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That David video was rather creepy but very cool and well done, and actually having Fassbender doing it instead of some generic ad agency hired actor. Like that they went with the aryan look for him to give that extra sinister touch. Also the emphasis on David and artificial life in this viral video probably means it's going to be a big theme in Prometheus and he'll have prominent role in the story.

Edited by azatoth
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i don't really understand that "being against 3D movies" sentiment, is that an opposition to the idea of 3d movies or just the current execution ? i'm actually looking forward to seeing it in the cinema in 3d (last time i went to the movies was in 2001 to see lotr, lol).


most 3d movies are piles of shite, they literally do not utilize the 3d effect in a deep or interesting way at all. Go see Clash of the Titans, Green Lantern or even cgi movies like Monsters VS aliens in 3d. You will notice for about 30-40% of the movie you can take the glassess off and the movie looks the same with the glasses on or off, there is no 3d effect taking place.


it is total bullshit and a pussy move to save old people and people with bad vision from getting sick or uncomfortable. I say fuck them and make it for people who want a movie to make them physically ill, i mean theme park rides do that. I'm fine with the idea of a good 3d movie having as much of an effect as that. Apparently movie studios arent though. Even Avatar could have been far more balls to the wall 3d, but it was very scaled back leaving most of the eye popping 3d scenes to the brief live action parts,

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when will the original poster remove the phrase 'no alien prequel' from the title since we now know it's obviously an alien prequel from start to finish


Happy now you little babby? I still wouldn't call it a traditional prequel. It's related and happens in the same universe, but not a direct prequel to Alien. As far as it looks, they are not on LV-426 for this movie.

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Guest zaphod

i would like to see neuromancer as a 3d film. the scene where case sees through molly's eyes and she realizes he's watching and tweaks her nipples seems suited to the format. i want 3d to give me a two hour boner or make me projectile vomit, preferably both.

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i would like to see neuromancer as a 3d film. the scene where case sees through molly's eyes and she realizes he's watching and tweaks her nipples seems suited to the format. i want 3d to give me a two hour boner or make me projectile vomit, preferably both.



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Guest couch

Yeah, those captions are dumb. "Intergalactic communication antennae", I am pretty sure they are still in the Milky Way.

Reminds me of those star wars technical manuals with little pictures of every ship and random lol facts.

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Despite having the possibility of sucking and failing to appease what must surely be a 95% adult audience (seriously, what the fuck are they doing trying to grab a younger audience?), maybe the cast and visuals will be enough to still make this a decent addition to the franchise. Better than 4, as good as 3, but with elements of 1 and 2? I'd probably settle for that.


1 was great when it was good, but had its flaws. 2 is aging badly; it's too juvenile. 3 is an homage to the great aspects of 1 that a talented young director pieced together amidst a bad situation. i took a dump earlier that was better than 4...wasn't near as shiny or colorful though; i'll admit that.


but seriously, this should be an R movie and Scott knows it and most likely shot it like one, and will trim in the editing room for his director's cut and then a theatrical release that will be free of a few cuss words, intense deaths and maybe a splatter or two of blood. you can hear it under his breath in those quotes from the previous page of this thread; he knows he has to deliver a film that will get PG13 so that him and the studio can make their money back and something of a profit. it's a business and he admits it...he's obviously frustrated by it, but fighting and releasing an R cut will do nothing except guarantee there will be no Prometheus 2/future Scott-directed big budget gambles.


this film will be good, it's just a matter of how good and in what ways; the ways it may be good may also not satisfy fans of the Alien franchise. we'll see soon.

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when will the original poster remove the phrase 'no alien prequel' from the title since we now know it's obviously an alien prequel from start to finish


Happy now you little babby? I still wouldn't call it a traditional prequel. It's related and happens in the same universe, but not a direct prequel to Alien. As far as it looks, they are not on LV-426 for this movie.


Scott confirmed it's set elsewhere. LV-233 to be exact. i'm quite confused about this, because the trailer clearly shows the Space Jockey ship in a similar positioning and such. but i guess said ship could have many others like it (same class ship the Space Jockeys created) scattered throughout the galaxy for whatever reasons...which have a penchant for being left on small planetoids. who knows.


i think the big reveals that Prometheus is assumed to have will explain this a little better. but maybe not, Scott may want to leave something to do for Prometheus 2.

Edited by auxien
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Guest zaphod

I don't understand how anybody could not still love Aliens. I still absolutely love it.


yep it's great. better than alien.

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That David video was rather creepy but very cool and well done, and actually having Fassbender doing it instead of some generic ad agency hired actor. Like that they went with the aryan look for him to give that extra sinister touch. Also the emphasis on David and artificial life in this viral video probably means it's going to be a big theme in Prometheus and he'll have prominent role in the story.


kinda well done but the cg (esp at the very start) was terrible, looked like the intro to some cheap kids cartoon. Plus the "partially formed David in a bag with mucus and white blocks stuck to his face" was a bit too lol. Otherwise was pretty good, reminded me of a fusion between an Apple and Dyson ad.

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Guest zaphod

well done but not exactly convincing as advertising goes. way too obviously creepy. was fassbender's mouth cgi? it looks really weird at the start of the video, but maybe he just looks weird to me. the blonde hair aryan look is a bit too on the nose as well. i miss ian holm.

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I'm afraid that latter-day Scott isn't very subtle. It's like he's filmmaking in ALL CAPS.





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Guest Wall Bird

Love the David infomercial. It's looking like my favorite aspect of the movie so far.


Has anyone discussed the possibility that...



David will interface w/ the alien lifeforms and the resulting offspring will become the bio-mechanical giger styled aliens that are eventually encountered in the original film series? It seems like a possibility in keeping with the xenomorph's tradition of taking on the characteristics of it's host.



I think that would be a very fascinating revelation, should it turn out to be true.

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to clarify, i still enjoy Aliens. i just enjoy it less every time i watch it.


that David clip is very strange though. i'm honestly curious if Scott himself directed these clips. i thought the Weyland one was a little heavy-handed, and this David one is over the top. maybe he's just having fun with it, and with trying this sort of thing out as marketing/promotion? who knows.

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I remember seeing an interview with Scott where he was asked if there will be squeamish body horror moments on par with the chestburster.


He was like "OOOOhhhhh yeah. Oh yeah." And nodded. SWEET!

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Guest Mirezzi

I don't understand how anybody could not still love Aliens. I still absolutely love it.


yep it's great. better than alien.


Thank fucking christ somebody around here is sane enough to say that. Alien is fine, but Aliens is truly timeless. I can talk all the (valid) shit I want about Cameron and nobody will ever take Aliens from him.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I don't really wanna make this a threesome but I like Aliens more than the original as well. I'm pretty sure a lot of people do.

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Guest Mirezzi

Alien > Aliens


Sweet, you win! Your IDM Hero sticker along with a vinyl record of bland bleeps, bloops and RDJ's fart sounds is in the mail!

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