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Guest The Vidiot

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anyone got a good (nonfict) read on copyright in contemporary art/culture/music (remixing, sampling, massmedia, generative art, ...)?

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Cosey Fanni Tutti's "Art Sex & Music" has pre-orders going for early next year


having a TG/Carter-Tutti/CTI obsession just makes this all the more intriguing


the mailer has a few spoken word events round the capital listed for this autumn which look mint........ aaaaagggghhhh now the wait

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Obviously not yet reading but this is coming 20th October. 


If you haven't already heard iPartridge the audio book, get it now. Trial Audible and DL that gold!

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Guest bitroast

OMG !!!

the 7 hour audiobook version of i, partridge was SO GOOD. looking forward to a 7 hour version of this one hopefully :^) 

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While I wouldn't say the prose style is particularly memorable, his in-depth psychological assessments of characters is some of the best I have read. Consider me addicted. I remember loving his other book, The Razor's Edge, as well. 

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Guest bitroast


OMG !!!

the 7 hour audiobook version of i, partridge was SO GOOD. looking forward to a 7 hour version of this one hopefully :^)

What if it's 8 hours :psyduck:

i will be a happy dude.

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400+ pages into Gravity's Rainbow now and what a revelation it is the 2nd time around.

I guess because you're not going in blind and you fall into his spastic and lateral rhythms easier. Really fucking enjoying this.

I've ordered Mason & Dixon and Against The Day from abebooks.

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yeah, one of the better books i've read in a while. been checking out short stories by Gary Lutz, "Stories in the Worst Way" -- he's a fuckin nut.. ridiculously-constructed sentences, weird, "pretentious" wordage, and funny ideas. It's ok

Edited by barbara planar
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Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.

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Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


I see that's been renewed for a third season starting next week. how? why? it's really really really bad.

will probably continue to hate watch though.

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Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


I see that's been renewed for a third season starting next week. how? why? it's really really really bad.

will probably continue to hate watch though.



Yea, I watch the Strain. It's filler for my TV schedule. The book I referenced definitely had ideas ripped by Del Toro which he spun for his book/show. Surprised he wasn't called on it.

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just finished 1984.  it was just the thing for me at this time. 


reading Delillo's Zero K now.  


thinking of tackling a classic after.. don quixote or ulysses or something.. but might just read infinite jest again or dive into some pk dick or idk wtf. 

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Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


I did not like this at all, but good luck. 


Finally reading The War of the Worlds and just finished Killing For Company, poor old Bleep. Worth a go if you like In Cold Blood and its ilk.

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Started Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons. So far, not too bad.

I can see where Guillermo Del Toro got the idea for The Strain from.


I did not like this at all, but good luck. 


About a 1/3 through and it's holding up for me. But, if it just becomes a pissing match between Oberst & some other mind vampires to join their stupid club then I could see it unraveling quickly. If you ever encounter a mind vampire in real life, kill them. They're complete pricks.

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