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Doctor Who Rips off Aphex Twin


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The latest Doctor Who special seems to have borrowed a concept originally seen in 1997's "Come To Daddy" video where Aphex Twin's face gets replicated across all the children in a housing estate - in the latest Doctor Who special, The Doctor's arch-nemesis, The Master, uses an alien device to "copy" himself onto every human being on Earth - all with his face, which is also eerily similar to the grinning face Aphex Twin is famous for. One would point to the film Being John Malkovitch as the possible inspiration as well, or possibly even The Matrix Reloaded, where Agent Smith copies himself many times over. However, I think it's Come To Daddy, as both of those films postdate Come To Daddy.


Come To Daddy:



Doctor Who: The End of Time:


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i don't see a connection, at all. other than a fanboy thinking everything has to do with his idol. come to daddy didn't invent this.


First off, I'm by no means an Aphex Twin "fanboy" - second of all, you're honestly telling me you don't see visual similarities between the way they have John Simm made up as The Master and Richard's face in Come To Daddy.


Troll elsewhere.

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Also, besides the fact I know the "everyone with the same face" bit isn't new by any stretch of the imagination, can you cite some other examples that are close to what Doctor Who did?


more like DOCTOR WHO CARES!!??


Why bother posting then?

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seriously dude? of course it's similar, in that a guy has put his face on some other guys, and now there's a bunch of people with one face. but it isn't actually similar visually, the aesthetic is actually completely different. it's a goofy little visual in doctor who, and it's disturbing in the aphex video. it's been done before, i'm sure in a number of places, in mythology, in movies, television...i'm not trolling, i'm disagreeing with you. i guess i could walk in and go "OMG THEY RIPPED OFF AFX FUCK DR WHO" but, no, they didn't. at all.

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seriously dude? of course it's similar, in that a guy has put his face on some other guys, and now there's a bunch of people with one face. but it isn't actually similar visually, the aesthetic is actually completely different. it's a goofy little visual in doctor who, and it's disturbing in the aphex video. it's been done before, i'm sure in a number of places, in mythology, in movies, television...i'm not trolling, i'm disagreeing with you. i guess i could walk in and go "OMG THEY RIPPED OFF AFX FUCK DR WHO" but, no, they didn't. at all.


Well, I like both Doctor Who and Aphex Twin, so I was amused with it and that was the first thing that popped into my head. I'm not slamming them at all, but it's always interesting to see similar concepts arise in media.

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We should tell the administrator that this thread belongs to the Aphex Twin subforum.


No, it doesn't because it's about Doctor Who, not Aphex Twin.


it's about doctor who ripping off aphex twin. snl ripping off aphex twin was in the afx subforum, was it not?

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I'd say 'Rips off' is a bit strong. More like 'Doctor Who plot has a slight similarity to Aphex Twin'


In Come to Daddy, its not _everyone_ with Aphex's face, just a tribe of kids. The granny and the bloke in the car are not aphexed. Also, no-one gets converted, to me it was as if they were all just born like that.


In Windowlicker, mind you, people _do_ get converted into Aphexes, but only hot chicks. Lame dudes are not affected (or should that be aphexcted?)


I'd think of a whole bunch of other things before I thought of come to daddy - The Borg, Being John Malkovich, that Red Dwarf episode with a whole planet of Rimmers,


If anything, Doctor Who was re-using similar ideas that it had used before - such as in The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances when the whole planet is being converted into gas-mask wearing zombies.

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Guest analogue wings

rant inside :sorcerer:



It rips off The Phantom Menace and Highlander pretty good too. And when the Master (of over acting) "smells" Dr Who, what's what, the Matrix? Seen it before anyways. fake edit - Oh wait it's Silence Of The Lambs, just like when they have him tied up for a bit (speaking of over acting...)


Utterly awful episode. Russell T Davies should be forced to watch his own strident, melodramatic, infantile scripts for the rest of his life. How many times has he done the ultimate total absolute ultimate end of ultimately absolutely everything? How many most important people in the universes have there been in his run? Rose, Donna, Old Coot... Terrible. And the character development seems to consist entirely of people missing each other and crying. It's like Baz Luhrman Presents Dr Who.


Only one special left before the new crew takes over - and then they have to deal with Davies' parting gift to the show - Junkie Rentboy Dr Who :facepalm:


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why would doctor who use the whatever to destroy timelords?, someone fill me in a lil bit.


When they re-launched Doctor Who in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston, his back-story was that he had destroyed the entire civilizations of both the Daleks and the Timelords in order to stop the Time War - leaving him as the last Time Lord.



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I'd say 'Rips off' is a bit strong. More like 'Doctor Who plot has a slight similarity to Aphex Twin'


In Come to Daddy, its not _everyone_ with Aphex's face, just a tribe of kids. The granny and the bloke in the car are not aphexed. Also, no-one gets converted, to me it was as if they were all just born like that.


In Windowlicker, mind you, people _do_ get converted into Aphexes, but only hot chicks. Lame dudes are not affected (or should that be aphexcted?)


I'd think of a whole bunch of other things before I thought of come to daddy - The Borg, Being John Malkovich, that Red Dwarf episode with a whole planet of Rimmers,


If anything, Doctor Who was re-using similar ideas that it had used before - such as in The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances when the whole planet is being converted into gas-mask wearing zombies.


Ah, I forgot about Red Dwarf! Good catch. Yes, "rips off" is a bit sensationalist. BTW, the "whole planet" doesn't get converted to gas-mask zombies, just those affected by the nanomites released from the Chula capsule (yes, I am a hardcore DW fan)


i'm more interested in that return of the timelords thing at the end.. im hooked.


why would doctor who use the whatever to destroy timelords?, someone fill me in a lil bit.


Ah, already answered it - but to add to it, basically he had to make the choice to end the Time War. We don't know yet what "The Moment" is - hopefully in the concluding episode.


rant inside :sorcerer:



It rips off The Phantom Menace and Highlander pretty good too. And when the Master (of over acting) "smells" Dr Who, what's what, the Matrix? Seen it before anyways. fake edit - Oh wait it's Silence Of The Lambs, just like when they have him tied up for a bit (speaking of over acting...)


Utterly awful episode. Russell T Davies should be forced to watch his own strident, melodramatic, infantile scripts for the rest of his life. How many times has he done the ultimate total absolute ultimate end of ultimately absolutely everything? How many most important people in the universes have there been in his run? Rose, Donna, Old Coot... Terrible. And the character development seems to consist entirely of people missing each other and crying. It's like Baz Luhrman Presents Dr Who.


Only one special left before the new crew takes over - and then they have to deal with Davies' parting gift to the show - Junkie Rentboy Dr Who :facepalm:



To be fair, Steven Moffat chose Matt Smith (I'm assuming that's who you're referring to as Junkie Rentboy Doctor Who), not RTD. I think Matt Smith will be fantastic, as will Moffat's stories and overall direction of the series.

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