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only one album of new material from aphex twin since 1996!!

Guest texan whip

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Guest texan whip

not including his other pseudonyms (afx, the tuss, etc) or the compilation 26mixes for cash album (of mainly old material anyway) do you realise that aphex twin has only given us one proper album since his RDJ album in late 1996?! so drukqs is his only album in 11years!!


do you wish he'd do more? i personally don't mind his limited output if the quality remains high. it'd be great if he did quality plus quantity though - like his early 90's period.

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analord series (triple album worth of material mind you)

the tuss (couple of months ago. ep & an album)


he's on a roll. who cares what psydonyms he uses.

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Guest tht! tne

come to daddy may only be an ep but it's well substantial

still though that's just 10 years ago rather than 11, you're right

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Guest texan whip
come to daddy may only be an ep but it's well substantial

still though that's just 10 years ago rather than 11, you're right


no it's (almost) 11 because you have to include the last part of 96 and and the whole of this year.

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Guest analogue wings
he's on a roll. who cares what psydonyms he uses.


People who live in la la fantasy land and want him to make "4" over and over again forever.

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if someone only thinks of making the remark that drukqs is entirely made up of older material i'll smack his head in


drukqs was still fresh in 2005, so in a way he hasn't released in 2 years. let me see boc doing the same!

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Guest AOOproductions

I don't even fucken care anymore, I have enough AFX/Tuss/Aphex Twin and fucken Bradley the fuck strider to keep me happy until im rotten six feet under. Take what you can fucken get and move on with your life.

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Guest Speedplay
I don't even fucken care anymore, I have enough AFX/Tuss/Aphex Twin and fucken Bradley the fuck strider to keep me happy until im rotten six feet under. Take what you can fucken get and move on with your life.




















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Guest texan whip
wait a minute! Drukqs came out in 2001! wtf! so it's only (yeah, only) been 6 years... meh...


you should re-read my post...i said aphex twin, yes APHEX TWIN has only given us one album in 11years. you saying that's incorrect? what about the period between late 1996 (after rdj lp) and 2001 (before drukqs)? are there aphex twin albums in that period you know about?

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Guest texan whip

and why are most being so aggressive on here? i only stated the often over looked fact that he's only given us one real album of new material in over a decade under his most famous and well known guise "aphex twin"!!


the analord stuff (which was released under afx) was never intended to be released as an album...infact it very nearly never got released as such on cd. and the tuss album, well it can hardly be described as an album imho can it? six tracks and that's it! besides nobody knows if it's even him or others? and like i said before the only aphex album as such was the compilation of mainly old material...26mixes for cash. so yeah, one real album in 11years!

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Rushup Edge is technically long enough to be an album, albeit a very short one. But together with the four tracks from Confederation Trough it is a fair sized album, and also, every track is amazingly good. Who cares that it wasn't released as one CD from Warp?

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Guest AOOproductions
and why are most being so aggressive on here? i only stated the often over looked fact that he's only given us one real album of new material in over a decade under his most famous and well known guise "aphex twin"!!


the analord stuff (which was released under afx) was never intended to be released as an album...infact it very nearly never got released as such on cd. and the tuss album, well it can hardly be described as an album imho can it? six tracks and that's it! besides nobody knows if it's even him or others? and like i said before the only aphex album as such was the compilation of mainly old material...26mixes for cash. so yeah, one real album in 11years!


So! we all know he's been living off old material and re-releasing tons of shit, but whatever... I think it only adds to his genious if the material he's putting out now sound better than mostly all the electronic music community, even when it's all really like 4 to 5 years old. PWN! He is probably just ubber protective over his Aphex Twin moniker, especially now because of all the hype he has generate in relatively new people (from youtube and Cunninghamt). Heck im still listening to Drukqs now and thinking it's better than almost all the electronic music out there so if he gives us another Drukqs in a couple years I'll be happy.

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Heck im still listening to Drukqs now and thinking it's better than almost all the electronic music out there so if he gives us another Drukqs in a couple years I'll be happy.


Hell yes, Drukqs IS still as fresh today as when it first came out. That is QUITE the feat. Confeld is one of the few others that I can say this about. I can also wait if we get another Drukqs. Hell, I'd settle for Drukqs outtakes at this point!

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Hell yes, Drukqs IS still as fresh today as when it first came out. That is QUITE the feat. Confeld is one of the few others that I can say this about.


whoa, I totally agree with you.

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Hell yes, Drukqs IS still as fresh today as when it first came out. That is QUITE the feat. Confeld is one of the few others that I can say this about.


whoa, I totally agree with you.


good man, good man.


Let's see, what else?


I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

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Guest mrcopyandpaste
and why are most being so aggressive on here? i only stated the often over looked fact that he's only given us one real album of new material in over a decade under his most famous and well known guise "aphex twin"!!


the analord stuff (which was released under afx) was never intended to be released as an album...infact it very nearly never got released as such on cd. and the tuss album, well it can hardly be described as an album imho can it? six tracks and that's it! besides nobody knows if it's even him or others? and like i said before the only aphex album as such was the compilation of mainly old material...26mixes for cash. so yeah, one real album in 11years!

get used to it. and be careful what you say. but i agree with everybody else. if its richard then thats good enough for me. i even have all richards stuff under aphex twin on the ol' ipod. I would have it under RDJ but thats just not close enough to the top damn it!

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I wouldn't quite call the rdj album a whole album any more than the come to daddy compilation is a whole album. texan whip is a cool anagram. where did I originally see that?

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