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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

I just watched mulholland dr. for the first time. I was surprised and appalled that laura harring's puss-puss was blurred. so I googled and it turns out they did this on the dvd release because she didn't want screen caps to pop up all over the internets. does anyone else feel cheated by this?

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Guest Iain C

I just watched mulholland dr. for the first time. I was surprised and appalled that laura harring's puss-puss was blurred. so I googled and it turns out they did this on the dvd release because she didn't want screen caps to pop up all over the internets. does anyone else feel cheated by this?


Not at all because her cunt is disgusting and rotten anyway

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Guest nene multiple assgasms
<br />
<br />I just watched mulholland dr. for the first time. I was surprised and appalled that laura harring's puss-puss was blurred. so I googled and it turns out they did this on the dvd release because she didn't want screen caps to pop up all over the internets. does anyone else feel cheated by this?<br />
<br /><br />Not at all because her cunt is disgusting and rotten anyway<br />
<br /><br /><br />


what are basing this on? please post photographic proof.

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kiss kiss bang bang. a good 8/9 outta 10 i reckon. i laughed a lot a lot throughout.


remember luddy i told you about it at eds birfday? watch it, its a good film. get aims on it too, she'll laugh her little cotton socks off.

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Guest analogue wings

Transmorphers 3/10


I fell asleep and missed maybe half of it. All the actors looked like porn actors (not porn STARS, just regular, rough at the edges, did our own makeup, slighly flabby porn actors). Half of the action happened off screen and was narrated. At times, ON SCREEN action was narrated (during a "tense" surgery scene - "you're losing it. it's dead." - spoken at a doctor poking a completely static and unmoving alien prop). The CGI looked more like Ray Harryhausen stop motion. It was not quite entertaining enough for a 90s style "giggling at shit movies" night.


But it was STILL better than Transformers. Seriously.

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Guest Al Hounos

spring, summer, fall, winter, and spring


beautiful Korean movie about a couple of buddhist monks. highly recommended.

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Guest zaphod

Transmorphers 3/10


I fell asleep and missed maybe half of it. All the actors looked like porn actors (not porn STARS, just regular, rough at the edges, did our own makeup, slighly flabby porn actors). Half of the action happened off screen and was narrated. At times, ON SCREEN action was narrated (during a "tense" surgery scene - "you're losing it. it's dead." - spoken at a doctor poking a completely static and unmoving alien prop). The CGI looked more like Ray Harryhausen stop motion. It was not quite entertaining enough for a 90s style "giggling at shit movies" night.


But it was STILL better than Transformers. Seriously.




transmorphers 2 dude

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Guest Mr Salads

spring, summer, fall, winter, and spring


beautiful Korean movie about a couple of buddhist monks. highly recommended.


actually its vietnamese

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Guest Mirezzi

Watchmen - Meh, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. In fact, I was pretty entertained for the entire three hours (I watched the director's cut).


Still, it felt like hamfisted philosophical nonsense being handled by somebody in their late teens / early 20's.


The decision to make the most faithful adaptation of the graphic novel was a huge mistake. Books do not = movies, nor do comic books. One day, I hope filmmakers will realize that and just ignore the fanboys.


That chick who played Silk Spectre II was utterly unconvincing. I liked Gugino as Silk Spectre I though. Jackie Earle Haley as Rorschach deserved to be in a better film.

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