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What so you love about Plaid?


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Guest Beefuncle

well said, ruiagnelo.. i love European people, especially Spanish and Portugese people. u have a lot of passion and you're always honest and forthright. this is something that is dying/dead in the western world because most people are too scared to say what they think about anything, really. especially in England. - Fuck England! :)


Most people are scared to say what they really think in general, especially on WATMM:)


You're definitely right about europeans being more passionate, if you meet a Spanish or Portugese person at a gig where someone is playing that you love they will always pwn you on appreciation.


You could be a ridiculous fanboy (could be :emotawesomepm9: ) collecting everything from rdj's cockstsand to tom jenkinson's half eaten gherkins. Describing their music with the most scrutinous accuracy as to how it was created but you still wouldn't be able convey the real feeling of listening to their music as well as most europeans they really do have an incredible honesty when it comes to music and the arts in general. That expressiveness is something we (Westerners) really don't have, I don't think we ever did to be honest.

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I'll try keep this short as possible :)


From the first time i heard tbd/pld they have given me music to desperately look forward to. From day one they had mastered their style of sound and since then have never rested on their laurels. They've always renewed and changed that sound and in result made many electronic masterpieces from Virtual right up to the present day. They've created whole music genres, broken boundaries and kept way ahead of the field. Anyone which listened to underground electronic music through out the nineties will understand how many great records were being released. TBD/PLD style led the way in all departments by making highly intricate and emotional music including break beat, techno, acid, electronic listening ect ect. They can do it all - not like 90% of artists nowadays that make one style of music for about 5 years then have a go at something else when everyone has become bored and its time to move on anyway. Not only can Plaid make any style of music, but (imo) make it better than anyone else. I honestly do think that Ed and Andy can make any style of music better than anyone else :) As mentioned above already, Plaid have the ability of making highly visual music that can take you to other parts of the planet showing you vivid scenes from far away times and places. This shows off their complete mastery of sound. Then there's the fact of them being part of the early internet and hi-tec computer world... plus they're really good guys! I feel so fortunate to have been able to listen to Ed and Andy's music for these past 20 years. Feels the same to me as if i were living in the time of Mozart, Chopin or Debussy. These guys are masters of their art so lets enjoy it while we can.


Bring on Scintilli !!!

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Guest Individ

Such a loaded question, but I will try and sum it up without writing an essay...


Ever since my first listen to Plaid (Rakimou I believe it was), I was instantly drawn to their sound. I can with all sincerity say that I was always searching for the "perfect" music (if such a statement can be made), and upon discovering the rest of their work, I have been a faithful fan since, because they were exactly what I was looking for. Plaid consistently impress me with both their simple and complex melodies, their song structures, technical know-how, production quality, and just overall talent! They have opened my mind to both musical and emotional frontiers I never knew existed or could be possible, and that is truly a talent to behold!


Every week I come on here just to see the latest rumour mill on Scintilli. I too am going insane ;)

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Most people are scared to say what they really think in general, especially on WATMM:)


You're definitely right about europeans being more passionate, if you meet a Spanish or Portugese person at a gig where someone is playing that you love they will always pwn you on appreciation.


You could be a ridiculous fanboy (could be :emotawesomepm9: ) collecting everything from rdj's cockstsand to tom jenkinson's half eaten gherkins. Describing their music with the most scrutinous accuracy as to how it was created but you still wouldn't be able convey the real feeling of listening to their music as well as most europeans they really do have an incredible honesty when it comes to music and the arts in general. That expressiveness is something we (Westerners) really don't have, I don't think we ever did to be honest.


i don't agree, mr beefy funcle.. westerners had it made but then they lost it to the power, while they were trying to fight the power, but didn't realise it til it was too late. now anybody who gives a damn talks about it on the internet or with their close buddies.. maaaaan, anyway, isn't England shit?! you can't even glamorise or nostalgise any of it anymore cos it's all gone. everything is fake plastics trees now. even the underground. it's all a messy pool of ipods and iphones and ishitonuforadollar and downloads and tv and press and mags and bullshit.


can anybody recommend a good place to go to detox from the bullshit of England, and the west in general?? and please don't say Scotland cos it's just as bad.. eh, in fact it's even worse cos you guys are like 5 years behind the rest of the world. :)

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I'll try keep this short as possible :)


From the first time i heard tbd/pld they have given me music to desperately look forward to. From day one they had mastered their style of sound and since then have never rested on their laurels. They've always renewed and changed that sound and in result made many electronic masterpieces from Virtual right up to the present day. They've created whole music genres, broken boundaries and kept way ahead of the field. Anyone which listened to underground electronic music through out the nineties will understand how many great records were being released. TBD/PLD style led the way in all departments by making highly intricate and emotional music including break beat, techno, acid, electronic listening ect ect. They can do it all - not like 90% of artists nowadays that make one style of music for about 5 years then have a go at something else when everyone has become bored and its time to move on anyway. Not only can Plaid make any style of music, but (imo) make it better than anyone else. I honestly do think that Ed and Andy can make any style of music better than anyone else :) As mentioned above already, Plaid have the ability of making highly visual music that can take you to other parts of the planet showing you vivid scenes from far away times and places. This shows off their complete mastery of sound. Then there's the fact of them being part of the early internet and hi-tec computer world... plus they're really good guys! I feel so fortunate to have been able to listen to Ed and Andy's music for these past 20 years. Feels the same to me as if i were living in the time of Mozart, Chopin or Debussy. These guys are masters of their art so lets enjoy it while we can.


Bring on Scintilli !!!


i just read that now. you summed it all up nicely, magdog...

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