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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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i HATE professors who take attendence. it's the BIGGEST CROCK OF FUCKING SHIT


after all the fucking work I put in. just test me, motherfucker. I'll get passing stripes on the actual material. but noooo. I didn't come to fucking class enough for you. because I'M THE ONE PAYING... I guess this is some kind of fucking JOB where I get FIRED for not showing up to the shit I'M PAYING FOR


fuck professors and fuck the school system. just test me on the material and FUCK OFF


ironically it's a german class, and one thing we learned about this "foreign culture" is that in their colleges attendence is 0% required and it all comes down to the tests at the end of the year


what a fucking load of completely illogical irrational bullshit. fuck you, professor, and fuck the department.


(I know it was all explained up front, but this is a travesty... just a few more points and my grade would have been fine. I blame this on the irrationality of the department. You can shake your head at me and call me a whining baby but frankly, all I've learned is that the people who run this thing are incompetent pricks and their lives must be quite miserable never thinking outside the box)

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Two days ago I heard someone say, without any irony and in all fucking seriousness: "oh Prodigy, that's the dubstep of the 90's"




And it still bothers the living fuck out of me



more then a week later and it still fucking bothers me (a bit less tho, but still)

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I have an "apocalypse" party to go to on Friday with people from work. Can't think of one good excuse to go (edit: skip) and my wife doesn't want to go with me so I'm going solo. I don't like parties 99% of the time and especially parties with people from work. I'm sure there are going to be a bunch of dick-measuring conversations about where everybody went to school and whether it was a public U or a private college (I think most of the attendees went to the local private college). The girl throwing the party is my office mate and she's really nice which makes it even worse imo, especially since she's a very hard worker and, well, I'm posting to WATMM from work if that tells you anything. I'm already stressed about this... at this point I will probably think about it way too much over the next couple of days and will just be looking forward to getting it over with.

I should go to a shrink and get a prescription for beta blockers or something. I should not feel this way about innocuous little get-togethers like this. I hate this shit.

Edited by sweepstakes
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Guest disparaissant

i seem to have suddenly developed benign paroxismal positional vertigo. i woke up and rolled over and got the spins, and now when i lay down on my left side i get all spinny for 15 seconds. it's weird as hell.

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Two days left until work ends for the year and I worry that I won't have the courage to tell my crush how I feel. I have bought her an expensive design book as a christmas gift though; I wonder if that's enough of a subtle hint.

fake edit: I'm going to her place for a bbq gathering on saturday so I kinda don't want things to be awkward if I tell her today or tomorrow aargh

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Haven't done any obligatory X-mas shopping yet, and have no idea what to get for anyone.

Also, it seems like more and more idiots are cropping up on the internet like jack rabbit pups, especially on major sites like [ f], YouTube, Reddit, etc. WATMM seems like the most intelligent place on the internet these days.

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I'm sure there are going to be a bunch of dick-measuring conversations
last time i went out with work people there was an actual dick-measuring conversation and then later a stranger grabbed my junk and said "yep, he's got a [was too drunk to now remember the slang word used]". i'd given the measurements for the length and girth of a baguette. i was feeling modest.
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I think you're OK except for that one thread where you said you wanted to blow the guy who punched Danzig.

I'm sure there are going to be a bunch of dick-measuring conversations
last time i went out with work people there was an actual dick-measuring conversation and then later a stranger grabbed my junk and said "yep, he's got a [was too drunk to now remember the slang word used]". i'd given the measurements for the length and girth of a baguette. i was feeling modest.


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Christmas is coming up and this year I've actually got the few days between that and new year off. I'm up to date with my study but and starting another related course in February and I need to get a fair bit ahead so I don't feel stuck when starting the next one (my current course ends in June). This was ok but I am gonna have to put a fair amount of time into it to get ahead.


Now the job I'm getting recommended for requires that I learn a fair amount of networking, which so far I haven't been concentrating on. I'm balls deep in Java and PHP at the moment with courses and my own projects. On top of which I'm trying to improve a site for a mate.


I think the job meetings I'm gonna have are some time in January. Everything seems to have stacked up at once.


On top of that I'm on the verge of killing the bloke I supervise in the shit job I have now. He seems to think life is about living with his mum at 50 and spending his time moaning about everything and playing solitaire.


It's all too much.

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i seem to have suddenly developed benign paroxismal positional vertigo. i woke up and rolled over and got the spins, and now when i lay down on my left side i get all spinny for 15 seconds. it's weird as hell.

how's your circulation? I would try some yoga or at least hanging down by your waist every day for a minute or two. (make sure to raise yourself slowly so you don't get a huge rush.)


FWP: quoting from phone is hella annoying atm

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Guest disparaissant

my circulation is great and my blood pressure is perfect as of yesterday. it went away though, magically, which leads me to believe it was some kind of migraine related thing.

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I'm sure there are going to be a bunch of dick-measuring conversations
last time i went out with work people there was an actual dick-measuring conversation and then later a stranger grabbed my junk and said "yep, he's got a [was too drunk to now remember the slang word used]". i'd given the measurements for the length and girth of a baguette. i was feeling modest.



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whenever I wake up alone I'm basically just like, is my girlfriend gone for the day can I masturbate?


So what I'm saying is: things don't change much


But inevitably my cat will jump on my balls from some hidden corner of the room and the mood will be ruined. I might be getting off topic here.

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