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Influx of bad artist names

eh Speedy

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For some of my more personal art stuff, several years ago I started signing my work "peepee", because it's pretty common in the snobby art world to have a name like Phillipe Cass'ande Druxnoir III, wearing a beret and using a cane for no reason. So peepee is like FU. My main music moniker is United Digital Analog Community, which incidentally matched UDAC, which had good logo and animation potential by just using a U and rotating it 90 degrees every letter. Pretty retarded.


Music artist names are an art, just like track titles and all that. Gives one more opportunity to add vibez to expression. It's amazing how different "Chris Clark" feels to just "Clark" (...Chris Clark is better). But after years of using monikers for music, it's making more sense to me to use real names. But then again, maybe Stevie Wonder would've been cool as Draphoxignome 7000.


And sorry- this should've been posted on page 2, but I just joined after lurking for 24 years, cuz braindance.net is down. Regards!

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Pear Squisher's probably been mentioned already...


And back when I was in the earlier years of school I thought it'd be cool if I could be a rapper called Aryan, till I learned that it was an actual word and what it meant.

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Pear Squisher's probably been mentioned already...


And back when I was in the earlier years of school I thought it'd be cool if I could be a rapper called Aryan, till I learned that it was an actual word and what it meant.


flol that probably wouldn't have gone over very well...

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Pear Squisher's probably been mentioned already...


And back when I was in the earlier years of school I thought it'd be cool if I could be a rapper called Aryan, till I learned that it was an actual word and what it meant.


flol that probably wouldn't have gone over very well...



There is a guy which goes by "DJ Niggers". He

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Weeping Wallabies


Globular Giblets


Flimsy Lohan


D'Keyshaughn Connery






Appalled Eagle


Giraffle Ticket




Lyle Lillard and the Squid Ticklers.

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