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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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I have to say, the video is utterly horrific. It doesn't show anything, just standard suburban American kids running screaming out of a theater, blood on some of their shirts, crying, hysteria. At a movie, the way the experience is stained in blood. A sick psychopath, the realization that there is nothing funny about these people who are driven to kill.



Perhaps the most decisive moment since 9-11. Maybe not.


Rest in peace.

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It certainly seems more directly repulsive than the standard school shooting. There is something about the combination of pop culture, something in ALL of our minds, common to everyone - going to see a movie, in a suburb, stained by blood. Something that disturbs in a very different kind of way.

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I just came back from the theater. It was by far the worst movie of the trilogy. I didn't have any expectations even though I really enjoyed Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, to be honest.


would you still say it was a good experience though?

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I just came back from the theater. It was by far the worst movie of the trilogy. I didn't have any expectations even though I really enjoyed Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, to be honest.


would you still say it was a good experience though?


Yes, it was still a good film despite its numerous flaws.

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It was dumb. I was actually expecting something good.


I did sneak a box of 12 donuts and a half gallon of chocolate milk in, though. That was fun.

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I did sneak a box of 12 donuts and a half gallon of chocolate milk in, though. That was fun.

How did you conceal them?

I put them in a purse and dressed as a cross-dresser so the ticket people would be too awkwarded-out to ask to check it.


he said it was his assault rifle


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Holy hell. Dark Knight screening mass murder




Of the dozens of jokes I've read about this catastrophe, this is the only one that's made me laugh.


Might not have been an IRL LOL without the caps lock, that really probably pushed the tone to the right funny bone.

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Watched it, loved it. Entertained throughout, and a satisfying conclusion to a great trilogy.


Guess that makes me a filthy uncultured mass media consumer then...




I don't really understand the ending. did Alfred really see Bruce, or was it just something he imagined?


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Guest Coalbucket PI

Just waaaay too much stuff crammed in the story. A bunch of characters got lost in there, namely Hathaway and Cottiard. Tom Hardy, good. Gordon-Levitt did well with what he was given. Didn't really see any development of Bruce Wayne somehow through the whole thing. Basically felt like he unenthusiastically used a spaceship to solve everything and got his arse handed to him more often than not, with occasional trite forays into romance, which had nothing of what was so satisfying about seeing him appear out of the dark and thump a lot of people like in the first film.


Was still really entertaining despite all this but I was a bit disappointed.

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