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Awesome Autechre Vid!


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ok. let's think for a minute. just you and me ziggomaticV17.


This is a forum with hundreds of IDM fans across the globe. A large handful of them like Autechre. Conveniently there is a specific subforum with threads centered around Ae for those select fans. It's a great place for fans to discuss the finer elements of Ae's music, share rare mixes, funny Ae related stories, that sort of thing. Amazing a place like that exists huh?


Now that YouTube video was posted on June 18th, 2008. Thats almost a year and a half ago. (in two days) Do you think possibly that in that short span of 545 odd days that no one here, out of the hundreds of Autechre fans that visit this forum would have spotted that and shared it with the uneducated masses? That video also has over 36,000 views. Did no one on this forum see even one of those 36,000?


Seems unlikely doesn't it?




it's a good video tho innit


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Yup point taken. But I'm new here and I had actually never seen that. Don't think it would hurt to repost it in the of chance that someone here didn't see it and if I just got one new person to see it that would have made the difference. You can't expect everyone here to have seen that video can you? Besides, a vid of that quality deserves to be shown more than once.

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ok. let's think for a minute. just you and me ziggomaticV17.


This is a forum with hundreds of IDM fans across the globe. A large handful of them like Autechre. Conveniently there is a specific subforum with threads centered around Ae for those select fans. It's a great place for fans to discuss the finer elements of Ae's music, share rare mixes, funny Ae related stories, that sort of thing. Amazing a place like that exists huh?


Now that YouTube video was posted on June 18th, 2008. Thats almost a year and a half ago. (in two days) Do you think possibly that in that short span of 545 odd days that no one here, out of the hundreds of Autechre fans that visit this forum would have spotted that and shared it with the uneducated masses? That video also has over 36,000 views. Did no one on this forum see even one of those 36,000?


Seems unlikely doesn't it?




it's a good video tho innit


lol best response ever



And to the OP, it's a good vid but you should at least use the search engine first. If you don't wanna revive a thread because the topic wasn't mainly about the video, you should then put jazzband in the thread description.


The reason I say that is that I wholeheartedly support the posting of jazzband stuff so long as it is sufficiently agreed upon as worthy, because there are always new members or members that have been absent for a while and even personally I've stumbled across a bunch of threads that were totally jazzband but it was the first time I had seen it.


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Guest ataraxy2

Don't think it would hurt to repost it in the of chance that someone here didn't see it and if I just got one new person to see it that would have made the difference. You can't expect everyone here to have seen that video can you?


I hadn't seen it. So cheers for sharing it.

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