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I always thought it was so funny that humanity is so divided by race.


I would simply say "the colour of our skin" but there's more to being part of a particular race that just your skin colour, but you still shouldn't judge someone because of that ("next week on sesame street...")


Yeah I just always found it so laughable that we are all part of the same species, floating on a big blue ball in space with no fucking clue as to why we exist or what we are doing here and yet most people seem inclined to see divisions amongst us when collectively we should feel united as the most intelligent and advanced species of organic life on this planet and possibly the entire galaxy (that we know of, heh).


for example, imagine how you'd feel about that "funny foreign family" next door if aliens landed on earth and started living amongst us? when you put things in perspective we're all a lot more similar than many of us think. it'd be really nice if people could appreciate other cultures instead of discriminating against them...though I guess I sound like a stuck record amongst the other posts in this thread in saying that, so it's good to see that many of us are on the same page here.



no I wasn't high/tripping when I wrote this. It's just a subject I feel very strongly about.



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What I detest about racisim is that everybody thinks its a Black or White thing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Thats what winds me up. Massively.


Just fucking look at history. For example Rwanda. Farm tools and machetes chopping up the same colour skin. The caste system of India. Northern Ireland erupted a week or so ago. All of this is bullshit. Like I said there are good and bad in all colours and cultures. If you think all white people are the same, who think the same, who all conspire the same you're fucking nuts.


IMO starting up this this subject is just asking for trouble. No matter how 'jolly' you intentions are about the 'n' word are.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

On the same topic, as long as we're gonna go around pretending we're all the same we're fucked. black people are not the same as white people and not the same as any other kinds of peoples. And it's only natural you like some better than others and indeed experience can teach you that you go along better with some than others. You should respect other races imo, but you don't have to like them. If any black person tells me anytime he doesn't like whities because of this and that I won't be offended, as long as he tries to explain himself.



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Have to disagree vigorously with your assessment, gaargie boy.


The only group I've encountered that acts significantly differently from the rest of humanity is the goddamn Dutch. Pretty much every Dutch person ever, male or female, is exactly like that Dutch porn interviewee in the "Gush" Jam segment.



He's doing the snot shot, and suddenly there's thish like look of real panic on his face. . . and he's shtaring down at his prick, and he's wimpering oh my god, oh my god, like thish, like a sadvoice freaky clown, with the tears in his voice but they are not there and it is tragic. . . . It took him three daysh to die, all the while he was flying the fuckjuuuuiccce and when they weighed his body it was about 20 kilos, which is no more than two or three squirrels. . . . This is why I only do shoft-cock now. Which is where you push it in with your thumb or a little spatula called a pinklepoker, and it is flaccid."


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Have people here had any personal experiences with other races (or minorities or whatever) or are you just babbling because of your personal beliefs?


There's shit in our whole history connected with racism, but all of it can't be thought as evil. Some can be just common sense, you do things your way, other do things their way, you don't like their way, for some reason you are forced to live as neighbours and now you'll pretend you're not bothered any more? Democracy please, you should well express your thoughts, tactfully of course.


Am I alone on this? I'd really like to hear some experiences on this matter, not just theories how well it is to think of everyone equal and be politically correct and stuff.

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Fuck me, you were serious?


I live in Los Angeles. I talk to and interact with and am friendly with people from more races than I can count. Everyone is basically the same. Obviously there are cultural differences, but those really don't run terribly deep in any metropolitan area. Most of the racial tensions I see are more the result of group-think than anything.


I'm fairly certain it's a bit more culturally diverse here than in Slovenia, so, yeah.

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Have people here had any personal experiences with other races (or minorities or whatever) or are you just babbling because of your personal beliefs?


There's shit in our whole history connected with racism, but all of it can't be thought as evil. Some can be just common sense, you do things your way, other do things their way, you don't like their way, for some reason you are forced to live as neighbours and now you'll pretend you're not bothered any more? Democracy please, you should well express your thoughts, tactfully of course.


Am I alone on this? I'd really like to hear some experiences on this matter, not just theories how well it is to think of everyone equal and be politically correct and stuff.


environment > genetics with a lot of things. just consider that. an african boy brought up in a slovenian family would act like a white slovenian.

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Have to disagree vigorously with your assessment, gaargie boy.


The only group I've encountered that acts significantly differently from the rest of humanity is the goddamn Dutch. Pretty much every Dutch person ever, male or female, is exactly like that Dutch porn interviewee in the "Gush" Jam segment.



He's doing the snot shot, and suddenly there's thish like look of real panic on his face. . . and he's shtaring down at his prick, and he's wimpering oh my god, oh my god, like thish, like a sadvoice freaky clown, with the tears in his voice but they are not there and it is tragic. . . . It took him three daysh to die, all the while he was flying the fuckjuuuuiccce and when they weighed his body it was about 20 kilos, which is no more than two or three squirrels. . . . This is why I only do shoft-cock now. Which is where you push it in with your thumb or a little spatula called a pinklepoker, and it is flaccid."



jesus wept, just youtube it


also i lived in the netherlands for three years, and they get a bad rap very unfairly. very progressive country, with very sexually liberated young women.

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Yeah... kind of surprised we have to point out the obvious here, but culture/social structure seems to be what influences a person's behavior rather than the skin colour they were born with.

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I like the Netherlands and Dutch people, I was just trying to be ridiculous. Do they really get a bad rap? On my side of the pond I don't think there's really any preconceived notion about the Dutch aside from the "sexually liberated" aspect, which at least outside of the Bible Belt isn't too controversial.

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I like black girl butts. And by doing so I am being racist, I must be punished.



But honestly - let this be the one partially serious post I will make in this thread - imo racism is sort of a bi-product of learning and conditioning. I - the Cro Magnon that I am - eat that plant once, it makes me sick. So I stay away from all plants that look similar. A chinese guy steals your car, you get angry, another Chinese guy steals your other car - getting tougher not to get angry at all people that remind you of the guy/the incident. The less you know, the more likely you are to react like that. Imagine a couple of black dudes moving in with some medieval village dwellers in the 15th century. First of all they're fucked cause they look different, and as soon as one of them does something stupid, oh well, better hurry, burn 'em all, get rid of potential danger, ignore potential friendship/cultural enrichment/nice dudes to hang out with/etc. :unsure:


As some may know, my mother is running a restaurant and as it happens to be the case with running a restaurant, you get to change your employes quite a bit over the years. And for some reason, every time we had someone working there who was from Morocco, they pulled some either illegal or just highly dickish stuff. One tried to run a credit card scam behind our backs, the other kept stealing stuff from the pantry, the next one got his own key made and invited his friends over, threw secret parties, gave away wine for free etc. It sucks but you can't act as if you don't notice a certain pattern there. Of course that doesn't mean that the next guy from Morocco couldn't be the greatest guy ever, but you tend to get a little suspicious and think, never mind the guys from Morocco in general, but I'll be a bit extra-careful the next time I employ someone who's from around there. Just cause of some experiences that you've made. Is it bullshit-conclusion or is there really a chance that, say, people who are A from Morocco and have grown up with a certain mentality, B moved to Germany and C went into gastronomy just run a higher chance of behaving like pricks? Honestly, I don't know. Makes me feel silly.


On the other hand, I keep giving my gf shit for saying she doesn't find black people attractive in general. Maybe cause there's nothing to reason with here. Or cause I can't realte to it at all. But then I'm not all that much into latina- or japanese chicks - in general - and I can't explain that either. Racism-meltdown. :shrug:

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yeah, fuck this thread. though... as a whole, people are becoming less racist... i mean, we were just in the early 1900's and people had slaves, not just black , chinese........... younger generations are becoming more open minded

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Have people here had any personal experiences with other races (or minorities or whatever) or are you just babbling because of your personal beliefs?


There's shit in our whole history connected with racism, but all of it can't be thought as evil. Some can be just common sense, you do things your way, other do things their way, you don't like their way, for some reason you are forced to live as neighbours and now you'll pretend you're not bothered any more? Democracy please, you should well express your thoughts, tactfully of course.


Am I alone on this? I'd really like to hear some experiences on this matter, not just theories how well it is to think of everyone equal and be politically correct and stuff.



Well of course, I'm married to a Korean. And I lived in Korea for 10 years as a minority - not an oppressed minority mind you, but I suppose i did encounter mild forms of discrimination. Now I live in Vancouver, which is a pretty multi-cultural city, though not so much as a place like Singapore or certain places in the middle east from what I can gather. People are people though, when it comes down to it.

Racism is stupidity, and has really been one of the worst things to come out of colonialism. Don't confuse race with ethnicity. While ethnicity is a little more difficult to define, at least it has some groundings in real world observations. Race is just made up.


Also, not being attracted to japanese or latinas doesn't make you racist - lol.

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Ok, but my first and still most important question remains: If you feel that you don't like some minority or race for this or that reason, is it forbidden to speak it out loud?


In other news, I love different kinds of people, makes human race much richer, and I'm really really against racism. I feel it was about time I said that since some of you were getting a bit nervous lol.


Fact remains, we like people better than others. Sometimes it's what they do, sometimes it's how they act, sometimes it's what they look like and sometimes it's gets a bit generalized. It sucks and it'll probably always be like that, but in my opinion...



Its pretty fucking better if there are several completely different peoples, doing their different stuff in different separated countries, even if they are hostile towards each other, than having one great mass of used-to-be-diverse human beings behaving similar because the globalization killed all other options. Fuck that, ok?


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Umm if you're in germany, hate speech against the jews is illegal I believe. Although Jewish isn't a race at all.

Diversity is excellent and don't stress over globaliztion - it's much less serious than you think.

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Ok, but my first and still most important question remains: If you feel that you don't like some minority or race for this or that reason, is it forbidden to speak it out loud?


like chaos said, it's legal in most countries, but whether it's socially acceptable is probably highly dependent on where you are.

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Ok, but my first and still most important question remains: If you feel that you don't like some minority or race for this or that reason, is it forbidden to speak it out loud?


like chaos said, it's legal in most countries, but whether it's socially acceptable is probably highly dependent on where you are.


I didn't mean by laws, I meant morally and socially. You know, just saying such things in public.


I believe globalization is a terrible BIG thing, mostly because we haven't grown up enough as a species to do it properly.

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You can believe what you'd like about globalization, but globalization has not even come close to taking over the world.

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You can believe what you'd like about globalization, but globalization has not even come close to taking over the world.


In my opinion it has taken too much of the world a long time ago.


Let's broaden the debate here. 98% of Watmm hates spiders and wishes them bad things. It's openly spoken all the time. Now spiders are really nice little creatures, catching flies and doing their spiderly stuff. People saying kill those little fuckers are expressing their thoughts. Hmmm.


So yes, now is the time to gang up on me telling me that's different. But as long as we're philosophical, is it really different?

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of course it's different. Spiders have eight legs, humans only have two!

as to globalization here's a short article which explains its real impact simply and quickly.



Heh, results are still everywhere. There's so much shitty export going on to eastern Europe its :facepalm:

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