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Guest The Vidiot

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When I was out of work averal years ago I used to enjoy downloading 24hr+ Stephen King audiobooks (was an SK nerd from the age of 7 or 8 and have read every book at least 3 times) and listening to the whole thing, stoned and laying on the floor.



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Guest Ron Manager

read that Murakami really didn;t like the other translator's work. could be wrong though


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Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World does have a different tone to the others i've read. it's impossible to judge, because i have no idea if the original is different to Murakami's other works, but the characters in Hard-boiled come across as a little trite in their Americanism, particularly in the way certain things that are said and thought are translated. for all i know, this could absolutely be intentional. by contrast, the Jay Rubin (e.g. Wind-up Bird, Norwegian Wood, 1Q84 pts. 1 & 2) and Philip Gabriel (e.g. Kafka on the Shore, 1Q84 pt. 3) translations, while embracing certain Western traits that Murakami loves, seem to retain much more of, i don't know, a kind of Japanese aesthetic, which to me is part of what makes him so appealing for Anglophone readers. translation is always a perilous affair, but it would be interesting to read some commentaries or critiques of Murakami translations if anybody knows of any...


having said all that, i still really enjoyed Hard-boiled. it's a classic Murakami novel, and definitely a very entertaining read.


now: Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury.

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I don't read books, I do read short stories sometimes or other short things that I'm interested in, and it sometimes turns out to be quite a lot. But if I know that it's gonna be a lot [small book is already too much for me] then I'm not gonna read it.

Now reading my own story I'm working on, rewriting some parts [could've been done weeks ago, but was too fucking lazy to start reading the parts that need to be rewritten]. Now I actually have the time since I'm scanning my Mac for viruses and other stuff, so it won't be working well for a while.

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like 3849, i much prefer short stories (and poetry). i don't see why someone who doesn't like to read novels is (i do read some novels, but it's much less often than most) missing a lot or is laughable because of that. it's just their preference.

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like 3849, i much prefer short stories (and poetry). i don't see why someone who doesn't like to read novels is (i do read some novels, but it's much less often than most) missing a lot or is laughable because of that. it's just their preference.

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I used to only read short stories and poetry; Raymond Carver and Dylan Thomas accompanied me pretty much everywhere. Reading a lot more at the moment. Currently:










Particularly nice edition of Do Androids...

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I've been reading the PKD's Exegesis. Lots of stream of mind rambling that oozes drug abuse and mental problems, and all kinds of conspiracy theories and alternative medicine stuff, but also some pretty interesting tidbits.


Like this one seems to affirm my perception that there are several story lines coming together in PKD's novels:

Every novel of mine is at least two novels superimposed. This is the origin; this is why they are full of loose ends, but also, it is impossible to predict the outcome, since there is no linear plot as such. It is two novels into a sort of 3-D novel.

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Guest zaphod

so does everyone on this forum just read pkd? i mean he's got some great works but fucks sake, branch out a little.

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so does everyone on this forum just read pkd? i mean he's got some great works but fucks sake, branch out a little.


I just started reading A Scanner Darkly, lol. Previously I had read The Man in the High Castle, a book that took an interesting premise and made something really weird and unexpected out of it.


I just read Los Santos Inocentes too, a really short novel about rural society in Spain in the 60s

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Guest zaphod

heh, i'm a dick. i just swear every other post is "just read pkd's ______".


anyway i just read ted chiang's short story "exhalation", which is one of the best science fiction stories i've ever read. available for free here


started tree of smoke by denis johnson. got bored with it. the writing is all over the place and not characteristic of his best books (jesus' son, angels). some of the book doesn't really make sense. he needed an editor on this one. also trying to read retromania by simon reynolds but the guy seems like such a smug twat that i can't get into it.

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Heh, I haven't read PKD in years before just starting now with the Exegesis inspired by other people talking here about him. :cisfor:


Anyway, I'm also reading the Dictionary of the Khazars. Just semi-randomly going through the entries trying to figure out the story.

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I just finished reading both Life of Pi and Cloud Atlas *sigh* I should have just watched the films. Waste of my time.




(I can't resist that little nyan cat gif)

Edited by MadameChaos
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