. Believe me, it won't gather dust ;)

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for some reason i stopped using Numerology for a while, just recently got back into it. Holy shit i can't believe what i've been missing. I had a false memory that it took over the midi devices and wouldn't let you access them at the same time another program was. I was completely wrong, i can still do all my Reaktor automation/randomization CC fuckery as it sends sequences to all my gear. Numerology has made me start using my hardware in completely new ways, i am a happy man

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I use Preset Playlists instead of the timeline, less timing/sync issues. Also, once you get used to it it's damn easy/fast to edit : you duplicate a preset, change what you want to change, set the number of bars and voilà.



i can still do all my Reaktor automation/randomization CC fuckery as it sends sequences to all my gear.



I bet you can also make all your CC wizardry with Numerology too ! ;)




Numerology has made me start using my hardware in completely new ways, i am a happy man


It has totally change my way of making music too, I share your happiness !

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one of the thing that kills me about Numerology (unless it's there and i can't find it) is why in the eff don't any of the VSTs/au plugins have midi out capability? They all have midi in but i can't figure out at all how to use Reaktor as a midi effect. I can even do this in ableton with some track-cloning work around. *stumped*

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AUs can't directly output MIDI, they have to use IAC MIDI busses for that purpose. You can try having Ableton as a rewire/clock master, and slave Numerology and Reaktor to it ? I think that'd be your best bet, most flexible set-up too. Drop Jim an email, I'm sure he'll gladly help you !


edit : hmm I may have misunderstood your post, are you actually talking about N3 AU/VST or any AU/VST ?

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i'm just specifically talking about using Reaktor to output midi inside Numerology as a VST. I could probably just run it as a standalone (as i'm doing now) but it would be nice to have it all contained in one Numerology save file

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Ok ! Then you have to use Reaktor as a AU inside your Numerology stack, create a dedicated IAC buss, route the MIDI out of your Reaktor ensemble to that IAC buss and re-route it inside your stack. You'll get latency this way though, as well as increased CPU usage.


You'll get better timing and less CPU usage keeping Reaktor standalone, or with both N3 and Reaktor sync'd/rewired to a 3rd DAW.


You can also try to recreate your Reaktor ensemble in Numerology. I don't know how complex you went with your ensemble, but I'm sure you can easily reach similar (if not identical) results. That be the most elegant solution.


You can also post on Five12's forum, Numerology has a very helpful and friendly user base. I'm "nil" there. Slightydrybeans post there too !

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I just sold a bunch of my modules, so this is what my modular is down to now. I am highly considering selling the whole thing and going back to just having piles of drum machines and vintage synths. I seemed to be more productive when I had my setup based around my Alesis MMT-8 and my synths/drum machines rather than my modular.


I've got someone who is wanting to trade a 909 to my for a couple of my Cwejman modules, and if I take him up on it, then I think I might just got all out and sell everything and buy back the few things I sold to get some of the modular (my 606/707 and R8mkII), and then some.


I just lost my job, so I don't have any income to work with on building a studio back up, but I'm thinking that If I sell the whole modular I could afford to get:







some analog poly, I'd really like to get a Korg PE-1000 and see if Kenton could MIDI it up. That would be a gnarly polysynth to have.


Then I might sell some of my rarer records to try and afford an 808 and some cool effects like the old roland RE delays and whatnot. I need a new Quadraverb too, as mine has completely shit out on me.



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I'd really like to get a Korg PE-1000 and see if Kenton could MIDI it up. That would be a gnarly polysynth to have.


Dont know if I would bother myself... They do sound really good, if you like that sound. But the PE1000 is really limited, surprisingly thin sounding, and really not very versatile at all. Was fortunate to have loan of one for a while, and it was nice to play, but I never really got much out of it that I would have considered using in a track.


I would also imagine a midi retrofit might be a massive ballache, might be wrong of course, but just thinking since there is one osc per key it might make things tricky. Still you can do all kinds of crazy things with the tuning on those things, again as a result of the 1 osc per key.


Personally, there are several polysynths I would rather have over the PE1000

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Guest nuclearaddict

just a crappy room


I hear you. I sit on the floor with my aging laptop with a busted ass headphone jack and an M-Audio 25-key keyboard. It gets the job done. Back home in Los Angeles I had a pair of monitors, but I had to leave them at my brother's place, because I didn't have any room in my car during the drive up to Portland. I just do everything on a pair of Sony headphones.

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