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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Mr Salads

Titticut Follies - the first documentary from Frederick Wiseman 10/10


If you're 12 years old, like some people on this board are, youll probably fucking hate it

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Titticut Follies - the first documentary from Frederick Wiseman 10/10


If you're 12 years old, like some people on this board are, youll probably fucking hate it


I've fallen asleep trying to watch it, twice.

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Guest beatfanatic

so is it supposed to be good because it was disturbing and banned from release or does it actually have some sort of merit to it??

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Guest Mr Salads

all of Wiseman's movies have merit. They're not all disturbing either. Some are like this one, but some are lighter subjects. He uses the same style for each one. Its just a distanced perspective so you can just appreciate the people and the situations they're in without anybody telling you what to think about it.


I think why this is disturbing is because the hospital staff is so incredibly inept at what they do. The patients, as mentally disturbed as they are, really do become the victims. Its just a really fucked up look at a mental hospital.


I wouldnt necessarily see it to be "disturbed". That's not what he's going for..

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Guest tidbit

professione: reporter 8.5/10

king of marvin gardens 8.5/10

cobra verde 7.7/10

fata morgana 8/10

where the green ants dream 6/10

the fourth protocol 8.2/10

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Guest WhoNeedsElectricity

Il Meglio di GIoventu (The Best of Youth)


More of a min-series than a film, but certainly delivers like one. One of the finest Also, for those interested in Titticut Follies, it has some very disturbing scenes in a mental hospital set in the 50's when they still used electroshock. Great for those who want a taste of Italian cinema's true potential.

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Titticut Follies - the first documentary from Frederick Wiseman 10/10


If you're 12 years old, like some people on this board are, youll probably fucking hate it


again man you're not being fair to 12 year olds, when i was 9 years old if i had watched Surveillance i would have correctly identified that yes this movie is a piece of shit with a horribly cliche trendy hollywood horror movie surprise ending.

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Guest olson

Titticut Follies - the first documentary from Frederick Wiseman 10/10


If you're 12 years old, like some people on this board are, youll probably fucking hate it


I've fallen asleep trying to watch it, twice.


this is the one nosdam samples in "untitled one" yeah?

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Guest zaphod

moon 6/10


underwhelming. i really like sam rockwell and found it hard not to like this movie, but it was just kind of tedious.

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Guest have lost touch

moon 6/10


underwhelming. i really like sam rockwell and found it hard not to like this movie, but it was just kind of tedious.


how so?

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Guest zaphod

well, if you haven't seen the film don't read this, but:




it was obvious from the beginning, actually from the trailer, that sam was a clone. i actually figured he was an android but it made no difference to the film's outcome. the design of the moon station was just kind of boring and uninspired. a lot of it felt cobbled together from better science fiction films (2001, blade runner, silent running, the quiet earth, etc). i dunno, how can a film be tedious? it was simply not entertaining or really that engaging. again, i like sam rockwell a lot, he's a likable everyman and i thought he did a good job. and the film itself was likable, it was obviously low budget and they accomplished a lot with that, i just felt like it was pretty derivative. if you're going to establish fairly quickly that he's a clone, at least up the tension. the film simply didn't go anywhere. it played out exactly as i figured it would, so i was basically just waiting for it to end, rather than wondering what might happen next or getting involved in the character. i'm happy a movie like this can still get made, but i just wasn't impressed by it, if i'm being honest.



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Guest philia


the scent of green papaya - this movie is gorgeous. the colors, the framing, the minimal script, the mood. really enjoyed it. i haven't read norwegian wood but i think this movie gives me comfort that anh hung tran was an informed, conscious choice for director.



agree with everything, although i have a complaint. the musical score for the film was extremely dissonant and off-putting, which really contrasts with the beautiful images i felt. tran's later films also feature the same guy doin the music, and to me that's the worst aspect of his films. still - very much looking forward to norwegian wood. one of his later films, 'vertical rays of the sun', especially has a murakami vibe to it.



miao miao - 6

jaji no futari - 8.5

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Guest beatfanatic

Mister Lonely 1/10


what the fuck did I just watch? Probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

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Guest atropa


the scent of green papaya - this movie is gorgeous. the colors, the framing, the minimal script, the mood. really enjoyed it. i haven't read norwegian wood but i think this movie gives me comfort that anh hung tran was an informed, conscious choice for director.



agree with everything, although i have a complaint. the musical score for the film was extremely dissonant and off-putting, which really contrasts with the beautiful images i felt. tran's later films also feature the same guy doin the music, and to me that's the worst aspect of his films. still - very much looking forward to norwegian wood. one of his later films, 'vertical rays of the sun', especially has a murakami vibe to it.

I seemed like the opening music sort of summed up it's position in the film; calm, mischievous, curious, but also recognizing the precarious state of existence. The most dissonant outbursts punctuated the fractures in the characters lives such as a death or infidelity. Often you only hear the rhythm of the everyday - birds chirping, cicadas, or a meal cooking. I think the contrast becomes much more noticeable during the second half when the inclusion of Western influence is so prevalent.

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