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Internet Dating

Rubin Farr

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Guest Pilgarlic

me: 'hey, we should get together sometime. what are you up to this weekend?'


her: 'i work this weekend, and every weekend. it's lame.'


me: 'so i should show up to your work this weekend?'




i don't see why these people bother connecting in any way if they're just going to mess with you. it tends to piss mehoff.


LOL you creep,leave her alone.


no! don't leave her alone. show up to her work & make her listen to music you like. her reaction will tell you whether she is a great person or a stupid, stupid bitch.

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another nice weekend. I haven't had regular sex in years and i thought i was pretty bad at fucking, but this girl has liberated me. Turns out im really good at sex. I can fuck for hours if i want. When I cum i can get it up minutes later. I have an endless supply of boners. I cant stop getting it up all through the night into the next day.. I just needed a hot girl with a good attitude. No pressure and a bit of kindness on her end made all the difference. All in the mind..


oo, she is Bi and wants 3somes


lol too much info

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I had a fun time on OKCupid. I met several girls, had sex with two of them who were really attractive and nice, but a little bit off kilter. Got messaged by plenty of really hot girls and I have to say, it is a nice self-esteem boost.


I deleted my account sort of recently. Sort of unrelated, but my soul just got crushed by someone I really care about. One of the best friends I've ever had, and I have a really tough decision to make. Things come to the surface that you'd never expect, and inevitably, things will never be the same.


So I have two questions that have been bothering me while reading this thread.


1. Is that you in your avatar?


2. What do some of the girls look like that you've had sex with on this site? I mean can I get a clearer picture of the types of girls you "pull" from this site without just saying "really attractive and nice"

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Posting pictures of girls who may or may not have performed fellatio upon your person, without their consent, is kind of a dbag/creepy/potentially dangerous thing to do, imo.



















edit: but PMing me pics is acceptable

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and i wasn't asking for direct reference.. i just noticed all the girls on those sites are pretty bland or not attractive. maybe its just the area i live


Well, it's just that immediately after posting that I started to feel very very shitty about it. Yeah it was impulsive.


And yes, location is a big deal I guess. Living near a major city definitely helps. Good looking girls like these sites because they boost their egos with all the attention they get and they can just let the messages roll in and take their pick.

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tbh the whole internet dating thing feels real sour to me, not very genuine or kind hearted.. just very egocentric and/or narcissistic, kind of like what you're saying

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final update; she broke it off with me. She said the age difference bothered her. Of course, this is after we fucked like rabbits. She got what she needed i guess. Ive been used. I guess i cant complain. lol. So, im again open for business. No more oKC for me though

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im scared. i only seem to get sex from January to February. Am i going to have to wait a whole year to get a girl again? This relationship lasted as long as the last one from last year this time. Its starting to be a pattern

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Guest hahathhat

im scared. i only seem to get sex from January to February. Am i going to have to wait a whole year to get a girl again? This relationship lasted as long as the last one from last year this time. Its starting to be a pattern


i felt like you were older and wiser and now i realize i get laid far more often than you. thanks

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tbh the whole internet dating thing feels real sour to me, not very genuine or kind hearted.. just very egocentric and/or narcissistic, kind of like what you're saying


please explain why it's egocentric and/or narcissistic. i'm curious to hear your reasoning.

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its a strange feelin being used for sex. especially as a man. i can see why people go on sex benders and sleep with people they dont even like just out of spite.

This place is great for venting but not so good for sympathy. but thats what i love about watmm

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yeah, ive been failing at life in many ways and im bald. Its painful. Dating is great for a while then its just awful. heart wrenching.


you keep mentioning that you're bald. it must be a huge source of self-consciousness for you. post pics because i'm curious to see if it's as bad as you say it is.

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yeah, ive been failing at life in many ways and im bald. Its painful. Dating is great for a while then its just awful. heart wrenching.


dating's like that no matter how old or bald or under-sold you are.


the trick is to keep doing it on the off-chance that you stumble across the one-in-a-hundred where it works out. i think it does happen from time to time.

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Yeah shaving it off is the only way to deal successfully with the balding.


Sorry to hear it went a bit tits up. Use it to gain confidence, not worry about what will happen next! Keep it on a roll :)

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been shaving my head for years. as bald dudes go Im a good looking one. If that is your flavor. If im rejected I usually just blame it on the head. Its def a crutch. i go back and forth on my hatred for it. some days i feel like a stud. other days i feel like gollum


I really hate all the social gymnastics you have to go through to get sex. It took a good 2 weeks of shmoozing that girl. Now I have to go through the ringer again. Its tiring..but like my friend says. i duped a hot 21 yr old to have sex with me so i should get over it cause there are worse fates. I just kinda miss her

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