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Guest The Vidiot

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some good bits in there i think?


“Older and less planned quarters of cities and towns are profoundly woodlike, and especially in this matter of the mode of their passage through us, the way they unreel, disorientate, open, close, surprise, please.”
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Guest RadarJammer

I know this isn't a YT thread but probably some science fiction fans can appreciate this video of hugo award winning author Vernor Vinge giving a talk to google about "singularity" which is a term he himself coined.


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I'm not sure how I feel about Reamde.

It's a lot of fun, I'll give it that. And funny.


SEMI-SPOILER: I think Neal needed to let off some steam after Anathem. But I sort of needed moar world-building, particularly with respect to T'Rain cultures/economies/technology. Because it's Neal Stephenson.

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I'm not sure how I feel about Reamde.

It's a lot of fun, I'll give it that. And funny.


SEMI-SPOILER: I think Neal needed to let off some steam after Anathem. But I sort of needed moar world-building, particularly with respect to T'Rain cultures/economies/technology. Because it's Neal Stephenson.

Well, I'm only 70 pages in, but I'm enjoying it's lightness compared with Anathem. Should be a good couple of nights.

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finished lessig's free culture after having forgotten about it for many months... the chapter about his experience in the supreme court (trying to reduce the length of a copyright term) was eye-opening and sad.


now reading the gf's copy of the screwtape letters. short and entertaining.

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Just started this week. Im only 100 pages in and I've already been blown away a few times. I have to say I admire L. Ron's hustle and ambition because, holy shit.

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Guest disparaissant

alternating between The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood and Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. Both are excellent.

Nolites te bastardes carborundorum!

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Guest Ron Manager

Just finished Irvine Welsh's "The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs". It was ok. Not up to Welsh's usual standards though.

Have you read Skagboys yet? I'm afraid to, because his output since Glue has been absolutely dreadful to be frank.


I recently read David Peace's 'Red Riding' quartet (1974, 1977, 1980, 1983). They got turned into a very good 3-part Channel 4 serial a couple years back. I finally got around to reading the books, and they're brilliant. If you're very familiar with the TV version, you need to try and forget it, as a lot of characters were either excised or blended for the shortened TV series. Anyway, I thought the books were fantastic. Peace seems to have a real knack for taking a broadly historical event (in this case, the Yorkshire Ripper investigations) and spinning it into great fiction.


I'm about to read The Damned United off the back of this - again, seen the film, loved it, now getting around to the original...

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Guest Ron Manager

I never finished Requiem for a Dream so I'm going through that again. really quick to get through. I like it and all, but it's clearly tragiporn.


I still think it's one of Selby's best. Assuming you've read Last Exit and The Room, I recommend his last book, Waiting Period. It's an easy read by his standards, and surprisingly good.

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Guest Ron Manager

Yeah, for sure. Selby saw an awful lot of injustice in the world. This comes across strongly in The Room and Waiting Period (the only others I've read by him, apart from Requiem and Last Exit), but whereas the former is pretty gruesome and shocking, the latter is waaay more light-hearted and absurd to the point of being rather humorous.

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just started the 2nd Dark Tower book. Read the first and to be honest wasn't greatly into it but heard it gets better so will read the 2nd one.


it does get better (though personally i liked the gunslinger). wizard and glass and wolves of the calla are great, but there was one element that ran through some of the later books that pissed me off. it didn't ruin the entire series, i actually really enjoyed the ending. i just started wind through the keyhole, which i'm enjoying.



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Ahh cool, it wasn't that the gunslinger was bad, but just that a lot of friends had said how good the series was and I wasn't blown away. The second is getting very good though, although a bit to close to that 'unruly passenger' story from yesterday!

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Guest Ron Manager

Just finished the third part of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Life, the Universe and Everything). I'd never read the series before, and having just read the first three, I have to say I'm pretty underwhelmed. Everyone raves that these books are incredible, but I just didn't find them that funny. Sure, they're humorous on occasion. They just seem so lacking in everything else... there's no story at all really. The first one was alright, the second less so, and this third one I thought was really tedious. I don't think I'm going to bother with the next two. I love sci-fi, but these have just passed me by. What am I missing?

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The Canterbury Tales-Chaucer.

Taking me an age to read because I feel I must read it in middle english,which is only fun when you read it out loud.

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