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yeah i know that's what you said, I even said that's what you're saying. I tried to word it in a way that makes it evident why that is silly. I failed apparently.

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The simple fact that he secretly stayed on the Prometheus the whole time and told the crew in the hologram thing that he had died (Im assuming most of them knew anyway)... but yeah that simple fact tells me he doesn't care or wants a competent crew. He just wanted to put on a show to distract Shaw while David got the real details/discoveries.


edit: Gordo, I'm not trying to play games or anything... but when you say "because" you have to back it up instead of just repeating my argument. I'm not saying I am right, its just how I saw the film and so the complaints about the crew being stupid didn't bother me really. I mean after them getting briefed about potentially meeting their maker, most of them were just talking about their paycheck instead. It was clear they weren't these super intellectuals.

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Also his masterplan worked aside from the fact the Engineer wasn't happy to see him. He didn't act distraught when seeing Shaw was hurt... or even say he was sorry about her husbands death etc... He is an evil selfish man who loved a robot more than his own daughter.

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Guest zaphod

you realize it's a movie right? written by someone? this is sounding like a discussion about lost or battlestar galactica. excuses excuses.

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Guest zaphod

i haven't seen it either. looking at your points it seems like you're defending the movie as though it's factual when it's just what sounds like really bad writing. it's easy to not write something and then say "well, i meant it that way" to cover your tracks. jj abrams has made a career out of this kind of thing.

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i haven't seen it either. looking at your points it seems like you're defending the movie as though it's factual when it's just what sounds like really bad writing. it's easy to not write something and then say "well, i meant it that way" to cover your tracks. jj abrams has made a career out of this kind of thing.


Theres a lot of subtleties on the motivation of some of the characters. I personally think its written that way on purpose. But what do I know.


It is odd that you are taking a stance on this despite not having seen the film yourself.

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you realize it's a movie right? written by someone? this is sounding like a discussion about lost or battlestar galactica. excuses excuses.


for battlestar galactica, i can overlook all the logical flaws in the plot cause the characterization was damn good.

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I would kill to watch this movie right now. It's something to get lost in viscerally. You can't get lost in Avengers/IronMan viscerally, you turn your brain the fuck off and indulge in mediocrity.


With this there is no mediocrity. You're on another fucking planet with the people, in the middle of space. You're flying in spaceships. There are no special effects. It's so damn imaginative. But whatever, it's nowhere near perfect as stands. What's to be gained from these arguments? There will be no consensus. I'm not going to say, "yeah, ok, my experience watching this movie wasn't as good as I'm saying." Because what's the point? I had a damn good time watching this movie.


Characters are for plays, not 200 billion $ science fiction extravaganzas. Anyway the characters were fine, I liked them. They were performers mainly meant to guide us through the alien world. Most of Ridley Scotts films use the setting as the main character, think about it. The atmosphere is the main character, flying into space is the main character.


The plot is legitimately secondary, unlike in a film like Avengers where the very life of the film and it's undying "hypemachineability" "conformity demanding" big money indulgment is hanging by the very thread of its ability to swindle viewers into thinking it's an enjoyable viewing experience. LOL.

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i haven't seen it either. looking at your points it seems like you're defending the movie as though it's factual when it's just what sounds like really bad writing. it's easy to not write something and then say "well, i meant it that way" to cover your tracks. jj abrams has made a career out of this kind of thing.


Theres a lot of subtleties on the motivation of some of the characters. I personally think its written that way on purpose. But what do I know.


It is odd that you are taking a stance on this despite not having seen the film yourself.


I understand Zaphod's pain. I haven't seen Avengers, I more or less assumed it was in the same ballpark of quality of Iron Man + Star Trek, which received similar hype levels also similar special effects and trailers... so I assume that it's equally as terrible. I think it's a fair assumption.


This is funny:












I definitely think they've been getting way too much hate. The captain was awesome, lovable. Good actor. Shaw was lovable, reedeemable, cool. I loved the ending (spoiler!!!!), as I've said before, where her and the robot fly into space. It definitely has that same "I love these characters" feeling I get watching DS9 or BSG. Heart warming. I love when the robot starts talking to her and she puts his head in the bag, that's was some clever shit. I assume haters were too caught up in their hate by that point in the film to pay attention.


Charlize was cool, I definitely suspected she was a robot so that scene with her and the captain was funny and rather ambiguous. I still don't think it's too clear whether or not she was.

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I don't think she was, perhaps she wanted to be though :P


She couldn't live up to daddy's expectations.


edit: btw I think thats why I enjoy going over the plot for this atm as opposed to Avengers or something. I want to be there again in that world.

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Charlize seemed jealous when the Weyland hologram said that David the android was the closest thing he had to a son. I'd be jealous too. Now if she really was an android this would be some really juicy interesting shit to have going on in the movie which could have gone in an interesting direction. Also, she was never shown to be in hypersleep... was that ever addressed? Maybe androids CAN fuck. I mean, you see David eating real food, he's gotta take a roboshit at some point. Sex and pooping are things us humans cherish.

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Charlize seemed jealous when the Weyland hologram said that David the android was the closest thing he had to a son. I'd be jealous too. Now if she really was an android this would be some really juicy interesting shit to have going on in the movie which could have gone in an interesting direction. Also, she was never shown to be in hypersleep... was that ever addressed? Maybe androids CAN fuck. I mean, you see David eating real food, he's gotta take a roboshit at some point. Sex and pooping are things us humans cherish.


It is an interesting thought. Also even if she did go into hypersleep, Ash did as well in Alien.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

She was obviously in hypersleep and was set to wake up first. It shows her puddles of green sleep juice trailing out the hypersleep room to where she is still dripping off sleep juice as she does her wake up push ups.


If you make a super hot android that I can't sex you fail Weyland, you fail me!

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funny the Avengers came up in the discussion, because with all the cheesiness and Wheedon vibes the movie had, at least the movie was greater than the sum of it's money shots and special effects. I can honestly say i walked into the Avengers expecting for it to be exactly what the trailer promised and nothing more, but i got slightly more and i was satisfied by that. The movie had a legitimate emotional core regardless of how pandering to the audience it was. Prometheus was lacking severely, which from a marketing perspective is why they kept showing more and MORE money shots in the trailer as it got closer to the release, they were afraid. For good reason too, the movie is empty. You can't mimic the aesthetics of Stanely Kubrick's 2001 and expect it to just automatically make a great or even good scifi film, and apparently this is what Ridley Scott thought because he was 'done with grunge'. I guess he should have said 'im done with letting actors adlib' and 'im done with trying to get great performances from relatively unknown actors' as well. Say whatever you want about the flaws in Alien, but check out the making of footage on the new bluerays. They would let the camera roll for 5 minutes with not more than a sentence of lines from a script, the actors would improvise and let the scenery breathe. Prometheus is just devastatingly formulaic in comparison.

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I think it's pretty amusing. Especially when thinking only half of the participants have actually seen the movie (haven't been counting, but the idea is painfully realistic). Of course, it's exactly as they say in those half-in-the-bag reviews: on the internet the fans will always find something to complain about (and thàt's more about giving relief to their horrible day-to-day lives than about the thing they complain about…).


disclaimer: i belong in the half who haven't seen the movie yet ;p


disclaimer2: There's still enough valid points being made though. It isn't all blind fanboihood complainery. (this post is not an attempt to indirectly attack anyone....apart from the trolls who haven't seen the movie)


disclaimer3: which i'm one of...

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