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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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i hope everything turns out well, dispy. remember that if the doctor said it was possibly a cyst, it's more than likely that it is. and if they do give a diagnosis of cancer, get a second opinion.


Yes, this!


Also, the "welp, I unno" stage is probably a pretty good stage to have noticed whatever it is (although my dad got some shit looked at at the "holy mother of god that is a huge piece of cancer" stage, and he came through it ok, too).


Best wishes, disp.

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I've now been diagnosed with IBS... I still think it may be cannabis hyperemsis syndrome but my doctor obviously doesn't know what that is.


I may never be able to smoke weed again. :(

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Guest disparaissant

ouch sorry to hear that ziggo


thanks for all the kind words everyone, i'm almost out of the woods on this. 90% sure it's just a cyst now and just one test left. no idea how i'm going to afford the bills but at least it's probably not as bad as it could be.

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look into a fecal transplant. it apparently works wonders for ibs. i'm not joking.


Well if it gets worse with out me smoking then I'd look into that. I'm still thinking it was weed related. Plus I don't have severe diarrhea, more like constipation and abdominal pain, which since I've stopped smoking have ceased.

ouch sorry to hear that ziggo


thanks for all the kind words everyone, i'm almost out of the woods on this. 90% sure it's just a cyst now and just one test left. no idea how i'm going to afford the bills but at least it's probably not as bad as it could be.

Thanks. Just realized you've been in a pickle yourself. Glad to see that's turning out ok.


Fuck health issues, reminds you how good it is just to have good health.

Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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Not safe for anyone:



I just sharted at work. I haven't sharted in many years, and the only time I've sharted since 6th grade was when I was sick enough not to go into work. Today was a sickly wet one, but it came with no warning.


I must have clenched better than anyone has clenched before, because nothing got past my cheeks, leaving my boxer briefs as spotless as the lamb of god. I was able to clean up in the restroom stall (which, as a nested FWP, smelled like rotting lobsters [not from me]).


Since I would have gotten away with this without anyone noticing, I figured I should share it with watmm.


Edited by baph
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i sharted horrendously in a pair of my friends 180 quid designer jeans about 6 months ago while walking home from a particularly intense weekend at a festival. i threw them in the bin and told him i was robbed.

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Derivatives and differentials homework =(

thats not even close to being a fwp.


It's not?


new fwp.... my fwp's aren't first world enough. :happy:


What, you think kids in developing nations don't do differentials and derivatives? There are probably 20 million or so Chinese and Indian students who are kicking your ass at differentials and derivatives!


(and mine too, but that's because I believe math to be entirely non-rational and thus refuse to participate in such shenanigans)

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Girlfriend must not be sleeping well tonight, she was getting bitchy about every little noise I make out in the living room while she's trying to sleep in the bedroom. However I'm being much quieter than I usually am most nights so I don't know what her deal is. Last time she came out I told her politely to just close the bedroom door to block out noise instead of making me turn everything down to super quiet levels, she blew up and stormed into the room slamming the door behind her. It's not even that time of the month... WTF?! Women are so crazy sometimes.

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Girlfriend must not be sleeping well tonight, she was getting bitchy about every little noise I make out in the living room while she's trying to sleep in the bedroom. However I'm being much quieter than I usually am most nights so I don't know what her deal is. Last time she came out I told her politely to just close the bedroom door to block out noise instead of making me turn everything down to super quiet levels, she blew up and stormed into the room slamming the door behind her. It's not even that time of the month... WTF?! Women are so crazy sometimes.

My sister used to be like this all the time. Not quite sure what happened to change that. I still have to be quite, just not like super uber quite. Might resurface as well. Must have to do with stress. Sleep is when they need to rest, if they can't rest when they have all that stress, its easy to blame it on something else, when its just the fing stress.

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Girlfriend must not be sleeping well tonight, she was getting bitchy about every little noise I make out in the living room while she's trying to sleep in the bedroom. However I'm being much quieter than I usually am most nights so I don't know what her deal is. Last time she came out I told her politely to just close the bedroom door to block out noise instead of making me turn everything down to super quiet levels, she blew up and stormed into the room slamming the door behind her. It's not even that time of the month... WTF?! Women are so crazy sometimes.


Problem solved.

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Derivatives and differentials homework =(

thats not even close to being a fwp.


It's not?


new fwp.... my fwp's aren't first world enough. :happy:


What, you think kids in developing nations don't do differentials and derivatives? There are probably 20 million or so Chinese and Indian students who are kicking your ass at differentials and derivatives!


(and mine too, but that's because I believe math to be entirely non-rational and thus refuse to participate in such shenanigans)


You're definitely right. I didn't think about it like that lol.


And really, unless one is going to be a professor or maybe like a hardcore physicist or something I doubt this math will ever be of use to me. >.<

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Not safe for anyone:



I just sharted at work. I haven't sharted in many years, and the only time I've sharted since 6th grade was when I was sick enough not to go into work. Today was a sickly wet one, but it came with no warning.


I must have clenched better than anyone has clenched before, because nothing got past my cheeks, leaving my boxer briefs as spotless as the lamb of god. I was able to clean up in the restroom stall (which, as a nested FWP, smelled like rotting lobsters [not from me]).


Since I would have gotten away with this without anyone noticing, I figured I should share it with watmm.



:ass mindsplosion:


how didn't it come out of your arse? do you have a holding bay? lol how could you even walk to the toilet?


i'm confused in the best possible way.

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Girlfriend must not be sleeping well tonight, she was getting bitchy about every little noise I make out in the living room while she's trying to sleep in the bedroom. However I'm being much quieter than I usually am most nights so I don't know what her deal is. Last time she came out I told her politely to just close the bedroom door to block out noise instead of making me turn everything down to super quiet levels, she blew up and stormed into the room slamming the door behind her. It's not even that time of the month... WTF?! Women are so crazy sometimes.

she's cheating on you

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Not safe for anyone:



I just sharted at work. I haven't sharted in many years, and the only time I've sharted since 6th grade was when I was sick enough not to go into work. Today was a sickly wet one, but it came with no warning.


I must have clenched better than anyone has clenched before, because nothing got past my cheeks, leaving my boxer briefs as spotless as the lamb of god. I was able to clean up in the restroom stall (which, as a nested FWP, smelled like rotting lobsters [not from me]).


Since I would have gotten away with this without anyone noticing, I figured I should share it with watmm.



:ass mindsplosion:


how didn't it come out of your arse? do you have a holding bay? lol how could you even walk to the toilet?


i'm confused in the best possible way.

I am equally confused and it was my own arse.


There was poo smeared around my butthole and on the inside cheek area-- a significant amount of poo, tbqh. I quadruple-checked my undies and pants and there was nothing. It's a miracle; literally holy shit IMO

Edited by baph
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Not safe for anyone:



I just sharted at work. I haven't sharted in many years, and the only time I've sharted since 6th grade was when I was sick enough not to go into work. Today was a sickly wet one, but it came with no warning.


I must have clenched better than anyone has clenched before, because nothing got past my cheeks, leaving my boxer briefs as spotless as the lamb of god. I was able to clean up in the restroom stall (which, as a nested FWP, smelled like rotting lobsters [not from me]).


Since I would have gotten away with this without anyone noticing, I figured I should share it with watmm.



:ass mindsplosion:


how didn't it come out of your arse? do you have a holding bay? lol how could you even walk to the toilet?


i'm confused in the best possible way.


fucking lol at a poop holding bay.

I can picture the little dude responsible for poop scheduling at the holding bay.

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She starts a new project at her job tomorrow, that must be it... I bet she's got herself all worked up inside her head about it.

she probably couldn't get to sleep because of nervousness. this makes little noises a lot louder to her, making it more difficult to fall asleep, and she might've even been roused from sleep, which can be infuriating when you're having a tough time falling asleep.


maybe invest in a loud fan for your room to prevent this from happening again. they can provide a pleasant layer of noise that covers up outside sounds that can be jarring.

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Not safe for anyone:



I just sharted at work. I haven't sharted in many years, and the only time I've sharted since 6th grade was when I was sick enough not to go into work. Today was a sickly wet one, but it came with no warning.


I must have clenched better than anyone has clenched before, because nothing got past my cheeks, leaving my boxer briefs as spotless as the lamb of god. I was able to clean up in the restroom stall (which, as a nested FWP, smelled like rotting lobsters [not from me]).


Since I would have gotten away with this without anyone noticing, I figured I should share it with watmm.



:ass mindsplosion:


how didn't it come out of your arse? do you have a holding bay? lol how could you even walk to the toilet?


i'm confused in the best possible way.


fucking lol at a poop holding bay.

I can picture the little dude responsible for poop scheduling at the holding bay.



red warning light rotating and air raid siren going in his colon to call all available workers for emergency bailing duties

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^ lol at all of this


For several years now my wife & I have shared a single bathroom, and in doing so have instituted a "poop meter" system in our house whereby one of us will begin to emit ekg-like pings (poops) to indicate the urgency at which he/she needs to evacuate. Knock on wood but to date neither of us have flatlined.

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I got a new job a week and a half ago thats 3 hours from my home. i commute on the weekends and stay in a hotel on the week days. it pays really well but i just found out i don't get my first paycheck until 45 days after i started. i hadn't saved up enough to keep paying my travel expenses and lodging, and my credit limit isn't high enough to carry me that long. i've got to figure something out.

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I came up with a solution to a FWP.

The drain in my bathtub has gotten so clogged that when I took a shower yesterday, I woke up this morning to find that there was still water at the bottom of the tub, along with a bunch of residue. Though there was drainage, it was at continental drift speed.

Long story short, I went to the store about two hours ago and bought a jug of drain cleaner and dumped about half of it down the drain, after I'd cleaned and scraped a bunch of residue off the bottom and displaced the undrained water with an irrigator bulb.

Now it fully drains in seconds. There's even a small cyclone as the water drains. Albeit a small success, it's a happy one. The drain was getting backed up for months, and I finally fixed it. I should probably clean it out more frequently in the future so as to prevent repeat blockages.

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