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Stopping a film before it's ended.

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I stopped a movie once. It was called Blade Runner.


troll troll is troll :cisfor:


that's like dancing around in a tiger carcass at a peta meeting


I wish I WAS trolling. I have tried watching that movie twice now and I can never get past 30 minutes.

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I'll often stop watching a film if I think it's shit unless I've paid to go and see it in the flix or foolishly gambled on buying it. I can't think of any times when I've bothered to endure a clearly steaming turd only for it to get better. Sometimes with films I do like or love I'll also just watch particular scenes or sequences on their own, although that can be a bit of a ballache. Can't watch films I like in more than one sitting though.

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I rarely sit through an entire movie-film unless I'm at the theater. I can't sit and do one thing for so long. halfway through the movie, maybe I want to check something else or something... I'll come back to the movie if it's worth it. I still haven't seen all of a number of films though because I get too bored (Inception, Blade Runner, many others)

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i have done this exactly once.




I watched that movie. The only thing I can remember from it is that scene where they've just gotten tattoos and they're going "dude", "sweet".

I seem to have blocked off the rest of that movie from my memory.


heh. i saw an early preview for this at a tower records (remember them?). they asked how i liked it and i said i felt insulted. she was like, 'but did you see the girls? did you like the parts with girls in them?' and i told her that they were insulting the minds of the american public.

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Guest Mirezzi

As much as I hate some stuff, I still typically sit through it.


The last time I stopped a movie very early on was the last Indiana Jones movie where Harrison Ford looked to be pushing 80 years old and Cate Blanchett was pretending to be a Russian skank. Unbearable, really.

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Guest Bramsworth

The only movie I've ever done this with is James Bond Diamonds Are Forever. It felt so much more generic than any other Bond films, the villians were absolutely horrible at acting, all the settings were completely ugly, it just was a horrible film, and when I got to the part where the main villians trap bond inside a coffin, I just had to stop. It was getting too shitty.


Anybody who actually enjoys that film, you've got issues :cisfor:

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I've stopped watching bad movies I've rented many times, and I've walked out of theatres a few times as well. It's stupid to pay money to put yourself through something unpleasant, though I've done that probably more times than not. Despite knowing this, I still have a hard time wasting food. But I figure my body's going to at least use what it gets out of the food, whereas I get nothing good out of bad movies.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I normally try and sit it out but once I start thinking about something better I should be doing I usually have to give up. Sometimes I find myself watching films more for background knowledge or for comparison... like some old films or foreign films that have been referenced a lot. Those ones I normally break up into two sittings if I'm not especially enjoying them but there are some interesting elements.


With books I think you can respond differently depending on how you read them, some books feel like a drag if you don't read often enough. If I'm finding it boring I often try to read more regularly and see if I can get my groove back. I'd rather not ever give up on a book though because I really can't get back into them or re-read from the start, it just doesn't work.

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SAW III - left theater

Terminator Salvation : I lasted until Christian Bale opened his mouth for the 1st time, then nearly died laughing (and I LIKE CB, I DO!)

Inception - I've tried 2 times so far. Haven't made it past 20 min yet, although I have vowed to give it a chance, and one day I will. One day.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

i have done this exactly once.




I watched that movie. The only thing I can remember from it is that scene where they've just gotten tattoos and they're going "dude", "sweet".

I seem to have blocked off the rest of that movie from my memory.



as i recall, that scene might've not even made the final cut but was only in the trailer? i saw this in the theatre (yeahhhhhhh i know, a long time ago) and i remember being pissed that the only funny parts that would've been were not part of the movie. regardless, even if i'm wrong on that count, awful awful film.

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Goodbye Charlie Bright

The Transporter

Black Sheep


Three films I turned off because they started so incredibly shitty. Goodbye Charlie Bright is the quickest I've ever turned off a film.


Generally I don't often do this, but it's not a rule. Also if I get interrupted mid way through watching something I enjoy, I can't get back into it. I haven't yet watched the season 4 finale of Mad Men because three times I've tried and half way through something fucking came up.

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Haven't seen the end of lots of films cos I have a tendency to watch them late at night and fall asleep. Last time I consciously made the effort to turn it off was "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus".

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2 films spring to mind, only because one is legendary (legendary awful imo) and that's Bladerunner. The other was Brick which a mate of mine reckoned was a total classic (classic turd imo)


Bladerunner is quite funny as I have watched it perhaps half a dozen times now (on terrestial tv), each time getting a further 15 minutes further than the last, before switching off. Last time was a month ago when I bought the dvd really cheap from hmv, promising myself to watch the whole lot. Well it got to the 80 minute mark and for the last time in my life I turned it off. I am still convinced at precisely 82 minutes the film cartwheels and blows my mind lol. But I don't give a shit anymore.


Oh yeah Philidelphia met an early fate too, forgot about that.

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I tend to just fast forward to see if anything happens. If I can still follow the plot while observing the film in two to three minutes, I've saved myself a whole lot of time.


This works quite well with shitty, predictable action flicks like Transformers II.

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