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a thread about drugs

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I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.




I think it's more about where you are in life, than age exactly. For example, the guys that pretty much brought acid into circulation (leary, ram dass, metzer, Huxley, not to mention the beatles) were all in their ealry/mid 30's when they got into it.

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Guest mafted

I wouldn't do mushies or lsd ever again. Been there done that and got the t-shirt. I don't think I have the minerals to handle them at all, shame really because on their day they can be revolutionary fantastic LoL. And they can be evil.


I had a full on wide awake ride through Hell on mushrooms once. You know its bad when you try to close your eyes and shut it out but there are still demons and devils rushing at you. I just on kept telling myself the effects would sooner or later wear off and that I wasn't naturally going insane, that single grain of reason that I held onto proberbly stopped my going right into madness. Stratosphericly easily the worst time of my life


I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.


Never really been into weed that much, nowadays I just drink a few beers, glass of wine. If I drink a lot then I might do some coke because it resfreshes the dribbling/sleepy drunkeness. I would do E maybe 4 times a year but have trouble getting anything decent nowadays so hardly bother. Tempted to try this meow meow gear.


Single malt whiskey and a pipe is the future!


oh yeah. people seem to trip until they have a bad one.. then it's not even worth it. i had a couple similar instances. you have to make sure your conscience is clean and you're in a good environment.. found out the hard way with that. same way now though.. relax and smoke if you got it!

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I wouldn't do mushies or lsd ever again. Been there done that and got the t-shirt. I don't think I have the minerals to handle them at all, shame really because on their day they can be revolutionary fantastic LoL. And they can be evil.


I had a full on wide awake ride through Hell on mushrooms once. You know its bad when you try to close your eyes and shut it out but there are still demons and devils rushing at you. I just on kept telling myself the effects would sooner or later wear off and that I wasn't naturally going insane, that single grain of reason that I held onto proberbly stopped my going right into madness. Stratosphericly easily the worst time of my life


I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.


Never really been into weed that much, nowadays I just drink a few beers, glass of wine. If I drink a lot then I might do some coke because it resfreshes the dribbling/sleepy drunkeness. I would do E maybe 4 times a year but have trouble getting anything decent nowadays so hardly bother. Tempted to try this meow meow gear.


Single malt whiskey and a pipe is the future!


yeah I'm with you beerwolf

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I wouldn't do mushies or lsd ever again. Been there done that and got the t-shirt. I don't think I have the minerals to handle them at all, shame really because on their day they can be revolutionary fantastic LoL. And they can be evil.


I had a full on wide awake ride through Hell on mushrooms once. You know its bad when you try to close your eyes and shut it out but there are still demons and devils rushing at you. I just on kept telling myself the effects would sooner or later wear off and that I wasn't naturally going insane, that single grain of reason that I held onto proberbly stopped my going right into madness. Stratosphericly easily the worst time of my life


I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.


Never really been into weed that much, nowadays I just drink a few beers, glass of wine. If I drink a lot then I might do some coke because it resfreshes the dribbling/sleepy drunkeness. I would do E maybe 4 times a year but have trouble getting anything decent nowadays so hardly bother. Tempted to try this meow meow gear.


Single malt whiskey and a pipe is the future!

it is important to remember that the fear you felt was caused by your ego attempting to hold itself together, and the only remedy is letting go. stop being a control freak and enjoy the psychedelic experience for what it is; a learning experience.

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Guest Rabid

I doubt I'll ever take serious drugs. My head's kind of fucked up already, so aside from weed I'm happy to keep it clean.


It has a really interesting history--especially the "lithium parties" where people would mix up lithiated tonics and get right on ya. It's also thought to be one of the few metals that were generated by the Big Bang based on a bunch of astrogeological shit I can't understand*.


EDIT: *oh yeah, forget Alice, go ask Eskeralldean or however you spell the username of that filthy communist. He's the resident rock fucker.

I never actually knew that lithium could be used as a drug. I guess that explains that one Nirvana song.

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Guest hahathhat

And what about electric taste ?

I got this feeling (same as licking batteries) during my first time with 2C-I. I was quite anxious at the time, then i read it was pretty common among psychedelic users. Anyone knows what I'm talking about ? I can also feel that taste when i'm not on drugs. When i'm suffering a sudden stress (I.e when adrenalin is running into my veins) i feel a fucking strong metallic taste, it feels like my mouth has turned into metal.


AFX's "Canticle Drawl" gives me this, it's like licking a 9-volt battery. psychedelics merely make my teeth feel funny.


I never actually knew that lithium could be used as a drug. I guess that explains that one Nirvana song.






my doctor assured me repeatedly


though i believe in modern medicine, i feel that white coat hypnotizes people a tad too much....

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I didn't have any introspected thoughts while on LSD, I was too occupied with all the craziness around me. My friend though has only had introspected experiences... I don't reallly know enough about the drug, but does LSD do different things each time, so could I have a more heavily introspected trip and could my friend have a more visual trip?

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Guest tht tne

I didn't have any introspected thoughts while on LSD, I was too occupied with all the craziness around me. My friend though has only had introspected experiences... I don't reallly know enough about the drug, but does LSD do different things each time, so could I have a more heavily introspected trip and could my friend have a more visual trip?


i think that comes down more to dosages

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I didn't have any introspected thoughts while on LSD, I was too occupied with all the craziness around me. My friend though has only had introspected experiences... I don't reallly know enough about the drug, but does LSD do different things each time, so could I have a more heavily introspected trip and could my friend have a more visual trip?


i think that comes down more to dosages


Like potency? That makes sense cause everyone I did it with the one time had crazy visuals, so I was surprised when my friend who's done it 5 times has never experienced visuals like mine. I did only take one tab though

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isn't that the point of taking acid?


not for me, i hate the feeling of being extremely fucked up on any drug to be honest. apart from being so high you cant even speak, but weed is nothing like most drugs.


thats why i wont be taking acid again, theres no half dose, the tabs are so small you cant really do much more than half them, and half is still too much for me. i only like to have one or maybe two at the very most pills, while ive experienced and quite enjoyed the mind numbing shivers of joy and excitement that run down your spine and uncontrollable gurning + movement that comes from taking 3 or 4, its just too much for me. im happy with the mild excitement and want to dance that a few does to you. i took too many mushrooms once aswell and that was horrible. i dunno, i like drugs, but i just dont like getting completely wankered is what im saying.


you are not surrendering to the experience. that's why people have a hard time with it. hang in there and accept, embrace and enjoy the experience, might seem wild at first, but once you get settled in, you will realize that you are far from fucked up and actually quite lucid.


as to someone having more introspective trips than others, it all comes down to the person and what they do with the trip. some will be endlessly fascinated by the visuals and some will good deep inside. it is you who control it as it's your brain. dosage do play a part, larger doses tend to go towards ego dissolving.

Edited by azatoth
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Guest tht tne

my friend recommended one time about psychedelics to go into the experience with no expectations; i thought that was good advice

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my friend recommended one time about psychedelics to go into the experience with no expectations; i thought that was good advice


it sounds good, but isn't it really only good for people who are ready for anything? most people i know plain aren't. most people i know need very predictable outcomes or they get really confused and upset. and i mean about almost everything. it's fucking sad actually.

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How'd this wind up going down? :trashbear:


Thank fuck I'm right as rain--I guess; how does anyone ever know one baseline shift to another? All I know is that I can type, my cognition is clear, I can dress myself, I can speak in cogent bits, and I can walk. I was freaked out that there was going to be permanent damage but my doctor assured me repeatedly that there is no permanent brain/neurological damage from acute lithium toxicity; only the kidneys and mine turned out fit as can be measured. Needless to say, that sneaky metal is no longer in my life and, really, I feel better. I might ring Tom Cruise and join the Scientology business.


It has a really interesting history--especially the "lithium parties" where people would mix up lithiated tonics and get right on ya. It's also thought to be one of the few metals that were generated by the Big Bang based on a bunch of astrogeological shit I can't understand*.


EDIT: *oh yeah, forget Alice, go ask Eskeralldean or however you spell the username of that filthy communist. He's the resident rock fucker.


woah -

Use in 7 Up

As with cocaine in Coca-Cola, lithium was widely marketed as one of a number of patent medicine products popular in the late-19th and early-20th centuries, and was the medicinal ingredient of a refreshment beverage, 7 Up. Charles Leiper Grigg, who launched his St. Louis-based company The Howdy Corporation in 1920, invented a formula for a lemon-lime soft drink in 1929. The product, originally named "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda", was launched two weeks before the Wall Street Crash of 1929.[12] It contained the mood stabiliser lithium citrate and was one of a number of patent medicine products popular in the late-19th and early-20th centuries. The beverage was marketed specifically as a hangover cure. Its name was soon changed to 7 Up. According to Gary Yu (UCSB) and researchers for the "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader", the name is derived from the atomic mass of lithium (approximately seven daltons). Lithium citrate was removed from 7 Up's formula in 1950.[13]

so ridiculous

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my friend recommended one time about psychedelics to go into the experience with no expectations; i thought that was good advice


this is true. that's what i tell people who are going to try psychedelics for the first time and to not fight it, ride it out. somehow explaining a proper psychedelic experience, is something like explaining color to a blind person.




it sounds good, but isn't it really only good for people who are ready for anything? most people i know plain aren't. most people i know need very predictable outcomes or they get really confused and upset. and i mean about almost everything. it's fucking sad actually.


this is true. i don't really think i am an especially adventurous person. but somehow bending my mind seemed like an obvious thing to do.

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Guest theSun

why would they change the name to 7 Up from "Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda"?


one is clearly more catchy.

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I wouldn't do mushies or lsd ever again. Been there done that and got the t-shirt. I don't think I have the minerals to handle them at all, shame really because on their day they can be revolutionary fantastic LoL. And they can be evil.


I had a full on wide awake ride through Hell on mushrooms once. You know its bad when you try to close your eyes and shut it out but there are still demons and devils rushing at you. I just on kept telling myself the effects would sooner or later wear off and that I wasn't naturally going insane, that single grain of reason that I held onto proberbly stopped my going right into madness. Stratosphericly easily the worst time of my life


I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.


Never really been into weed that much, nowadays I just drink a few beers, glass of wine. If I drink a lot then I might do some coke because it resfreshes the dribbling/sleepy drunkeness. I would do E maybe 4 times a year but have trouble getting anything decent nowadays so hardly bother. Tempted to try this meow meow gear.


Single malt whiskey and a pipe is the future!

it is important to remember that the fear you felt was caused by your ego attempting to hold itself together, and the only remedy is letting go. stop being a control freak and enjoy the psychedelic experience for what it is; a learning experience.


I was in Thailand in a very quiet and fairly remote spot. Me and 2 other friends took a high dosage of them at sunset and all 3 of us were really coming up powerfully, I can remember myself travelling out of my body in different directions at the same time. All 3 of us were holding on for dear life! But not in a bad way.


However near where we were staying there was this English couple and both of them were smack-heads (heroin) I had never seen them using but we knew for sure they were on heroin just by looking at them. The chick had a huge birthmark on her face which pretty much covered half of it. What with her drug abused face and the nasty blotch she looked quite ghoulish even if you were sober.


Anyway back to me and my 2 mates who were very spaced out! Who are sitting down together and getting to grips with our rollercoaster and who appears out of the shadows? The English couple who had not been seen for a few days. She sits right opposite me in the shadows and I knew as soon as I looked at her, things would go terribly wrong. And they did. Something switched in my brain and her face and vibe triggered off the horrific trip. I knew I had to make it back to my bungalow which I did and then I rode out the nightmare.

Edited by beerwolf
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I wouldn't do mushies or lsd ever again. Been there done that and got the t-shirt. I don't think I have the minerals to handle them at all, shame really because on their day they can be revolutionary fantastic LoL. And they can be evil.


I had a full on wide awake ride through Hell on mushrooms once. You know its bad when you try to close your eyes and shut it out but there are still demons and devils rushing at you. I just on kept telling myself the effects would sooner or later wear off and that I wasn't naturally going insane, that single grain of reason that I held onto proberbly stopped my going right into madness. Stratosphericly easily the worst time of my life


I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.


Never really been into weed that much, nowadays I just drink a few beers, glass of wine. If I drink a lot then I might do some coke because it resfreshes the dribbling/sleepy drunkeness. I would do E maybe 4 times a year but have trouble getting anything decent nowadays so hardly bother. Tempted to try this meow meow gear.


Single malt whiskey and a pipe is the future!

it is important to remember that the fear you felt was caused by your ego attempting to hold itself together, and the only remedy is letting go. stop being a control freak and enjoy the psychedelic experience for what it is; a learning experience.


I was in Thailand in a very quiet and fairly remote spot. Me and 2 other friends took a high dosage of them at sunset and all 3 of us were really coming up powerfully, I can remember myself travelling out of my body in different directions at the same time. All 3 of us were holding on for dear life! But not in a bad way.


However near where we were staying there was this English couple and both of them were smack-heads (heroin) I had never seen them using but we knew for sure they were on heroin just by looking at them. The chick had a huge birthmark on her face which pretty much covered half of it. What with her drug abused face and the nasty blotch she looked quite ghoulish even if you were sober.


Anyway back to me and my 2 mates who were very spaced out! Who are sitting down together and getting to grips with our rollercoaster and who appears out of the shadows? The English couple who had not been seen for a few days. She sits right opposite me in the shadows and I knew as soon as I looked at her, things would go terribly wrong. And they did. Something switched in my brain and her face and vibe triggered off the horrific trip. I knew I had to make it back to my bungalow which I did and then I rode out the nightmare.

i understand. it sounds like it had the chance to be a great experience, but it's unfortunate for that couple. i could definitely see those two people as you described them triggering that bad trip. i can almost feel the bad vibes, man.


a comfortable, solitary, and naturally beautiful trip atmosphere is needed, and with only people you trust deeply; who you can be yourself with, and who can be themselves also with you, which it sounds like you had, it's just a very unfortunate interaction that took place.


i'm sure once you gain more experience into that of psychedelics, and learn how to control it better and detach yourself from your emotions/fears better, even such a negative turn-of-events can be properly dealt with and learned from, all while still having a fulfilling experience.


it definitely takes time, and introspection though - lots of it.

Edited by impotentwhitecapitalist
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mohamed
it definitely takes time, and introspection though - lots of it.


i was walking in amsterdam last week and i was deeply stoned,


at a certain point all the sounds were isolated. i've had the impression of thinking fast like i never did before and i had some seconds of fun tracking all the sounds around myself, one by one. almost simultaneously, that i had to stop to avoid fucking up too much. it was weird, like being underwater, or being under a bell of glass.


cool sig by the way

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I was a serious drug-user years ago.

Nearly took every drug except for pcp and shit like that.

I enjoyed e's very much. smoked pot everyday for about 13 years.

was heavily into lsd, lsa, psilocin and psylocybin. did cocaine for a while.

not to mention alcohol and/or prescription drugs.


then i was at a point, when i felt, all experiences that can be made out of these drugs have been made.


then i stopped. now i'm clean and i really enjoy life that way.

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