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2 films on Netflix to tonight.


Battle Royale


This was hyped up over the years.

I'm sure it was better when it first came out. I'm also sure that The Hunger Games was inspired by this. Didn't see that one, or read the book, but from what I hear, it's a very similar premise.

I think if BR was made with a bit more realism, it would have knocked it out of the park.


The other film...



Jiro Dreams Of Sushi




This one I had high expectations for and it delivered. I feel like I waited a long time to see it, considering how badly I wanted to see it in the theater.

It's a film about striving for perfection. really well done.

I think this one will stick with me.


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Looper was pretty good i just didn't understand why it seemed to skeletal. Ok i get that powerful criminals need to use time travel to dispose of bodies, but i mean wasn't the future-future controlled by organized criminals (ie the rainmaker)? That's how they made it seem, i felt like time travel was used more as a plot device and less of something truly impacting to the film overall. It played on Terminator and even Back to the Future 1 & 2, but was no where near as memorable as those movies were. Highly enjoyable film though mostly because of a well written script and directing, i just thought story wise it was more of a popcorn film than other classic time travel films. Along the way i couldn't help but feel like it had maybe 20-30 minutes edited out of it.


And if dead bodies are so hard to dispose of why did the rainmakers goons just shoot the Bruce Willis older version's girlfriend in broad daylight? The plot holes weren't the fun kind either like 'how is Reese john conners father if he sent reese back in time', they just seemed unintentional and sort of frustrating.. I give it a 7/10, it would be a 9/10 if the 3rd act was something more interesting than a quasi Akira homage. The whole 'kid is the rainmaker' thing was just very uninteresting to me, and it seemed like whoever wrote it thought it would be ultra clever to turn upsidedown the terminator plot, that they actually need to kill this kid before he grows up instead of save it. I found it sort of boring. If the kid is a telekinetic 'freak' who can explode bodies, why would he need to send his 'hits' back in time to be killed? I didnt get that at all, and maybe they were trying t imply that he was 'closing all the loops' because a looper killed his mom, but even so it still doesnt explain why time travel was used in a coherent or interesting way. It was like after the prologue they just never mentioned the reasoning behind it or elaborate on it anymore. In Terminator 1 they do a great job of expanding on Reese's flashbacks and explanation to Sarah in the police station where the doctor asks him 'but why this elaborate plot with the terminator'. and Reese says, 'we already beat them, it was the only way they could win' (by sending someone back in time to kill sarah), The movie started out extremely promising though. I guess i was expecting something with a little more head fuckery ala Primer, in that aspect it did not deliver. On the plus side best Bruce Willis performance in ages, but like all his movies in the last decade it felt a tad phoned in. And they never really explained why the Jeff Daniels character was from the future, what was his purpose? If was from the future wouldn't his memories be effected by 'new' actions being performed by Bruce Willis coming back into the past, and if so why did he just act like a sitting duck to be shootup by one dude with a few machine guns? I understand that movies like this are supposed to have time paradoxes, i just dont think the writer accounted for all the missing blank spots in the story construction or if he did they were cut out of the movie


Edited by Awepittance
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Argo - 8/10 - not a terribly complex movie but pretty flawless for what it was trying to be. Loved how it was 70s retro but not sexed up or over stylized, pretty realistic authentic look overall. It sort of reminded me of the way Invasion of the Body Snatchers looked. The last retro 70s movie i saw that was played straight before was the Box, which just to me screamed forgery, did not give me the same authentic vibe at all. Pretty impressive comparison shots too of the video footage they recreated. The opening shot of the protest outside of the embassy was fucking amazing looking. First Ben Affleck (directed) movie i didn't think was style over substance. I'm looking forward to what he does next.


Dark Shadows - 7/10 - had almost zero resemblance to the show, which i didn't really mind. Probably the best Burton film since Big Fish.


Prometheus (2nd viewing) - 5/10, this time around i didn't mind the overly polished visual look, the cgi or the cheesy set design or even the 'engineers' who seemed alright. The biggest thing this movie suffers from is the extremely unrealistic reactions by the characters. I don't think it's as much a problem with the acting, which is decent enough it's the script seems written by a 13 year old. It's unbelievably bad in some parts. I mean who gives a fuck if after only 1 day of an expedition of an alien planet you didn't find any living aliens? The guy is pouting in the corner drinking straight from a bottle in the medical bay while they dissect an alien head that miraculously looks like the head of a giant pale human being. I mean what the hell? What a retarded 'character arc' if it can even be called that, it's some of the worst writing in a movie ive seen in recent memory. If they implied that this grown man had some sort of unsatisfiable child like tendencies, then maybe it would have made sense? otherwise it makes no sense for any normal grown man to act that way. Literally none of the human characters express realistic reactions to discovering intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. Drew Barrymore's acting in ET is 10x more realistic than anybody in this movie. And jesus fucking christ the alien snake part, wow. It's even worse now after re-watching it again to see that they indeed walked the opposite direction from a 'life form' on the computer read-out, but then pet the alien snake? Way worse than nuking the fridge.

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On The Road - 5/10

It's meh.... exactly as i expected to be. They recreated the look of the 1950's flawlessly (reminded me of Angel Heart), but the pointless characters who drift along aren't really engaging, so it's difficult to give a hoot about what happens to anyone in this film. It's the poor relation to The Motorcycle Diaries.


Killer Joe - 10/10

This is a rare case of everyone involved in a film absolutely nailing it. Special mention to Thomas Haden Church. What a performance.

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not sure about the girl, but the others were pretty fantastic indeed. i was thinking about the film quite a bit and i find it kinda pointless despite it being otherworldly, brilliant, hilarious and fucked up.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Jiro Dreams Of Sushi




This one I had high expectations for and it delivered. I feel like I waited a long time to see it, considering how badly I wanted to see it in the theater.

It's a film about striving for perfection. really well done.

I think this one will stick with me.


is this like senna where even if you don't care about F1/sushi you can still enjoy?

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Jiro Dreams Of Sushi




This one I had high expectations for and it delivered. I feel like I waited a long time to see it, considering how badly I wanted to see it in the theater.

It's a film about striving for perfection. really well done.

I think this one will stick with me.


is this like senna where even if you don't care about F1/sushi you can still enjoy?


Yeah. You would totally dig it, even if you don't like sushi. If you have a paralyzing fear of sushi, on the other hand, I would DEFINITELY avoid it.

I forgot to add, If you are a big sushi lover, don't watch this on an empty stomach. Luckily, I had eaten a gigantic burrito a couple hours beforehand and couldn't even think about eating.

If I hadn't, I'm sure staring at all of that amazing sushi would have made me break down and go somewhere way too expensive for dinner.


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Taken 2: 4/10 - Loved the original (who doesn't?!) but where as the original was just the right balance of cheesy action film that still grips you, this was just lazy and half-arsed through-out. There are still some good moments, but the whole film is tired, and massively toned down to make it a 12a which takes all the fun away.


Three Colors: Blue 8/10 - Really enjoyed it, looking forward to watching the next 2. Juliette Binoche is uber-sexy.

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With you on Jiro. That movie is the kind of thing you think will be boring and mediocre. It does stick with you, becasue it gets into your head and makes you understand the importance of this whole thing. It's a very effective, great movie Ebert would say. Couldn't get through Senna though.


The Grifters







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I thought it was quite powerful.

Camera work and acting was pretty shitty at times, in my opinion.

Some bits just weren't... needed. Like the part with the naked grandma in the toilet - why was it there?

I do recommend it though. I liked it.

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brick - 7/10

cyborg - lol/10

the goat man - ffs no/10

crash (cronenberg) - 6,5/10

robocop - 7/10 could be higher with a few edits... lovely gore

robocop 2 - not so good, very cheesy/10

bad lieutenant (herzog) - 7/10

weekend at bernies - lol nostalgia, turns out it stills pretty funny/10

to rome with love - 6/10

seeking a friend for the end of the world - 6/10

the divide - facepalm/10

go - 7,5/10

swingers - 6/10

abraham lincoln vampire hunter - omfg what a pile of nonsense racist crap/10

safety not guaranteed - i only watched this because of her and i got disappointed/10

ice age continental drift - 7,5/10 damn that was funny and clever, thumbs up, couldn't believe they hadn't dried it out yet...

existenz - 7/10 or i don't get it really well or it is in fact ridiculously flimsy, although it's a pretty good existential exercise.

killer joe - i'm not getting the hype, it was extremely formulated, annoying characters, wanna be shocking and not delivering at all - 6,5/10

the campaign - i can' believe that ferrell and galifianakis signed for this shit, rubbish/10, i mean i laughed, but it's still bad nonetheless...

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Abraham Lincoln The Vampire Hunter - One of the most ridiculous over-the-top movies i've seen in my life, some of the characters were so fucking outrageous that leads me to believe the writers and filmakers of this movie were high on a combination of cough syrup and asthma inhalers. I enjoyed the fuck out of this movie, so much stupid ridiculous fun, you gonna have to leave your fucking pretentiousness behind and see this movie as if you were a lobotomized lunatic. 8.5/10


P/S - The horse stampede scene is worth your time, trust me.

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Guest RadarJammer

The Amazing Spiderman garbage/10, much of the line delivery seemed like outtakes with what looked like B movie creature CG. Maybe there was just so damn much CG that they couldn't budget for quality.

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Just watched sinister. It was good, did its job for the most part wasn't completely satisfied with it.


I thought it was interesting they used BOC in it in that I wanted to play some BOC in the car and my sister was like "I don't want to l listen to BOC" and then she heard it in the movie anyways.


I told her it was Boc after the movie :)

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